rja_777 "Soul mate search"
47 year old woman from Kendall, Florida      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About rja_777
Affectionate, loving, loyal, sensual, pionate lady seeks man of character, ms, values & a huge loving heart." I am a genuine woman who is very caring, loving, affectionate, sensual and pionate. I am a woman interested in becoming friends first, in the hope of getting involve in a serious relationship. I have ms, values, and principles in life. I love God and am not perfect. I am a sincere, loyal, reliable and responsible woman of integrity. I wish to eventually find that special someone to share my life with and grow old with. I am a romantic at heart and find pleasure in even the smallest things in life . How do I describe myself other than a genuine, unique women looking for a real man of integrity. Life is too short and I don't want to grow old alone. I'm a little old fashioned and love to laugh and have fun. I stopped looking for the perfect man, because nobody is perfect. Now I'm looking for the perfect man for me. I'm romantic and love to share romantic moments with my companion and always have positive things to say. I enjoy everything in life. I like to talk and listen (yes listen) a dying art. I believe communication is a very important ingredient in any relationship. I love life and I'm looking for someone to share it with, I know that somewhere out there, someone is missing me, you have nothing to loose only to gain. My first love is God. I wish to find a mate who is not only compatible physically, mentally, emotionally but also spiritually. Two becoming one, but maintaining and respecting their individualities. ;-)
Profession: Work for myself ;)
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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