Colleene1024 "Miss attitude"
53 year old woman from West Warwick, Rhode Island      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About Colleene1024
My name is Colleene and I'm 39. I am into alot of History. Any country really. I am about to start researching india as I have gone through Ireland, Scotland, America, and about to finish the British. I am also in the process of researching my family tree. I love the outdoors. Especially camping and fishing. I enjoy cooking, movies, music (as I sometimes will play the piano), Animals of all shapes and sizes, and Life. I am looking for a man who is not afraid of a challenge. I am very independant. I am very intelligent and I do know how to say a few things in a few languages (although it's not very much). No, they are not curse words! Be honest with me and treat me with respect and I will do the same for you. I am a very kind and caring person. I would give the shirt of my back to help someone. I do believe in astrology and in the stars. I want a man who is not afraid of afection by me or to give it. I like kissing and cuddling. I am a woman of nature an a nurturer. I may have my negatives but, who doesn't? I also have alot of posatives. I'm a happy, outgoing, carfree, spontanious, colorful, warm, loving person. I am honest and I don't see any reason to lie. How can a relationship be based on trust if you lie to one another? If you think you are the man for me then please mail me. OH! I also love a good wine! You must be honest and respectful. You don't lie, cheat, or play the field with others emotions just for the sake of getting sex. You have a job, a car, and don't live off of other people. You ARE a man of the outdoors. You like camping, fishing, and sports. You don't mind trying new things. You can carry on an intelligent conversation. You don't rely on others to think for you or think for others. You enjoy being in the moment. You can be from any country. Love knows no boundries.
Physical Appearance
5' 2"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Want Children?

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