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Topic: Waterboarding
Tobias1540's photo
Mon 02/11/08 10:13 PM
So anyone who says that waterboarding isn't torture, or is ok to do for what ever reason know this. Waterboarding was used on Allied Troops by the Japaneese and those who acted out the turture were tried as war criminals for thier actions. So america has a history of prosicuting people who use this practice, unless of coarse it is our own government who does it.

Cambolaya65's photo
Mon 02/11/08 10:15 PM
this pisses me off.Its the 21st century not the Inquisition.Find another way.

polaritybear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 10:17 PM
Ive been waterboarded, granted I wasnt tied down and had the ability to stop it when I wanted so it was in no way the same thing thats been used on soldiers and prisoners of war, but I can say it sucks ,alot. It is without a doubt torture.

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 03:45 AM
Our own CIA and Special Forces members are waterboarded to prepare them for such interrogation tactics.

Waterboarding broke Khalid Sheik Mohammed and it caused him to confess numerous terror plots that were in process and he gave up serious al Qaeda figures and operations.

Works for me.

JaceKnows's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:06 AM
I'd rather waterboard someone and have them give up information... than hide behind a mask and a hood and put a video on the internet beheading someone. . . . Seems a clear distinction to me which is more "humane".

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 05:34 AM

I'd rather waterboard someone and have them give up information... than hide behind a mask and a hood and put a video on the internet beheading someone. . . . Seems a clear distinction to me which is more "humane".

Well said. Let's face it; our enemies are going to torture their American captives no matter what we do. If waterboarding forces the enemy to give information that will save American lives, then so be it!

jamesbyron19's photo
Tue 02/12/08 07:11 AM
This is the logic of idiots: "The Germans are going to gas the jews so lets gas the Germans because we're moral"

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 07:28 AM
ever notice that we havent been attacked since 911? i say dont change a thing.

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 07:36 AM

ever notice that we havent been attacked since 911? i say dont change a thing.

this is the typical "head in the sand" attitude that is so pervasive among American thought. Do you realize how many years of planning it took to pull off 9/11? Dont rest so easy on your laurels...the world hasnt changed, its only taken a pause.

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 07:41 AM

ever notice that we havent been attacked since 911? i say dont change a thing.

this is the typical "head in the sand" attitude that is so pervasive among American thought. Do you realize how many years of planning it took to pull off 9/11? Dont rest so easy on your laurels...the world hasnt changed, its only taken a pause.

Symbelmyne...... We Americans do not have our "heads in the sand." We are very much aware that a 9/11 can happen again, which is why we have instituted Homeland Security and other measures to ensure the safety of Americans.

However, I do agree with you in that Americans should not "rest so easy on our laurels since the world hasn't changed, but only taken a pause."

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 07:45 AM
Edited by rambill79 on Tue 02/12/08 07:48 AM
uh huh. i wish the world was as idyllic as it is in your head, but it isnt. and comparing our military to the nazis is just plain misleading. were talkin destroying a race of millions for sport as compared to squeezing someone for info.
if yuou think waterboarding is bad, read about some of the atrociticies wrought on the victoms of the nazis, or hussain, for that matter. your not comparing aples to apples, but rather trying to invoke emotion, which isnt going to work with me. ever seen your buddy who you just had breakfast with running around like a chicken without his head? i have been there. these armchair liberals have no business even expressing thier opinion till they have done some time on the front lines. if you want accurate info, talk to the eturning vets. youll never get the true story from the news or these liberal/ enemy based websites your always quoting. my opinion is based on real life expierence, not some news program spouting lies. Do you realise that the media is so slanted against bush and the military that it is just not worth watching? i deal in reality, and truth.
no one who has been in combat wishes to return there. we dont like being shot at, and anything done to shorten the war or save AMERICAN lives is worth it. i dont like the idea of torture any more than you but it is a part of warfare, always has been, and always will be.

Tobias1540's photo
Tue 02/12/08 09:42 AM

uh huh. i wish the world was as idyllic as it is in your head, but it isnt. and comparing our military to the nazis is just plain misleading. were talkin destroying a race of millions for sport as compared to squeezing someone for info.
if yuou think waterboarding is bad, read about some of the atrociticies wrought on the victoms of the nazis, or hussain, for that matter. your not comparing aples to apples, but rather trying to invoke emotion, which isnt going to work with me. ever seen your buddy who you just had breakfast with running around like a chicken without his head? i have been there. these armchair liberals have no business even expressing thier opinion till they have done some time on the front lines. if you want accurate info, talk to the eturning vets. youll never get the true story from the news or these liberal/ enemy based websites your always quoting. my opinion is based on real life expierence, not some news program spouting lies. Do you realise that the media is so slanted against bush and the military that it is just not worth watching? i deal in reality, and truth.
no one who has been in combat wishes to return there. we dont like being shot at, and anything done to shorten the war or save AMERICAN lives is worth it. i dont like the idea of torture any more than you but it is a part of warfare, always has been, and always will be.

If you want to shorten the war there is one easy way to do that. End the God damn war. Now how simple is that.

Tobias1540's photo
Tue 02/12/08 09:52 AM

Our own CIA and Special Forces members are waterboarded to prepare them for such interrogation tactics.

Waterboarding broke Khalid Sheik Mohammed and it caused him to confess numerous terror plots that were in process and he gave up serious al Qaeda figures and operations.

Works for me.

First off the information he gave was not reliable. Second I have not heard one bit of evidence that said any torture has given us any useful information. Thirdly torture is never an effective way to get information because if you are tortured you will say anything to get it to stop. Fourthy if you want america to become a place where we torture people, and we hold people in overseas prisons where they have no rights, thats fine you have the right to believe that, but I think america is better then that. And if you remember toture and no human rights were the "reason" we started this war. So we havve become what we hated. How hipocriticle is that?

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:04 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Tue 02/12/08 10:07 AM

Defendant: Asano, Yukio

Docket Date: 53/ May 1 - 28, 1947, Yokohama, Japan

Charge: Violation of the Laws and Customs of War: 1. Did willfully and unlawfully mistreat and torture PWs. 2. Did unlawfully take and convert to his own use Red Cross packages and supplies intended for PWs.

Specifications:beating using hands, fists, club; kicking; water torture; burning using cigarettes; strapping on a stretcher head downward

Verdict: 15 years CHL

Reviewing Authority Recommendations:

Reviewing Authority:

Prosecution Arguments:

Defense Arguments:

Judge Advocate's Recommendations:

As this website shows, the person in question wasn't charged for waterboarding, but for other, more brutal forms of torture. Ted Kennedy is well know for stretching the truth.

Also, we use waterboarding on enemy combatants, Yukio Asano used waterboarding on civilians.

Tobias1540's photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:15 AM
Edited by Tobias1540 on Tue 02/12/08 10:16 AM

Defendant: Asano, Yukio

Docket Date: 53/ May 1 - 28, 1947, Yokohama, Japan

Charge: Violation of the Laws and Customs of War: 1. Did willfully and unlawfully mistreat and torture PWs. 2. Did unlawfully take and convert to his own use Red Cross packages and supplies intended for PWs.

Specifications:beating using hands, fists, club; kicking; water torture; burning using cigarettes; strapping on a stretcher head downward

Verdict: 15 years CHL

Reviewing Authority Recommendations:

Reviewing Authority:

Prosecution Arguments:

Defense Arguments:

Judge Advocate's Recommendations:

As this website shows, the person in question wasn't charged for waterboarding, but for other, more brutal forms of torture. Ted Kennedy is well know for stretching the truth.

Also, we use waterboarding on enemy combatants, Yukio Asano used waterboarding on civilians.

It says water torture in your post so why did you use it as evidence when it does not support what you say? And what does it matter who we do it to? If it is torture and illeagle then it doesn't matter who we do it to.

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:27 AM

It says water torture in your post so why did you use it as evidence when it does not support what you say? And what does it matter who we do it to? If it is torture and illeagle then it doesn't matter who we do it to.

It says "Charge: Violation of the Laws and Customs of War: 1. Did willfully and unlawfully mistreat and torture PWs. 2. Did unlawfully take and convert to his own use Red Cross packages and supplies intended for PWs. Specifications:beating using hands, fists, club; kicking; water torture; burning using cigarettes; strapping on a stretcher head downward "

To say he got 15 years for waterboarding is a complete lie. There were multiple charges. Also, it's important that we don't grab civilians off the street and do that to them. We pick targets who have potentially important information. Also, the way he did it was to suspend someone upside down, which is torture and can result in death. Waterboarding doesn't kill. It doesn't result in permanent damage. It is just scary. The guy in question was actually filling a civilians nose with water, while the person was held upside down. He could have drowned for real oh and he was a civilian, which means he had no information which could have been useful.

Tobias1540's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:10 AM
Edited by Tobias1540 on Tue 02/12/08 11:11 AM

It says water torture in your post so why did you use it as evidence when it does not support what you say? And what does it matter who we do it to? If it is torture and illeagle then it doesn't matter who we do it to.

It says "Charge: Violation of the Laws and Customs of War: 1. Did willfully and unlawfully mistreat and torture PWs. 2. Did unlawfully take and convert to his own use Red Cross packages and supplies intended for PWs. Specifications:beating using hands, fists, club; kicking; water torture; burning using cigarettes; strapping on a stretcher head downward "

To say he got 15 years for waterboarding is a complete lie. There were multiple charges. Also, it's important that we don't grab civilians off the street and do that to them. We pick targets who have potentially important information. Also, the way he did it was to suspend someone upside down, which is torture and can result in death. Waterboarding doesn't kill. It doesn't result in permanent damage. It is just scary. The guy in question was actually filling a civilians nose with water, while the person was held upside down. He could have drowned for real oh and he was a civilian, which means he had no information which could have been useful.

I did not say he got 15 years for waterboarding I just said that he got convicted for it, which is true. I have seen what waterboarding is. You put somone on a board and slant it back like a see saw so their head is below thier feet. Then a towel is put over thier nose and mouth and water is poured onto the towel. It doesn't sound that different from what Asano, Yukio was convicted for. And if someone is convicted of three counts of first degree murder and one count of second degree murder, they are still covicted of all of them. It doesn't matter how many things they did agains't the law they did it and it counts. So yes the guy was convicted for water torture amoung other things. Just becasue its not the only thing doesn't mean that its not illeagle.

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:14 AM

I have seen what waterboarding is. You put somone on a board and slant it back like a see saw so their head is below thier feet. Then a towel is put over thier nose and mouth and water is poured onto the towel. It doesn't sound that different from what Asano, Yukio was convicted for. And if someone is convicted of three counts of first degree murder and one count of second degree murder, they are still covicted of all of them. It doesn't matter how many things they did agains't the law they did it and it counts. So yes the guy was convicted for water torture amoung other things. Just becasue its not the only thing doesn't mean that its not illeagle.

Would he have gotten 15 years for waterboarding? Would he have been prosecuted if he had done it to military personal? There are too many flaws in this arguement. He wasn't just waterboarding. He wasn't waterboarding enemy combatants. He did the waterboarding in such a way that could have resulted in death. If you can't see the dissimilarities between what he was charged with and what we do, then there is nothing I can do for you.

Tobias1540's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:17 AM

I have seen what waterboarding is. You put somone on a board and slant it back like a see saw so their head is below thier feet. Then a towel is put over thier nose and mouth and water is poured onto the towel. It doesn't sound that different from what Asano, Yukio was convicted for. And if someone is convicted of three counts of first degree murder and one count of second degree murder, they are still covicted of all of them. It doesn't matter how many things they did agains't the law they did it and it counts. So yes the guy was convicted for water torture amoung other things. Just becasue its not the only thing doesn't mean that its not illeagle.

Would he have gotten 15 years for waterboarding? Would he have been prosecuted if he had done it to military personal? There are too many flaws in this arguement. He wasn't just waterboarding. He wasn't waterboarding enemy combatants. He did the waterboarding in such a way that could have resulted in death. If you can't see the dissimilarities between what he was charged with and what we do, then there is nothing I can do for you.

Toture is torture no mater who does it or what happens. If you think that we are better then other people and we can do that thats fine. But torture is toture do not say that because people are not serverly injured thats ok. If you want toruture to be leagle say that but don't split hairs about what torture is.

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:26 AM

Our own CIA and Special Forces members are waterboarded to prepare them for such interrogation tactics.

Waterboarding broke Khalid Sheik Mohammed and it caused him to confess numerous terror plots that were in process and he gave up serious al Qaeda figures and operations.

Works for me.

torture rarely works. most times if they confess to anything, they're just saying it to make the torture stop. torture does not work.

ever notice that we havent been attacked since 911? i say dont change a thing.

we were only attacked because of mass failings by our government and by many government employees, how can you even say that as if it's a valid point?

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