eduggie "Waiting"
39 year old man from Wichita, Kansas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About eduggie
Little about me, new to Wichita, came here on a whim, decided to stay for a wile to get out of my element. I'm honest, straightforward, real, pionate, eccentric, and have a great sense of humor. I enjoy art, coffee shops, music of all kinds, and the company of a woman whose fun, outgoing, sexy, comfortable in her own skin and keeps me guessing. I been in Kansas for 2 months and worked my off and have no social life being that I just know absolutely nobody here and didn't want to have any fun till I got settled. Well, now I'm settled lol, I want to meet a woman who enjoys the company of a chill guy like myself. I don't like to push relationships, it just ends badly that way lol. Love finds you, you don't search for it. I like to think I'm the cuddly type of guy lol I'm young, attractive, independent, intelligent, artistic and above all I'm AWESOME lol. I don't have a "type" of girl. Just a list of things I won't stand for. Obese, unhygienic, drug user/excessive drinking, clingy, and overall nutty lol I'm a smoker, don't use drugs or Alcohol, and I don't get involved in drama. Not here to support you, not here to lead you on, I just want company, someone to chill with, talk to and cuddle! AWWWW, I know right? lol I'm sweet, romantic, but I'm not a pansy. I don't jump into relationships, I take it as it unfolds. If you're looking for the same then wtf are you waiting for? message me lol
Profession: Other
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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