Topic: Grateful & Positive
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 09/18/22 11:03 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Sun 09/18/22 11:04 AM

Sounds great Crystal... I'm happy you are here! Your positive energy is both inspiring and refreshing. :heart:

That is really sweet and good to hear! Thank you so much, River!
:heart: :heart: :heart:

OT - Right now grateful and happy about having a lazy Sunday :D Watching a great many clips on YouTube.
Ending with buying a tree oracle card deck. That came up the other day during a walk when I was tuning into nature and trees. Feeling for what message each tree had for me.
It'd been a long time since I'd worked with trees, and suddenly the longing for that came back. And with it the desire to finally buy a tree oracle card deck, which I found :)
Watched a number of unboxing & reviews on YouTube, relaxing, enjoying, having a good Sunday while the storm winds are still raging outdoors.

Feeling grateful for this leisure time and that I currently have the means to purchase the tree oracle!

Somewhere early in the afternoon I got fed up with how smoking made me feel and I put a patch on my backside.
Not saying I'm going to quit now, but I felt I needed at least a bit of a break.

Loving this Sunday!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 09/19/22 06:37 AM
Happy that I got some fresh air again :)
It was dry, sun was shining -YAY- so I went for a walk. Got some great food at the supermarket while I was at it, and got home just in time as we got hit by another shower minutes later.

I loved being outdoors, loved having the sun on me and it was so gloriously warm!!

And tonight going to love eating the pulled pork I bought :) First time they ever had that.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 09/21/22 07:51 AM
Really happy that I managed to put a 2nd and 3rd layer of paint on the new wood of the garage!
And totally chuffed that I managed to fix the loose planks of the gate (thank you storms!). And after that decided to put a fresh coating of paint on the gate as well.

Really tired right now, but also feeling very happy and grateful that in spite of my not so strong joints I am managing & succeeding to do these things!

So yup... grateful! Going to hug my body to thank it and love it.
:heart: smooched :heart: smooched :heart: smooched :heart:

sonofrangi's photo
Wed 09/21/22 08:15 PM
Grateful to wake up every morning....even more grateful to get up and do things around the house...feel kinda useful that way :grin:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 10/05/22 07:51 AM
When I called on AA Michael at the beginning of the webinar earlier this afternoon I got so incredibly hot!
Always amazing to feel how powerful AA Michael is! And I cried, somehow there was a release of something.

Working through the chambers & lessons of the Alta Major chakra was so good! I will do that one more often, might help my neck & shoulders a lot too.

Grateful for that beautiful workshop, and so happy it shifted so much for me.

:heart: smooched :heart: smooched

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 10/26/22 04:01 PM
I've been feeling really good the last couple of days! A ton of energy and I have been doing lots and lots.
I always love such days, and I'm grateful for 'em :D
I guess the Solar Eclipse and the new moon Scorpio do/did me a lot of good!
ANd of course enjoying seeing the result of my hard work :smile:
:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Wed 10/26/22 06:37 PM
Positive week and day. The children are promoting wear red day to show that this town will be against drugs. They gave out free coffee and donuts at 7 am, while it was still dark outside.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 10/27/22 05:49 AM
^^^Interesting and great initiative, Cat!

OT - Happy I got some administrative chores out of the way, and a phone call to finish it off.
Now ready for fun things in life, and lo' and behold: the sun just starting shining!
Talk about great timing :heart: :smile:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/31/22 09:28 AM
Totally grateful that everything worked out so well today!
Had to stain the wood behind the gutter so had to get the thing loose for the umpteenth time, and do that early afternoon so it had time to dry a little before putting it back.
I did it!
Then it was to the dentist, fearing the worst for my tooth. But... she put a layer of special stuff around the neck of the tooth which should sort the problem.
Really happy!! And grateful I have such a wonderful dentist.

Then back in work clothes to properly reattach the gutter. That couldn't wait as we get heavy storm gusts tomorrow.
I also hung it better as the handyman clearly didn't really know how to do that.
Again hurrying as it was getting dark.
But... I did it!!!
Stained behind the gutter twice...
Gutter is fixed and draining really well...
Tooth is fixed and hopefully no more pain...
I even managed to get the plank screwed into the hardwood pole to close the gap between the gates and the garage. Thanks to my new more powerful Makita drill.

Thank goodness I had the wisdom to get me a lasagna to put in the oven as I figured I wouldn't have time/energy to cook anymore.
And I was right, hihi.
Waiting for it to be ready so I can eat!!

A busy day, but damn does it feel good to have sorted so many things all by myself!

Larsi666 😽's photo
Mon 10/31/22 09:37 AM
Today is exactly one year after I had that horrible road accident. I just wanted to say that I am grateful for all good wishes and words of encouragement. Thanks folks :four_leaf_clover::blush:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 11/12/22 12:36 PM
An amazing day! Everything truly worked out!
My boots had to arrive and depending on the time of that I could go to the crystal shop, or not.
THey arrived early enough, and I didn't even unpack the boots, decided to keep that as a treat for when I came home, and drove to the crystal shop.
Traffic was great, everything worked out, traffic lights, it not being busy, no pushy drivers behind me, the sun was shining, etc.

I took my time to choose the crystal I'd wanted, found another one, and after just over an hour I went back home.
Again everything worked out. Traffic, got cheap petrol in a village, back on the road. A few pushy drivers, but I called on Spirit for help and each time these drivers either began keeping their distance or turned off onto another road.
No hassle, relaxed drive.
Beautiful sunset when I got close to home.

Back home I tried on my boots. And... 3 times lucky: they're absolutely perfect! Gorgeous and totally comfortable!
My inlays fit in them with ease, as do my feet, I can even wear a thicker sock in 'em!!

Just a wonderful day, what we say in Dutch, a day with a golden edge to it.
smooched :heart: smooched :heart:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 11/26/22 08:52 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Sat 11/26/22 08:54 AM
Totally happy with my new phone :) Amazing how easy I got used to it and got everything set up. Normally I struggle with that, but this Xiaomi is wonderfully clear!

Also very happy with the bookcase for said mobile in rose-gold. It's more beautiful even than it appeared in the photo!

Happy that everything is working out today, even though I had to drive back and forth to the DIY 4x. But managed to get the drill back in time so I only pay for the day and not the entire weekend.
He even managed to drill 4 extra holes so I can stick an extra support in for the gates! YAY! Hopefully the gates won't move and back so much anymore with that extra pole in, which I will do myself, as long as the holes have been drilled I'm good to go.

Handyman is going to finish the fencing today, which I hadn't expected, so brill!

In spite of being tired from all the to-do I feel good and content.
A busy but good day! And tomorrow's there's waking up and seeing the new fencing -that he's still working on as we speak- finished and in daylight :D

So yup... happy!
:heart: smooched :heart:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 12/02/22 08:08 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Fri 12/02/22 08:09 AM
Feeling good about my decision to listen to some Abe Hicks clips on YouTube earlier today :D
Did me a lot of good!

Also feel good & happy & chuffed with myself that I managed to fix the gate. Because of having to use the straps for storms for years on end I couldn't open and close the gate properly anymore. It had gotten too tight, crammed together.
Took me about an hour to fix as the old screws weren't stainless steel. But... I'm creative and don't easily give up and I did it!
With stainless steel screws this time.
Feeling really proud of myself that I got it done!

And incredibly happy that I set up my Christmas tree yesterday! I'm enjoying it so much, also that it's standing in a different spot. Unusual, I always had it in a corner, but to be honest, this is much better!
I should've thought of it years ago :)

So even though my lower back is still aching I'm happy, and got another thing sorted.
Great day for sure!! Not from the outside in, but because I managed to feel it inside and then let it ripple out.
smooched :heart:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 12/28/22 07:20 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Wed 12/28/22 07:21 AM
Feeling happy! My new cleaning lady, a young woman, is also into crystals, meditation and so on!!
She's intelligent, shows initiative, and as far as I can tell after 1 time also works well.

I feel blessed!
The one I used to have was a problem woman, in long-term therapy, not too bright, didn't work fast, and had a very heavy energy around her. I sometimes even had to smudge my home after she'd been.
So I think it was a blessing from Spirit that she left and I got this new one, even though it took 7 months!

:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Mon 01/02/23 11:46 AM
Grateful to learn of last year's life lesson. Positive this year will bring me one step closer to another layer of healing.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 01/02/23 11:59 AM

Grateful to learn of last year's life lesson. Positive this year will bring me one step closer to another layer of healing.

Sounds good, Stormy!!
:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Mon 01/02/23 01:57 PM

Grateful to learn of last year's life lesson. Positive this year will bring me one step closer to another layer of healing.

Sounds good, Stormy!!
:heart: :heart: :heart:

Thank you SparklingCrystal!
:heart: :heart: :heart:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 01/06/23 04:08 PM
Feeling happy & grateful for having had a great day!
No big things, just a normal day, but it was wonderful nonetheless and I feel happy.
:heart: :heart: :heart:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 01/08/23 07:57 AM
Dancing and singing while I walk back & forth to
clean up my paint stuff.
Volume got turned up when "Freedom" by George Michael came on.
I LOVE that song!
The dancing and singing happened by itself, what a glorious feeling!
Obviously painting made me very happy, haha.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Sun 01/08/23 08:48 AM
I LOVE Freedom by George Michael! Great song and message.

I am grateful I asked my spirit guides to bring me potential friends that live a healthy lifestyle. Im happy so far with two. Both respectful. I dig that.

Happy that Houston has been able to text me this morning. So nice to catch up with her and hopefully vice versa.

Grateful for the rain today and cooler weather. Nice to sit outside and read.

Overall, an amazing day.