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Sun 12/31/06 04:19 PM
When we are babies, we experience love from mother and father,
When we are young children, we experience love from our close friends
and family,
When we get older, we experience love from experimentations,
And later on in life when we grow mature and seasoned, we wonder what is
A life-time goes by and before we know it, we forget where we left that
special feeling called love,
When it was felt to the fullest,
When our stomach ached with happiness
Our minds were addicted to that one special touch....that matter in
which we cannot tangibly hold in our hands,
That thing so devine, that feeling that we beg for more...
Love- like it were a precious stone to kill for.....
We cannot live without it, but if we have lived without love than our
lives were lived in vein.
Love sees no beauty, youth, color, nor age, for our hearts only crave
for more....
Love, an unending river of devine...

BY:MB (Peachimon)

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:51 AM
ohhhhhhhhh so very very true to find it means we
have found what we all desire. If it was only
that easy to find.

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:57 AM
Beautiful words MB

michael1313's photo
Mon 01/01/07 11:15 AM
your words led me to read this,and now I'm glad I did...good work