rockstarskates "Im looking for my rockin partner in crime"
48 year old man from Denver, Colorado      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About rockstarskates
oh great, here we are at the "hey look at me, see what i do, im a perfect person" section to make you want me. whoopi-de-freakin-do-dah well im not a guy that will make himself out to be someone he isnt, i am what i am and thats all im gonna be. all in all, im a guy that treats others like i want to be treated, show respect you get respect. im a mixture of many different styles, putting me into a single category will take away from something else that i do or will do. im always up for anything fun. i have a great atude when it comes to life and how i choose to live it. honestly, give me the slightest chance and i will change the way you view men. i can be quiet and calm one minute and be loud and energetic the next. music is a big part of my life, im into everything from straight edge hardcore to degenerate skate punk, from clic rock to underground. i enjoy supporting local and unsigned bands, they are the ones that make the scene what it is. rawk on to them! i have a strong pion for skating and bmx. ive done it since i was a kid, and frankly i dont ever want to stop, i think its the secret to my life. im not into hardcore drugs, never have liked to be around people that do. i dont watch tv, i have a cat named Rockstar that i often talk to like he's my bro, but then , he is. so go figure. i live by myself and pay my own bills. i work as a stagehand learning the rigging aspect of both rock and roll and the convention side of it. my job gives me alot of time off, so i get alot of free time, but then i can work nonstop for a minute, but all balances out fine. i am a guy that you could say is from the streets, doesnt mean im gangsta or anything, just means i stayed on the streets, homeless, living out of a car, or sleepin on a park bench gettin woke up by Johnny Law to see if im alive or not. but now have worked by myself to get off the streets for the last 4 years and counting. im far from a material type person, im simple and only want simplicity in life. you know, parts of me want to sell all of what i have, buy a small motorhome, drive to some sandy beach in cali or somewhere, just as there is water, and live off the beach, learning to surf, do a few gigs here and there to sustain a line of cash. to me that is what heaven is(can you tell im not materialistic?) my childhood however, slightly different, grew up rather wealthy i suppose, always in houses, never an apt, wasnt spoiled, although my sister did wreck an audi that was fairly new and i stole my mothers porsche when i was 15, but shhh, dont tell her! my father died when i was 4 due to a motorcycle accident, yea, you can say it affected my life quite a bit, ive since done a dedication sleeve in his memory. my mother was really straight forward, but not in the best way possible, although i know she meant the best, but her methods were jacked and tormenting, i shouldnt have been told the things i was, but it has made me a stronger person for enduring it. plus listening to posi-core has helped me out alot too. growing up i fought to find myself, going from prep, cuz i liked the girls, to skater, cuz its enjoyable, to gangster, cuz i was stupid, back to skater, cuz i do have a brain, to an i dont know what i am now, a guy that loves rocknroll, wears tshirts of local bands and dark jeans with skate shoes and has long hair, cuz i havent cut it in a couple of years, that has 1 inch holes in his ears not for fashion, but fora declaration of wisdom within oneself, that chooses to live life not for money, but for life itself. yea, im a strange one, i know you know, i find it quite odd about this next subject, but i consider myself an avid gamer. but let me clarify this before you make a hasteful decision, i like games soley on entertainment purposes. i am in no way shape or form a gamer that cares on how good he plays, i help others that dont know, begin to know, and then enjoy that same thing that i do. now its also the type of games that people play, now i am into realistic style gaming, for instance, warfare(sorry, i wanted to become a marine, but im disqualified due to a metal plate in my face), there is nothing better than outhinking a LIVE opponent, the thrill of that is better than any tv programming gan give you. another example is a game called Forza 2, racing simulation, this is a tool for me to race and drift with the same real world type physics but for a fraction of what it would cost me in real life. carrying on to a game called SKATE, now this has revolutionized skating games, and the most brilliant way to play, immensly fun and easy, yet challenging to play, and the endless creativity and style is phenom! in all, gaming can actually bring people together with the proper atude and perspection. and btw, i do know how to turn it off and do other things, i play instead of watch tv and when you have an online ability, there is a community of people that are the best characters you can meet, that i wouldnt have met otherwise, for that im grateful for gaming this next topic is one that is slightly contraversial, and its about people that smoke pot. yea, i smoke pot, whoopi-doo. now if you have a problem with this, please, by all means, kick rocks now, stop what you are doin, do an about face and dont let the door hit you on the on the way out. if you are against it, fine, go away, i dont care for your opinion. when the use of alcohol is used so much and accpted around the country and maybe even more, but its also the most deadly, when was the last time you knew someone or read of someone dying from pot? ummm, i say never, and before you say anything of the manner of"well studies have shown, that 1 out of 5 auto accidents the deceased had marijuana in his system." yea yea yea, blah blah blah. whatever, its bull****. nobody has died from it, not like anything else thats out there, everything else will kill you. another thing is, i do consider myself to be a "partial straight edge". sure, smoking pot isnt a part of being truly "straight edge" but it is a way of thinking, a GOOD way of thinking. im not out to destroy my life, i dont go outside my bounderies, i do put a limit on the amount of substance i take in, and when i do drink, its one or 2 Pabst Blue Ribbons and then im done. im responsible about it, not like im gettin stoned right before work if i know that im working in a dangerous situtaion(examples, if im rigging in the bucket, drivin a forklift or driving a high lift) i want to be clear and sharp like a tack. so thats that in a nutshell ok this next subject is about the flaws that i possess. yes, im pive aggressive, i wont get extremely mad, but instead, let you do as you wish, but i will cut you out afterwards, mainly, im not one for confrontation, so sue me will ya? but hey, know that i will never raise a fist/hand to you. another thing i do at times im brutally honest with my feelings, for the most part, to normal people on the street will never see that, but for my significant other will, you ask me if your looks fat in the jeans you got on, i will say yes if in fact your is big. otherwise, dont ask me questions you are not ready to hear the HONEST truth. oh and BTW, i say this is a flaw since my honesty causes much distress. ****....i had more, but im drawing a blank now, so i'll come back to this later ok, here's a little relationship history. to start things off, i didnt have my first kiss til i was 13, with a girl that ended up commited suicide on my 14th bday, i didnt lose my virginity til i was 17 and it was from a girl that i had known for awhile. most of my relationships were somewhat longterm, but they would always cheat and leave. that is one thing that hasnt changed over the years. simply amazes me. i have had a few one night stands, that were freakish to begin with, dont really know how it happened, just kinda did, but needless to say, not into those types of quickies. some were just strange, example, i was dating this girl for awhile, never really did anything yet, just wne dancing and hung out, but one night, as im sleeping, she shows up in my bedroom, and slides into bed, yea, it happened, but then after, she slides out and away she goes, well i wake up the next day thinking it was a dream, a real ****in dream, until the next time i talk to her(a few days later) when she reveals that it was real and not a dream. it kinda freaked me out, but it was cool at the same time, i still laugh about it, hence why im tellng the story, but carrying on, so o after all that, i ended up with this one pathological liar, couldnt tell an honest story to save her life. tat chic lied to me the whole 2 1/2 years we were together, about everything possible, even when she was nearly man handled by our friendly neighbor, still wanted to lie abouthow far the guy went when asked to not hold back any info, well that lack of info came to hit me in the face when i was confronting the dudes girl. kinda helps when stories line up right. that one ended by her ****ing my neighbor while on a trip to Florida when she told me Georgia and she told him that we had been broke up for months....ummm....she still lived in my house, in my bed. moving on though to my last serious relationship, which was with a Hispanic Satanic Lesbian, another one that cheated on me and lied, maybe not as much as the one prior, but still, just as detramental. she after 3 years, about to be married, cheats, lies and then tries to set the blame and accepts no responsibility to her actions, just an "oh well, sucks for you" kinda thing. well that was a couple years now, ive gotten over it, but doesnt mean it hasnt left a bad taste in my mouth. ive since became stronger with the way i handle my feelings about people, im not one to just jump in quickly. i want to know the person, in and out, good and bad before goin the routes ive gone before and if that means cutting sex out of the equasion, so be it, ive done it now for nearly 2 years and yet not found a single person that holds a straw to the personality that i have, the interests that i have, or even my life philosophies, but doesnt mean that im not searching, im just extremely careful the kind of girls im attracted to mostly are ones that are upbeat, active, smart, self reliant, dependable and honest, nonsmoking is a good attribute due to i quit over a year ago. otherwords, just be cool, be yourself, be respectful, be funny, be understanding, be considerate, be the truth. i dont care about how much money you make or what kind of car you drive. i wont ask you for your money, i make my own. you can drink, but dont be an alcoholic. must be drama free, kids are ok, must enjoy a good horror flick, whehter you get scared easily or you just love the blood and gore aspect. things i like to do as a couple, go to amut parks to ride the rides, go to the zoo to feed the animals and get monkeys to throw their poo cuz it makes you laugh, go run in a summer rain to cool off, go ride a bike, or surf a skate(if you know how)watch a movie and cuddle up, trade foot mages after a long days work, form coop projects
Profession: stagehand
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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