Topic: A Meditation
LadyValkyrie37's photo
Tue 01/15/08 08:01 PM
How often do you hear, "If God existed, he wouldn't allow so many injustices to be committed." If we wish to understand God's patience, we must never lose sight of the law of cause and effect, one of the fundamental laws of creation. There is no cause without effect anywhere in the universe; every act and every element is the consequence of a cause. It is only the brevity of life that prevents human beings from having the correct viewpoint and the correct understanding of events; the causes and consequences escape them. That is why they are impatient.

Patience is a virtue that is acquired through an awareness of the continuance of life. As long as people are unable to take a long-term view, they are impatient and draw hasty conclusions, for they see only aberrations and injustice everywhere. Those, on the other hand, who are capable of seeing how the law of cause and effect works will notice that everything is just and everything has meaning.

by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900, Serbtzi, Bulgaria - 1986, Fréjus, France) was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, alchemist, mystic, magus and astrologer. He was a disciple of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno), the founder of the "Universal White Brotherhood."

His main objective is to help human beings to recapture their spiritual essence (which he refers to as their superior or divine nature), to perfect, strengthen themselves and to blossom in the heart of their activities. Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov further says: “I have always concentrated my efforts to shed light on one subject in particular: the two natures within people, their superior nature and their inferior nature, because this is the key that holds the solution to all problems.”

Yet, the inner, individual work, encompasses in a wider, more universal scope: it opens the consciousness to the fact that we are citizens of the cosmos, members of the great human family, the universal brotherhood, sons and daughters of the same creator. And moreover still, the teaching of the Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov invites us to participate to the realization of a new golden age on earth.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/15/08 08:03 PM

How often do you hear, "If God existed, he wouldn't allow so many injustices to be committed." If we wish to understand God's patience, we must never lose sight of the law of cause and effect, one of the fundamental laws of creation. There is no cause without effect anywhere in the universe; every act and every element is the consequence of a cause. It is only the brevity of life that prevents human beings from having the correct viewpoint and the correct understanding of events; the causes and consequences escape them. That is why they are impatient.

Patience is a virtue that is acquired through an awareness of the continuance of life. As long as people are unable to take a long-term view, they are impatient and draw hasty conclusions, for they see only aberrations and injustice everywhere. Those, on the other hand, who are capable of seeing how the law of cause and effect works will notice that everything is just and everything has meaning.

by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900, Serbtzi, Bulgaria - 1986, Fréjus, France) was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, alchemist, mystic, magus and astrologer. He was a disciple of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno), the founder of the "Universal White Brotherhood."

His main objective is to help human beings to recapture their spiritual essence (which he refers to as their superior or divine nature), to perfect, strengthen themselves and to blossom in the heart of their activities. Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov further says: “I have always concentrated my efforts to shed light on one subject in particular: the two natures within people, their superior nature and their inferior nature, because this is the key that holds the solution to all problems.”

Yet, the inner, individual work, encompasses in a wider, more universal scope: it opens the consciousness to the fact that we are citizens of the cosmos, members of the great human family, the universal brotherhood, sons and daughters of the same creator. And moreover still, the teaching of the Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov invites us to participate to the realization of a new golden age on earth.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom Lady Valkyrie

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Thu 01/17/08 03:45 AM
"Contrary to what is generally believed, in order to receive we must first give. It is true you cannot give if you do not already possess something, and if you have received nothing you cannot possess anything. But it is a question of knowing from where and from whom to receive. Yet, instead of drawing their needs from the invisible world, most humans turn to other human beings, and that's how they gradually take everything the others have: not only their money and possessions but also their energy, ideas and feelings. You could even say that lovers are the greatest thieves alive! And as there are nothing but love stories everywhere, in poetry and novels, and at the theatre and cinema, that means there are only stories about thieves: yes, it's true, it's all about who will succeed in stealing the heart, attention and time of another. If you observe and reflect on this, you will notice that, on the psychic plane as on the physical plane, people do nothing but steal." --Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Fri 01/18/08 05:25 AM
"The knowledge we possess falls into two categories: that which is truly ours, because we have really tasted it and lived it, and that which is in some way foreign to us, because it remains theoretical book knowledge. Those content to limit themselves to theoretical knowledge will return in their next life as ignorant and as limited as they would if they had never learnt anything. Whereas the most humble, insignificant men and women, who have worked to put into practice what they have learnt in the realm of virtues, will return with faculties that enable them to manifest as truly wise and intelligent beings. Knowledge that you have put into practice, made part of your life, will remain in your possession for ever: you will take it with you to whatever planet you go to live on in the future. But all your theoretical knowledge, which, in fact, is only borrowed knowledge, will be erased and lost to you." --Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Sat 01/19/08 06:30 PM
"People occasionally ask me, in connection with family members or for themselves for the future, whether it is better to bury a dead person or have them cremated. It is difficult to reply categorically to such a question. For most humans, burial is certainly preferable, because their soul needs a great deal of time to leave the physical body: they were so attached to material possessions and earthly pleasures that their soul remains there, restlessly drifting around their body. Some won't even have believed in life after death, so now they don't understand where they are. They need entities from the invisible world to enlighten and guide them. So, if their body is burnt after their death, they are left disoriented by the brutal separation of their body and soul. On the other hand, very spiritual beings, who have learnt all their life to detach themselves from matter, can be cremated: fire helps them to cut all links with their physical body more quickly. But those who conduct such a cremation must possess a certain spiritual knowledge, so as to be conscious of what they are doing. The body of a human being, even when dead, must not be burnt as though it were a piece of old furniture."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Sun 01/20/08 09:13 PM
"The rituals prescribed by religions are only forms. These forms are, of course, useful but only to the extent that the believer is capable of bringing life to them, making them meaningful. The most important ritual for Christians is communion. But it is only beneficial for them to receive the host and wine if they have learnt to commune with the Creator in a greater, more profound way, through the simple acts of everyday life: eating, drinking, walking, breathing, looking, listening, sleeping, loving and working. Yes, it's true: when we breathe, when we sleep, when we contemplate nature, the mountains, the sea, the sun and the stars, we are able to live magnificent states of consciousness which are a form of communion. In fact, it is this communion which then gives meaning to Christian communion." --Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Thu 01/24/08 10:02 PM
"The few minutes of prayer and meditation we have before meals
create the conditions needed for eating to become a sacred act. So, why are even Christians gradually losing this habit? But, whether or not you are a Christian, try to understand that it is important to meditate for a moment before you eat, so as to be fully conscious of the importance of the gestures you are about to make and to be in control of them throughout the meal. Control of our gestures is one of the conditions for the control of our thoughts and feelings. So, before each meal, remain silent for a few seconds; immerse yourself in the awareness of how important, even indispensable, to life this act of eating is. Be respectful of your food, and your gestures will be imbued with a suppleness, a harmony, a gentleness and an extraordinary love that will reflect on you. And then with what ease you will carry out your everyday tasks!"

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Thu 01/24/08 10:02 PM
"Why is it so difficult for humans to live together? It is because they have absolutely no consideration for each other, no respect. That is why the collective life is a wonderful opportunity to develop and expand one's consciousness. Those who live a solitary life can be selfish and capricious; there is no one for whom they have to make the effort to monitor and improve their behavior. But once they start dealing with others, what an effort they have to make!

The proof of a human being's evolution is how conscious they are of belonging to a whole, much greater than themselves, whose harmony they are careful not to disturb by their activity, thoughts, feelings and inner noise. You will ask, 'What do you mean by inner noise?' Yes, all noise is the result of dissonance, and the noise we make inwardly, with our feelings, our trauma and rebellion, troubles the psychic atmosphere. Those who make this noise do not know they are also hurting themselves, for one day this noise will appear within them in the form of psychic disturbances or even physical illness."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Thu 01/24/08 10:02 PM
"Alchemists have described the preparation of the philosopher's stone as 'woman's work and child's play'. We must understand that this refers to very specific play and work, relating to the role and vocation of the masculine and feminine principles. The true task of woman is one that man is incapable of performing: to carry her child in the womb and bring it into the world. Whereas 'child's play' is the domain of man: his role is 'to play' so that the woman is given this seed to carry and bring to maturity.

So those who wish to fathom the secret of the philosopher's stone must understand the elements and processes that are set in motion when a man and woman conceive a child, and then, once the child is conceived, they must understand how it is formed in its mother's womb. The preparation of the philosopher's stone obeys the same laws as conception and gestation, because the same laws govern the different kingdoms of creation."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Thu 01/24/08 10:02 PM
"We will not live on earth or in our physical body for all eternity. That is why, in our psychic, spiritual life we must never be defeated by material conditions but must always find a way for the spirit to triumph. Matter, with all the difficulties it presents, has been given to us as a stimulus for the spirit, and by 'matter' we must understand not only the physical body but equally our psychic world, which is also a type of matter; it may be less opaque than the matter of the physical world, but it is matter all the same. So, you must no longer say, 'I can't do anything; look at all these obstacles stopping me!' You think that stating this fact proves you're right, for 'that's how things are', but there are other facts you have overlooked. You give in to a material, objective reality. But if you know how to act, another reality, which is every bit as real, will have the last word: divine Reality. "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Fri 02/01/08 09:06 PM
"As they do not know very much, most people think they can say almost anything on the subject of spirituality and spiritualists. No, no! If someone has absolutely no light in his face, it is clear he is spiritually under-nourished, because he hasn't known which inner restaurant to go into to nourish himself. You may say, 'Yes, but if he prays, if he meditates, if he's honest, charitable and modest, if he's faithful to his wife.' He may be all of that, but if no clarity emanates from him it is because he does not know how to feed his inner self. How is it that none of his virtues show on his face? But then I meet a radiant being. Whatever people say about him, I think, 'Here is someone who has the secret of spiritual life, and I want to learn this secret from him, for he is a sun, a flowing spring!'"

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Sun 02/03/08 11:53 PM
"Human beings are on earth to work; and when I say work, I mean to work first on themselves, to make the effort to transcend their limitations, to surpass themselves. People go off to work every day, of course, but their efforts in this respect are mainly aimed at ensuring their livelihood, their well-being and their material security. They are not particularly prepared for the mental work that would make them master of all situations. They count on an easy existence where nothing painful or unfortunate will ever happen to them. The Lord himself must protect them, give them peace of mind and good health; that is even why they pray to him. As for non-believers, they expect to be assisted and protected by society. But no, humans must understand they will never be totally protected or beyond harm's reach. They are on earth to learn and develop, and their difficulties and ordeals are there precisely in order to get them to do this; there is no escape. So, instead of running in all directions with their demands, protests and complaints, each one must do some inner work, for they will find the remedies, comfort and hope they need within themselves first."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

DavidF's photo
Mon 02/04/08 01:42 AM
I have to admit that I only skimmed the thread but I think those viewing it, the ones who are interested, anyway, would do themselves good by reading "The Way of the Pilgrim". It's a great book on the subject of spirituality by an anonymous Russian author. It mainly teaches the idea of constant communication with "god".

DavidF's photo
Mon 02/04/08 01:46 AM

"So, before each meal, remain silent for a few seconds; immerse yourself in the awareness of how important, even indispensable, to life this act of eating is. Be respectful of your food, and your gestures will be imbued with a suppleness, a harmony, a gentleness and an extraordinary love that will reflect on you. And then with what ease you will carry out your everyday tasks!"

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

As to the above quote, I would suggest exercising mindfulness in all aspects of life, not just the few seconds before you tuck into a meal.

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Mon 02/04/08 03:53 PM

"So, before each meal, remain silent for a few seconds; immerse yourself in the awareness of how important, even indispensable, to life this act of eating is. Be respectful of your food, and your gestures will be imbued with a suppleness, a harmony, a gentleness and an extraordinary love that will reflect on you. And then with what ease you will carry out your everyday tasks!"

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

As to the above quote, I would suggest exercising mindfulness in all aspects of life, not just the few seconds before you tuck into a meal.

I agree. however, I have to admit with raising 3 kids and taking care of an entire household I sometimes fail in practicing mindfulness. My mind is constantly busy thinking of the next thing I have to do, the next person I have to care for, the next appointment I have to be at, what I'm fixing for dinner, ect. As a mother I have to constantly think like this to keep ontop of things. However, I've seen first hand what practicing mindfulness skills can do for me. Occassionally I pick up any of the books I have by Thich Nhat Hanh and read it to help ground myself and get back into mindfulness mode.

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Mon 02/04/08 10:55 PM
"Even if it is impossible for them to be completely unaware of the fact, it is better for children of very rich families not to know the extent of the fortune they will one day inherit. Children who count on their future inheritance believe they are naturally exempt from having to make any effort or from learning to get by on their own. They become lazy, capricious and good for nothing. And that is how the parents' fortune is the cause of their children's moral decline. Parents should therefore leave their children in ignorance of their future inheritance for as long as possible. Once they have acquired good work habits and self-control, there will be no danger in them being made aware of it. How does the Lord act with humans? As he is the greatest of all teachers, the greatest pedagogue, he does not immediately show them the inheritance that awaits them in the heavenly mansions on high. So, believing themselves poor and wretched, they work and sweat. And when, after all their tears and suffering, they prove themselves worthy of their inheritance, their heavenly Father will reveal all the treasures he has amassed for them."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov