Topic: Why is it......
no photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:43 PM
screw politics..jus smoke weed

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 12/17/06 07:56 PM
hiya my jell-o puddin pop...sounds good to me I believe I will

redmange420's photo
Sun 12/17/06 08:04 PM
Hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, that does sound good!!

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/17/06 08:10 PM

redmange420's photo
Sun 12/17/06 08:22 PM
Fuck it, that bryon girl is gone. Everytime I try to get him in a post
and discuss stuff, he cuts out like a bitch. Typical for those political
pussies, can't do shit in front of your face. They have to wait til your
back is turned and shit.

no photo
Sun 12/17/06 08:31 PM
thats what he did with the abortion post h posted and like amonth later
dragged it back up....the fkin jackass...grrrr ok the whole thing just
irks the hell outta me

redmange420's photo
Sun 12/17/06 08:48 PM
abortion post????

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 12/17/06 09:12 PM's titled "women deserve the truth" red..take a boo...he's not
the only idiot on that thread lol

redmange420's photo
Sun 12/17/06 10:49 PM
Damn.........he's goofy idn't he???

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 12/18/06 12:11 AM
he should get together with David Duke and Pat Robertson LMAO

redmange420's photo
Tue 12/19/06 12:01 AM
I think he's got a "where are they now" New Kids On The Block pic up!!!
HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! I didn't know they were into politics!!!!!

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/20/06 10:35 PM
I can't stand Dems and Reps. They are all crooks. The trick is to vote
for the least of the crooks. If that's possible?

karmafury's photo
Wed 12/20/06 10:39 PM
Here we call our crooks Liberals and Conservatives. So I vote for a non
crook that won't get in. Marijuana Party. And I don't even imbibe of the
herb. lol

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 11:10 PM
i think all of them are crooks!.. doesnt matter who ya vote 4.

redmange420's photo
Fri 12/22/06 02:35 PM
We need to start a Marijuana Party!!!! LMAO!!! Dude, thats great!! Thanx
for the idea!!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 12/22/06 07:58 PM
LMAO ex wife's oldest son is the representative for the
Marijuana Party in Burnaby B.C.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 12/22/06 09:37 PM
I vote for the Green Arches too. LMFAO!!!!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 12/23/06 12:05 AM
In all seriousness, I don't belong to or vote for a specific political
party. If anything, I'm a right wing liberal lol. I don't believe you
can successfully run a country by strictly right wing or left wing
policies. It takes common sense.
Altho, I would like to see the Marijuana Party of Canada become more
than a grass roots movement(no pun intended...ok maybe a little) because
they are much more than just the legalization of pot. But then again,
ppl change once they are in a position of even relative power.
A few Canadian elections ago, there was a party called the Reform party.
During their 1st serious contention to become the ruling party, a major
part of their campaign was reducing the cost of gov't. Not at the
expense of gov't services, but by cutting back the salaries and perks at
the senior levels. They almost made it but they DID become the Official
Opposition. Now, in that capacity, they still could have held to their
platform by voluntarily taking the proposed reductions. However, since
no one else in Parliament was feeling so inclined, all but 4 of the
Reform party stepped up to the trough. The next federal election, they
got whooped and sadly, the Official Opposition party was a party whose
sole interest was the breaking up of Canada, or at the very least,
seeking independance for their province.
If the Reform Party members had taken those pay cuts during their years
as the Official Opposition, they would have won the next federal
election. But almost to a man, they showed their true colours as ALMOST
every politician does eventually.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 12/25/06 08:53 PM
I think what you are saying Animal is there needs to be a balance. But a
balance in what? Conservative spending and liberal understanding of
other's. That would be a perfect world. But unfortunately we don't live
in such a world. We live in a one sided world where either you go
totally liberal or totally conservative and damn all other's. Balance is
not an option in this take all or nothing world.

With the dealing of Iran or North Korea, we want them to comply
unconditionally or else. So no room for negotiations there. No balance
But why should we compromise when it comes to WMD's?

no photo
Mon 12/25/06 10:17 PM
well there's alot more to these piss ant countries and their weapons
than just us stability, this is a concern for the whole world and it's
not just our opinions. Other countries are involved although the us has
the highest level of persuation compared to all the other countries.