hb4ever "Is there life out there?"
57 year old woman from Lansing, Michigan      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About hb4ever
Recently filed for divorce and trust me no chance of taking him back., Have two teens, 2 dogs, cat and 2 guinea pigs. Just starting college after being out of school for 21 yrs. Love harleys and of course my tattoos. Love to have friends over in the summer for bbq's. Not a shop alcoholic, not a big phone chatterer, not flashy, definitly not Barbie...just myself. Down to earth, known to speak my mind and not a controlling person. Love to shoot pool or just stay home and watch movies or play games on the computer or read a good book. What I am looking for is a man who doesn't put his lady on the back burner. Also one who isn't a alcoholic and a royal jerk when he does drink. Just got rid of one of those. Like the saying "it's not if you drink, it's how you act when you do so." Also someone who isn't controlling..I'm very independent and I feel if I am with someone their still their own person. I don't want to control you and expect the same respect. I am 41 yr old and I am me, not going to change and I don't expect the man to change to accomendate me. I love to have fun, and am very romantic if it's the right man and he treats me with respect. I'm not into the bar hopping scene. It's fun to go once in a very great while but kinda outgrew the weekly bar hops.
Profession: student...and mom
Physical Appearance
< 5'
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Want Children?
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