Topic: "Accept Other's for Who they Are "
TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 12:37 PM
From the moment you noticed them for the first time.
There words grabbed your attention and made you stop on a dime They
were different from your other friends in there own way.
So why is it that all of a sudden there seem to come a day.
That you look at them any different then you did at first.
Do you all of a sudden have this great urging thirst?
To mold them into something else, do you not even care.
That they are happy to be the person that they are.
Why must we judge people for who they have become?
Instead we should open our arms and give them a big welcome.
And try to see things the way they do through there eyes.
Why should they change to make you happy it would all be lies.
Each person is unquie in there own ways accept them as the day.
You met them, Let them be different in there own way.
Just because they are not like you, they don't need yer prayers.
They are just expressing themselves they have not strayed.
They see the same sky ,feel the same wind, walk the same ground.
Let them be, they just hear the drums to of a differnt sound.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 12:38 PM
Okay need my edit button the ;They was in the right place anywho ya can
figure it out lol

joe1973's photo
Mon 01/01/07 12:46 PM
txs that is very true what you put there.

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Mon 01/01/07 12:51 PM
Tx...That was BEAUTIFUL!!!!! In fact, it is soooo very true!!!!! Thank
you for writing touched my heart as, I know it will, others,
as well...You have always, been a real friend to the people, on here,
and to me, as well....THANK YOU, FOR BEING YOU! Your fellow Texas pal,

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Mon 01/01/07 12:54 PM
Very true K...

I love the last line!


Kevin3824's photo
Mon 01/01/07 12:57 PM

I wish all the people on here were open minded enough to think like
that. But it seems like the majority are not. It seems to me that most
times when someone posts on here and think differently then the majority
they are not treated with open arms at all rathar the direct oppisite.
This site has alot of people on it that live alternative lifestyles but
those that do remain in the shadows as if they come out on the public
forums it seems they are almost always attacked. That is not fair to
them. It seems to me that if a woman chooses an alternate lifestyle
this crowd will accept it but if it is a man that chooses it they are
not treated very well at all. I for one try to treat everyone good
despite their lifestyle. I think you do as well as a few of the others
here but were in a minority it seems.

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Mon 01/01/07 01:09 PM
HOW TRUE, KEVIN! In fact, I am sooooo sick of the way I have been used,
abused, rejected, picked on, cussed out, beat up, raped, druged,
dropped, lied to, stolen from, spit upon, slapped, burnt, cut on, ect.
ect. ect., by jerk ass so called men, that I am thinking of becoming
gay,{ if that would be possible to do }.....<<<<<sigh>>>>>>
...LMAO...{i think}

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 01/01/07 01:09 PM
Very true Txs, it is a shame people try to change others in
relationships, and in other areas. Many know this yet still do it
unknowingly, just to find that someone who fills there desires.
I love it, what else can I say?


michael1313's photo
Mon 01/01/07 01:12 PM
Good poem Ms. Txs,,,

but some folks insist that we like them...
they insist we kiss th Bear,
or force an argument just for attention,,,
they curse others only to feed their own ego,
and lie to some of how sweet they are...
or just to make themselvs feel better than others,
critisize poems and not even try an honest poem of their own...
and never learn from their own mistakes...

While most of us take each day anew,
and look at others with a grain of salt,
waiting for them to show their worth...

I have had my fill of the fake and phoney...
and if that is "Who they are"...

then I want no part of them...M.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 01:15 PM
Thank you all for your very kind words!

Actually believe it or not this one was wrote a while back before I even
came to this site. It was wrote for a friend of mine that after he met
someone she took him as he was at first. Then started trying to change
him. He has the knowledge of a scholar. Ohh yeah he is differnt in his
own ways. But.. I find those ways unquie surely his own. He is one of a
kind and still is. He is as most would say very worldly if that is how
you would put it of all things he has made truck driving his life for he
can go from state to state seeing the things he enjoys he carry's his
laptop and can IM you on a phone better than I can type lol. Of course
she was not able to change him he is still a free bird still soaring the
roads !!

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 01:22 PM
Humm that is true Gryphyn but to find that one that fits the mold is not
always an easy task. You know yourself it took you years. But you still
have years to love best wishes my friend.

As far as the way others treat you Dreamange, if you don't get to the
point were you depend on someone complely then you will always be able
to stand up and move on without them. Don't ever let someone bring you
down to the point of no return.

And M as far as the ones on this site. Well this site is no differnt the
in real life you must learn to turn the other cheek to those that do not
understand you. Don't have to be rude back to them for that is what they
want you feed the fire with logs and the fire will just burn longer
sooner or later the coals will smolder but they still can leave a nasty
burn. It takes a bigger person to walk away even if it is hard to do!!

Morena350's photo
Mon 01/01/07 01:23 PM
Txs. your realy expressed the truth here, I wish everyone can read this
and open their minds to this words...

michael1313's photo
Mon 01/01/07 01:37 PM
even in real life...if I were told to "Choke on S*H*I*T...

I will reply,,,
he is lucky we were not face to face when he said it,
may have ended in a punch in th nose......M.

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 04:59 PM
txt, the peom was well written...i guess we all can relate to that.
Either we want to change someone, or change ourselves to please others,
but surely it is a fair note to accept each other in whatever
relationship we are in and let it be a give and take... I liked ur peom.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 05:13 PM
Morena, thank you girl sometimes I seem to get lost in my own words at
times. :)

M what one says to you on here it is funny cause if we were in a room
face to face half the stuff said on here would never be said. Like I
said sometimes its best to walk away. Sometimes!

Peach thank you you know we are all differnt for a reason in order to
bring knowledge to others we are around. People should not judge others
for the way they talk or look or act. But we do it is an old habit that
is hard to break. One must see the other for who they are not who you
want them to be.

michael1313's photo
Mon 01/01/07 05:19 PM
to those with "Blinders",and no wish to improve or grow...
or just bash and hate...
I turn my back to...

to those with truely open minds...
I will grow to like them for who they are,as they are...
and teach what I can from my mistakes...
God knows I've made my share...

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:23 PM
All heartfelt and genuine words...
and TXs I for one would say what I feel anytime I feel it.,..People
think I am nutty at times cause I do do that...If I want to say
something, it should be said cause you may never again be able or get a
chance to say waht you wanted to say and the moment is gone...