klc "Chicken pot chicken pot chicken pot haiiiii"
58 year old woman from Dayton, Ohio      Looking for friendship
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About klc
I am liberal in my thinking. If you are conservative in your thinking, and voted for Trump, that's cool, it really is, I dont dislike you, but we wont enjoy each others company in the long run...and I am looking for a good long run. Dont try to hide it. Youre great. I wont stop bein me, and neither should you...Lots of great peeps on here, but if we view the world so differently, as these categories demand, then I dont want either of us to waste our time. Just trina save you the trouble rite off the bat. Whew. That said..... I love being out walking, enjoying the day...and my job...and working with children. I love to giggle and be silly..I can do that, and blend in best, while working with children. I hope you love your profession. Ermegerd, this profile is too long. I dont drink much, but I love a beer or fancy beverage with friends. I'm fairly feminist, being female and all. Its weird. Whether your'e a man or a woman, you want to be treated with respect, right? When you're a gal, that makes you a feminist. Thats all it means. It doesnt mean I wanna be a man, or be treated like I am a man. Im not a man. Thats ok. It doesnt mean I hate men. O con trayre. Just respect. I am spiritual and dont have faith in any organised religion. And with that peace, comes a fondness for my dislike of bowling or cornhole. If you are quite fond of your religion, you owe it to yourself to find someone who shares that fondness. Its not me. Im a parent of a fine young man with Aspergers. He's almost done with college and lives with me. He's pretty spectacular. I have recently developed a smidge of arthritis in both ankles, which hasnt slowed me down really (success with supplements), but Im really good at tripping. I like to hike to the gorge at John Bryan Park. Lately the boy has even gone with me :) Sports, sports, sports.....are great, especially if it keeps you healthy (not on tv) but if you have a passion for football, we just aren't a match. :( Just my thang. What's that? You don't care for opera? You do your thing, and I'll do mine, then aftah, we can meet and chat about who had the most awesome time. ...and if theres no motorcycle in your profile, Im halfway in love already! :P If you haven't really filled out your profile, or its pretty sparse, I won't know what to say to you, so probly won't say anything :( . Would someone who writes all. that. lot. ^ be into a profile that says only 'ask me' ? Just a thought.
Profession: education
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Want Children?

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