Topic: a Kookie Christmas..........
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Mon 12/18/06 07:07 AM
this is just a cute little 'funny' that happened yesterday...

my youngest daughter saw me just go nuts in the store over this 10"
stuffed dancing turtle.. LOL it's SOO cute and does this 80's disco tune
that brings back floods of really great memories..

anywho.. I guess she liked how I reacted to it so she got it for me..
although couldn't hide it as the lines in the store were HUGE so.. to
pass some time (a few friends were in the same line..) we all started
singing and dancing with this silly turtle.. the crowd thought us a tad
nuts but MOST were smiling and I even caught a few singing along and
moving with the groove... TOO funny!!

going with the flow.. I then grabbed a throw pillow from one friends
cart and a santa hat from anothers and started hobbling around saying Ho
Ho HO.. and Merry Christmas.. the girls thought me PAST NUTS lol.. but
people were saying it back and smiling too... made that line feel like
it was going WAYYY quicker.. less stressed out people arriving at the
cash.. EVERYone was smiling.. and they surely went home and told
everyone about the 'crazy lady' in the store.. but I bet they smiled
again.. :o)

it was the Highlight of our day.. well.. for ME anyways LOL..

Most-times I FEEL like a Nut.. sometimes I don't... :o)

Happy Holidays All!!!!!! let yer kid out....

driver4368's photo
Mon 12/18/06 07:42 AM
My Grandfather told me years ago,you have to get older. But growing up
is optional,I've always tried my best to take his advice. It's gotten to
the point my friends don't want to take me out in public much (stuffed

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Mon 12/18/06 09:33 AM
too funny bout yer friends Driver...

I usually do what feels good!! (that CUD be the reason I'm still single
LMAO.. kidding) life's WAY too short.. and like yer grandpa said.. we've
no choice YET on the aging process so... might as well enjoy as MUCH as
ya can WHILE ya Can!!!

I feel we Shud Enjoy Each Day for what it gives.. cuz tomorrow.. today
will become yesterday and just a memory!!

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 12/18/06 01:16 PM
Yeah Zero but its yesterdays memories that make us do it again. I have a
friend that started running from me if he saw me in the store. It was
fun to embarras the hell out of him and it was real easy too. He was in
produce, just imagine what kinds of vegetables I would ask him for?


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Mon 12/18/06 02:16 PM
oooo G.. you naughty Boy!!!