Cridhe_fior "Where's my prince charming?"
60 year old woman from Jefferson City, Missouri      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Cridhe_fior
I am the woman that most men DREAM about...the one that spoils them unbelievably, the one who can't wait to just hold their hand or look deeply into their eyes...the one that wants to cook dinner WITH them sharing a great gl of MERLOT...the one that can sling her long dark locks into a ponytail go hiking, camping and fishing...AND STILL BAIT HER OWN HOOK, the one that likes to play cards and beat them at poker, the one that doesn't need the big house, car and many jewels, just good quality time spent with them...the one who loves music of all kinds...the one who can watch a movie with them and discuss it on a philosophical level when we're done...the one that can discuss World policies, World problems, and World issues and come up with solutions...the one who HATES to fight and believes whole heartedly that there HAS to be a solution, find it and fix it so we can move on...the one that believes loyalty, integrity and honesty are deeply missed virtues..the one that sits down and helps them figure out what's up in THEIR world...the one that WANTS to hear about their dreams, their Realities, and their Pions...the one that makes them feel as if their breath will fade away if they can't spend another moment with her...the one that can love them so deeply inside their soul, that they feel as if she is part of what DEFINES them.. Are the Princes of Society no more? Is Chilvalry dead and gone? Do integrity, honesty, and loyalty still exist within this realm of reality? Are you kind, thoughtful, expressive, yet not a pushover, not selfish, and have more than anger for your emotional capabilities? Do you want to spend REAL time with someone? Would you like a best friend and a lover?Do you really know who you are and can you verbalize this? Are you intelligent? Articulate? Centered? Capable of Real Love? I'm sooo TIRED of TOADS, I need a REAL KISS! Prince, oh Prince, WHERE ARE YOU?
Profession: State worker/Semi retired Hair designer and Profes
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Want Children?
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