Topic: American politics
Chris's photo
Thu 12/08/22 06:29 PM
Just out of curiosity. Why is politics on everyone's mind and at the end of our tongues? I been thinking this way a long time. At the end of the day every American loves their freedom, their liberties!! Of course, that being possible because our constitution guarantees every American, no matter party lines, has "what they said" is a God given right! God or no God, God aside,
we're humans, we don't want to be told what to do or when to do something. We don't want to be controlled!! Man dont want other man telling him what do or controlling his life's in any way. Isn't that the exact reason when growing up you move from your parents? Well, more common reason. Had to rephrase that.
At the end of the day why can't we put all that bs aside, there's no Republican, no Democrat no party.... JUST AMERICAN!!!!! We can find that common ground, if we looked. It's exists, in America....
because we're all different, believe in different things, have different names, have different houses opinions so on.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 12/08/22 07:28 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Thu 12/08/22 07:29 PM
It has to do with changing the rules as we go. Clearly we can't follow every rule that was made 250 years ago as it was ment to be as there has been so many dramatic changes in everything from technology, to the way people live, and what we believe in. The problem arises from who wants to change the rules, and why they want to change the rules, usually so that they have an advantage in some form. Religion which is almost as old as humans is also politics, telling people how to live, making rules. With all the knowledge that people have today it's hard to believe that people still follow what people made up thousands of years ago, but many do. It's all a game, it's all about control, getting the most people on your side enhances their control. So they sell people on ideas, brain wash them, do whatever it takes to try and gain an edge.

Bart's photo
Fri 12/09/22 06:47 AM
Edited by Bart on Fri 12/09/22 06:49 AM

It has to do with changing the rules as we go. Clearly we can't follow every rule that was made 250 years ago as it was ment to be as there has been so many dramatic changes in everything from technology, to the way people live, and what we believe in. The problem arises from who wants to change the rules, and why they want to change the rules, usually so that they have an advantage in some form. Religion which is almost as old as humans is also politics, telling people how to live, making rules. With all the knowledge that people have today it's hard to believe that people still follow what people made up thousands of years ago, but many do. It's all a game, it's all about control, getting the most people on your side enhances their control. So they sell people on ideas, brain wash them, do whatever it takes to try and gain an edge.

Maybe people still believe in those ideas “ made up” thousands of years ago because of faith. People want to believe there is something bigger and better after their passing. You know , the big reward . Ever lasting life , without sickness or pain or worries. No one knows for sure what’s waiting in the afterlife. But it is comforting to think Heaven awaits you . Just think how horrible this world would be to live in if there was no faith in God. We see it everyday now, with the canceling of God in schools and government we see a rise in crime against others, more division among ourselves. We see schools expelling lessons of faith and love while promoting and celebrating things like transgenders, drag queens and censorship . With all the knowledge people have today it’s hard to believe so many people want to turn this country into another Sodom and Gomorrah .

Chris's photo
Fri 12/09/22 06:09 PM
Well said y'all. I appreciate your input. That being said however, what if, throwing away parties and just being Americans might be that change we need. Actually, that's the exactly how thier able to divide us.

Chris's photo
Fri 12/09/22 06:19 PM
no ulterior motive to be gained. However, every American gaines. believe what you want how you want when you want. "My opinion" that one change and the constitution could still be upheld. No more division; at least as we know it now. win win. If every American moves as one "with our differences" we would be that much harder to divide and penetrate. like I said though, that's my opinion.

stan_147's photo
Fri 12/09/22 08:33 PM
Do you mean that some of us should just simply agree to disagree?

dust4fun's photo
Fri 12/09/22 08:52 PM
I will use religion to explain once again. The Democrats and Republicans are like Muslims and Christians, yes there are plenty of other religions and beliefs, but those groups are so big it's hard for anybody else to gain control of the people. Independents, the green party, all the little parties out there don't have the power, the money, or the backers to gain ground. People are like sheep, they follow the flock, however I think people are starting to think more freely nowadays, and they get much more information. 100years ago people were happy to support the government, they were more patriotic, look at the support people gave during WW2. But now the government has screwed people over in so many ways that people no longer trust them, they have no respect for the people or the money the people supply them. It's natural for people to want to belong, as in belong to a group, like being Democrat or Republican, and the parties know this and try to pin us against each other in order to cause a conflict and make us choose a side. Things will get much worse before they ever get better. So to answer the question "Can't we all just get along?" the answer is "No" unless there are some major changes in the way things are done. Maybe the people should be voting directly for policy's
instead of voting for people that say they will do things and never come thru with their promises?

stan_147's photo
Fri 12/09/22 10:00 PM
Wait Dust, are you suggesting that politicians should be held accountable for lies told?

Chris's photo
Sat 12/10/22 12:33 AM
I will use religion to explain once again. The Democrats and Republicans are like Muslims and Christians, yes there are plenty of other religions and beliefs, but those groups are so big it's hard for anybody else to gain control of the people. Independents, the green party, all the little parties out there don't have the power, the money, or the backers to gain ground. People are like sheep, they follow the flock, however I think people are starting to think more freely nowadays, and they get much more information. 100years ago people were happy to support the government, they were more patriotic, look at the support people gave during WW2. But now the government has screwed people over in so many ways that people no longer trust them, they have no respect for the people or the money the people supply them. It's natural for people to want to belong, as in belong to a group, like being Democrat or Republican, and the parties know this and try to pin us against each other in order to cause a conflict and make us choose a side. Things will get much worse before they ever get better. So to answer the question "Can't we all just get along?" the answer is "No" unless there are some major changes in the way things are done. Maybe the people should be voting directly for policy's
instead of voting for people that say they will do things and never come thru with their promises?

I respect everyone's input and encourage it. That being said, as I figured, all of our opinions, beliefs way of life, you can literally breakdown our differences in yearly, monthly, weekly, days, minutes and so on. when your a kid in school you talk to anyone; probably friended whoever wanted to be around ya. if you work, obviously depending on the job but most jobs you talk, communicate and get along with everyone. so yeah we could get along but...
for example, I didn't care for trump when he ran. he wrote that book in 07 I believe, "the America we deserve." he talked about gun control and I knew he flipped flopped between his political ideas. However, im believe in truth, results proof ect. president before him, economy was in the tank, everything was doubled or triple sky rocket inflation y'all get it. he also said america will no longer be a manufacturing country ever again. those same people keep promising cities and black communities they'll get better but 15 20 yrs later; just a steady decline! they all lie!
President Trump, however, who I doubted at first, not only said what he was gonna do but did it and in most cases did it better than he originally stated. all races, religions everyone that wanted to prospered under President Trump! l He put America first, peace through strength! not only were we almost energy independent, economy was on fire and only getting hotter, utilities, gas grocery everything was cheaper and shelves in the stores were full. Life was great and not just for a specific people, but everyone did better!!! oh and he bring manufacturing back!!! I gotta say it again, I didn't want President Trump until we actually got President Trump. I can admit I was wrong and still hold my head high because I never weaver. I stick to facts, truth results ect. and I'm never dissatisfied at the end of the day like politically motivated people.
politicians are fake, they come with bureaucrats and are bought and paid for which is the exact reason you can't believe anything thing they say. President Trump said though, he's no politician, he's a business man and he won't go against anything he ran on and his words held actions.. actions that backed every word he said. that's what I live by. my word is my bond I tell you I'm gonna do something you better believe I'm doing it.
it didn't matter to me republican democrat, as long as you did what you said, I would've backed you too!! but that's the difference between republicans and realists like myself. every republican I talk to is downing liberals and I understand why they feel that way but I also understand how liberals feel. obviously, I just said who i would vote for because he produced facts and results. maybe, instead of both sides approaching the situation politically; you need to look em in the eye and say and say it because its truth. republican or democrat? capitalism or socialism even communism? Yes, there's a slight difference in ideology but call it what you want even liberalism ect. garbage is garbage, to me. but that should be the point of discussion. capitalism and that cannot co- exist. parties however can and we have as long as their not promoting that in America for example. So yes, that's the problem. That's the exact reason that the far left in that party calls a orange a apple and if you disagree your racist. That's why they say liberal not socialist. no one will vote for that and that's no good. so everything is opposite with them because if facts and truth prevail they have no chance. with is why they want gov. to control the media, elections and so on. same thing being done in N. Korea, Russia ect. hell, look at Venezuela; they were the wealthiest country in south America until the socialist dictator turned that country into a banana republic. I'll even go as far as breaking it down, socialism works great.. in small groups where everyone has a job and puts in to help the group. Eskimo groups in Alaska still do it today but in a large country it will never work. Time and time again it's proven true but yet here we are now. they're trying to try it again but here in America.

Bart's photo
Sat 12/10/22 06:04 AM
Edited by Bart on Sat 12/10/22 06:06 AM
Politicians are in a the same category as lawyers and car salesman. Being less than honest is pertinent to doing their job successfully. We don’t like it but we accept it to a certain degree. We have to if we want to eventually get things done. But it seems the media has fallen into that category, and chosen a side to align with. This is one group that should never let their political differences direct the way they do their job. Once that happens it can only get worse for the other side and the country. The more the media constructs it’s reporting to help cover for that party the more that party feels it can get by with. And one thing leads to another and another. Where does it end. Someone once said , if you control information you can control everything. Is this where this country is headed ?

Chris's photo
Sat 12/10/22 08:13 AM
Politicians are in a the same category as lawyers and car salesman. Being less than honest is pertinent to doing their job successfully. We don’t like it but we accept it to a certain degree. We have to if we want to eventually get things done. But it seems the media has fallen into that category, and chosen a side to align with. This is one group that should never let their political differences direct the way they do their job. Once that happens it can only get worse for the other side and the country. The more the media constructs it’s reporting to help cover for that party the more that party feels it can get by with. And one thing leads to another and another. Where does it end. Someone once said , if you control information you can control everything. Is this where this country is headed ?

well said. anyone with any sense of direction can feel where we were 2 yrs ago and now. much worse. like I said, I can feel it and so can they if they open their minds up but their so brain washed they can't tell whats being done even though it's happening right in front of them. like drilling,they say we can't drill here because global warming but yet we can let other countries that hate us drill and we give them money? what global warming doesn't exist there only here?! hello!!! as the same people that talk about it turn around and get on their private jets burning more than we ever could. that's ridiculous to me. that's a slap in the face and no respect if you wanted it. that's what the elite thinks of them but they can't see it. I mean, how'd they convince you Santa clause don't exist but you believe in a hole lotta crap that isn't proven on the other hand. global warming hasn't been proved or disproved. every yr we get closer to the sun so the glaciers will in fact melt eventually anyway. that's not politics it's science. there's no god but your final answer is could've would've should've. God and Santa clause don't exist but you believe in pink unicorns and a utopia where it's gonna be better than America but they can't see the irony. I'm not gonna debate nothing I can't prove or has positive results. that's because where I live in realville 2+2=4 not some other ridiculous number someone came up with. but that's what they do, that's how it starts, its not education they been pushing for yrs but indoctrination.