Topic: The Bible
Romeo's photo
Mon 02/27/23 01:10 AM
the name the bible means book, this book contains a story, not a bad story, in my opinion a piece of fiction which describes ethics and a way of life that people can choose to follow, I wouldn't think all readers/followers believe its a true story, but nonetheless they choose to abide by its teachings. And if we all had morals and feelings for others even as agnostics we could accept that the ten commandments for example is a good foundation for life rules.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Mon 02/27/23 08:13 AM
You don't need the Bible or other "holy" books to know fro example that you shouldn't steal. It's common sense

Ward's photo
Tue 02/28/23 02:35 PM
The first three commandments say stick with this religion. The fourth specifies a day for doing the sticking. The next five are rules for social behaviour (which are obvious as Ɔʎɹɐx says), but there's nothing there about the treatment of children and animals, prefering evidence to theories, messing up the planet, and so on. In fact most people could write a better bible. As for not coveting, ambition and desire is what brought us out of the caves, so stuff that.