Topic: I need feedback ASAP!!!!!
Solow's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:15 PM
Ok.......some of you on this site know that I am into the music
industry. Some of you also know that I work for a large corporation.
Well, the problem is this: I was told that I couldn't possibly be a
rapper because I went to college and have the job that I have. If you
want, check this link: --- Look up SOLOW295 and check a
couple of my newest tracks that I'm working on and let me know what
y'all think. I'm not soliciting sales or anything like that because the
tracks are still in the rough-draft stages. They'll be finished this
evening when I get in the studio. Remember, the site is: Look for SOLOW295. Thanks.

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:27 PM
I haven't listened to your work yet but le me say this..Solow darlin
never ever let anyone tell you that you can't be anything because you
have ajob and an education, darlin all thats showin is that the people
sayin that are ignorant. Now with that said I am going to go listen to
your work

Solow's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:30 PM
Thanks Cherub. It's a sad case because other rappers feel that I think
I'm better than them because I have busted my ass to get to where I am
and I still have a long way to go. I don't feel that I am better than
anyone as a person, but I know for a fact my lyrics are SICK. Jay-Z
better watch his assssssss!

Tneal's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:35 PM
I agree.. NEVER let someone tell you who and what you can or cannot be.

Stay true to yourself....


escapedlunatic's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:37 PM
If you enjoy what you do...and you can pay the bills....then it dosn't
matter what the other guys say. Most of the time it's just said out of
jellousy anyhow!

theronin75's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:38 PM
smart people here! listen to their advice. anyone wanting to step on
your dreams aint worth listening to anyway. be all you can be not what
others say you can be.

purplecat's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:38 PM
YA!!! fuck 'em if they cant handle it..!!!

izzynavi's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:42 PM
Never let anyone stop you in the pursuit of your dreams. Keep fighting
'till you achieve it or someday you may look back and say "I wonder if I
could have made it."

If you don't fulfill your dream completely at least you gave it 100% and
you tried. No regets.

Pay no attention to other, let your heart guide you!

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:46 PM
Hell if I listened to every damn person who told me I couldn't write and
tha my poetry sucked, I would n't be writtin and my ass would be sittin
in the looney bin, I'd be a straightjacket wearin droolin whacko!!

michael1313's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:48 PM
I say to RUN with it,if THEY do not like it,,,
th' volume knob also turns to th'left!

if they still don't like it,,,
turn th' mo'fo' back up and ROCK TH' HOUSE!!!

Solow's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:51 PM
Another problem I have with other rappers is the fact that I choose my
words carefully, I'm not into that commercial bullshit and I sure as
hell never talk about things that have no effect on my life.......shit
like degrading women, how much money that was wasted on a rolex when my
children are starving.....shit like that will never be heard by me on a
track. On one of the tracks: "The New Pain" I verbally crushed our
Federal Government. I aint skirred of their asses either.

GypsyEyes's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:56 PM
Follow your dream SOLOW...I'm a skinny redheaded white woman who sings
the blues (not for profit just for fun) I think with your education
maybe you can rap something that could help a young person later on, you
know ,a new message, you don't have to be a thug to rap...

vanchau's photo
Wed 11/22/06 02:05 PM
Dude.. the world needs a little more depth in some of the hip hop/rap
music today.

So much of the music is processed and just created to make a buck and
has very little meaning. it sounds nice and has a beat but has no
message. Tupac was amazing... follow in his footsteps, he was a genius
and poet.

Solow's photo
Wed 11/22/06 02:12 PM
Has anyone listened to the tracks yet? If you want me to email them,
hit my mailbox and let me know.

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:20 PM
Solow..Vanchua said it all...he's on point darlin

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:26 PM
yeah,solow, so says everybody--stick with 'em and you'll do fine

poisonflightledr's photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:26 PM
yea what chue said now i'm no expert when it comes to hiphop or rap but
it seems to that it's a bit to commercialise and that rock stuff they
sarted in the 90's well it's no long a creative prossece...but plaine
old rock n roll needs to go back to it's roots regroup and start turning
thins out again creativle..I know what I'm talking about and can back it
up with 10 plus yrs. in the industry, ok thats my 2 cents

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:30 PM
i didnt check your music, but i think you should go with what you feel
is right man. f em if they dont like it, this isnt conflicting with your
work right? if it is not, then it is not their problem