bassgirl747 "Texas gal seeks like-minded guy"
52 year old woman from Bedford, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About bassgirl747
Angel flying too close to the ground. I like to read, play my b guitar, listen to live music, watch ballgames, and generally just enjoy life. I am a member of Red Sox Nation, Red Sox fans get double points ;) . I would rather go to a ballgame than a movie any day. Been going to Rangers games for the last 3 years just so I can get my baseball fix, especially when they play the Sox. I'm always looking for ways to improve my life, be it personally, physically, or in other ways. Does your band need a b player? I'm interested in meeting someone similar in age and interests. Dads welcome! Tea drinkers unite! I also enjoy talking with the New England folk. I am a displaced New Englander. Ask me about my 10 year countdown. While I am not a barfly (who has the time for that?), I do like to go to the sports bar to see the occasional game on the big screens. There's nothing quite like that "yaaah" unison when your team scores. I do know a thing or two about sports, so I hope you do like that in a person. Oh and please please, do yourselves a favor and check the spelling and grammar of your profiles before you post. Top tip: get to know me through mail messages, then we can chat on IM.
Profession: data entry,sales
Physical Appearance
5' 8"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
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