Topic: Trust in God and......
Sandra's photo
Tue 03/23/21 04:04 PM
There once was a very wise man that people would go to see and hear his wisdom. To reach this wiseman was a two day journey across the desert.

One day a group of people set out to see him and brought all the things they would need to survive in the desert, even their camels. As night approached, the group stopped and set up camp. However, they did not tie up their camels because they believed that God would take care of them and they trusted in this fact.

The next morning the camels were gone. The group, disheartened, still trekked the rest of the way to the wiseman and when finally sitting before him asked: “we trusted in God to take care of our camels, what happened?”

The wiseman replied “trust in God....and tie up your camels.

I guess it is only when we have done everything we can and have done our best, then it’s time to have faith that things will turn out ok.

....and if they don’t, learn from it and move on.