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Topic: Living together
bmustang's photo
Tue 12/12/06 04:46 PM
Living together or marrage?Do you think theres a difference?I do if you
live together there are no ties.You always have a out.I think marrage is
best over just living together.There are thing that come into play but
living together is to me just that.How can you invest time and money.Buy
a house,car and do it without the fear of one day someone up and leave
ya with the bill and no recourse in court.Just a view from a old fshiond

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 04:51 PM
today you can get married and STILL be left out.. a lil thang called
Pre-nup's !!

brandie986969's photo
Tue 12/12/06 04:56 PM
well lets think about what u said.if u live with someone u are investing
time and money into it.u are together still.the only diffrence is a
piece of paper.

BillRoot's photo
Tue 12/12/06 04:59 PM
alot of states still have commin law togather long
enough,usually 7 years,and the state conciders you married.when you
split everything involved gets split aswell.401k,pention,bills,ect. ya
just cant win

Kevin3824's photo
Tue 12/12/06 05:07 PM
A wise person once told me "Marriage is a fine institution if you want
to be institutionalized."

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 05:10 PM
in Quebec.. the law states that "if you live with a partner for the
period of 12 months.. you are considered common-law"

ze french are quick no??

BillRoot's photo
Tue 12/12/06 05:10 PM
lol good kevin seems that way for the majority now.i still beleave if
you get with the right one it would be the best thing that could happen
to you.

Kevin3824's photo
Tue 12/12/06 05:55 PM
Zero in Las Vegas if you live with a person more then 48 hours and
fornicate during that time your married that is a bit faster.

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 05:57 PM
wow.. That IS fast Kevin!! woo hoo!!!

better tell that guy the VEGAS trip is OFF!!! LMAO

the Cad!! LOL

BillRoot's photo
Tue 12/12/06 05:59 PM
lmao,amasing how fast everything is in vegas.surprised they dont have a
express lane for death row.

Kevin3824's photo
Tue 12/12/06 06:02 PM
I already turned down a business trip there for January to meet with a
female business associate. They are not roping me in like that sorry.
Besides that particular woman is not my type I have issues communicating
what I see as simple thoughts to here where I feel comfortable that she
understands me. 45 minutes to walk a person through a username and
password on a logon screen is more then a little bit nerve racking.

44hello's photo
Tue 12/12/06 06:07 PM
I believe marriage to be the right choice when you want to have
children, otherwise living together in a committed relationship is the
better choice...mostly for the man who generally stands to lose most
financially through divorce. It cost me about a half mil to be married
for 7 years, but I have a beautiful 6 yr. old daughter and willingly
gave my ex the house and some cash during an uncontested civil divorce!
At least since my daughter primarily lives at her place, it's ok by me.

bmustang's photo
Tue 12/12/06 07:31 PM
interesting views.I would still rather marry and build on that
foundation than a iffy i hope she stays.Marry someone and thats
serious,living you got the if i get tired or bored i move on.Marry you
took a vow to work together and to be true.I know there are cheaters but
i have seen both sides and the ones i have seen the married ones were

BillRoot's photo
Tue 12/12/06 07:43 PM
hi bmustang,i agree but its still a iffy hope she stays.we made a deal
and i did all possable to live up to it.she got bored and bagged
i wait for someone better than anyone that i have been with.will probbly
always be alone.better than go through it all again.never know,luck may
change yet!

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 07:51 PM
well Kevin that's not real marriage, brandie no it's more than just a
piece of peper that's what is wrong with the world today. Everyone tries
to make everything fit their ideals and lifestyles. There is way more to
marriage than peper. I won't elaborate because alot of it is biblical
and not alot of people are biblical, and for those that
aren'tr...............not believing in something isn't gonna change it
or make it go away.

Kevin3824's photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:08 PM
I would probably think quite differently if the judicial system treated
men and ladies equally when it comes to child custody. It seems to me
that parents should be equally entitled to custody and they are not. If
a man leaves a woman and takes the chidren with him she can charge him
with kidnapping. A man cannot do the same thing if a woman does it to
him. On top of it all if a child is born during a marriage it is always
given the husbands name and he has to prove it was not his or pay
support for it as well. The man has no say so in a case of abortion
either and that is not fair when it was between two consenting adults
married or not.

Kevin3824's photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:09 PM
You see what you started bmustang. Thanks, for getting me on a roll with
this one I needed to vent a bit anyhow.

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:16 PM
um Kevin I don't know what you are talking about. Only way a man can be
charged with kidnapping his own children is if he leaves with them and
he does not have custody and it's not his regular visitation time. I
know I have been there many times. If there is no custody agreement both
parties have equal rights to the children at anytime and can go
anywhwere they want with them as long as there is NO court ruling
agreement.............ex parte..............

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:19 PM
I have all of my kids right now and I pay child has legal custody I cannot stop her
from taking them anytime she wants nor can she I.
Luckily in my case I finally convinced her to let the children choose
what they want.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:48 PM
Ya know, I did the marriage thing...and I doubt it'll happen again.
Living together in a commited relationship is just the same to me...the
only difference is a damn piece of paper in the county clerk's office.

Just my opinion though, I could be wrong


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