Topic: Actors of Life...upon a stage
michael1313's photo
Sat 12/30/06 08:52 PM
actors of life's stage

hear my song,dn't get it wrong
listen to my word,this is what you heard,
learn this song and really hear what I know,
burn this rhyme into your heart,
turn this time for true start,
listen to this lonely sage,

You may be a drifter,or actor on a stage,
you may be a grifter,or poet upon a page,
You could be just what you chose,
be true to you or you will lose,
whatever this you may chose,
let's not forget,let's not regret,
that you once told me true,
do not lie,do not deny,
do not try,to get by,
you know I know the true you,

So do All the Others,
all th sisters,all th brothers,
even Fathers,even Mothers,
even those to hurt your others,

Please take it from this ol' Sage,
written silently upon this ol' page,
that WE are ALL,for one and for ALL
Just and Lonely Actors upon this ol' Stage....Lonely Soul

Morena350's photo
Sat 12/30/06 10:40 PM
well writen, michael

redmange420's photo
Sun 12/31/06 12:10 AM
Good stuff cuz!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 12/31/06 12:14 AM
Kewl M!

no photo
Sun 12/31/06 12:16 AM
good write...its sad tho when other ppl push those on sage who do not
wish to be on stage

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/31/06 02:33 PM
thank you and CCP...agreed,we are all just actors on our own stages of
life,not to be forced into acting out,but to act from our own free