DriverDoug "New to the area and ready to find my purpose"
61 year old man from Sodus, New York      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About DriverDoug
Hello, First...this site refuses to allow me to upload any more pictures. I have tried about 10 times, I'm sorry. But this picture I have posted was taken in May 2020 I just moved back here from Chicago about 1 year ago. I purchased a home in Sodus, NY in Wayne County. I have 2 kids who are out on their own and I live here alone. I drive for a living but still make plenty of time to pursue hobbies and things I love. Since I have been here I just work and tinker around the home and write music. But now I am ready to find the one who will inspire me to write more poems and music. Someone who will brighten each day as I wake and sooth my soul at night. Someone to be proud of, work with and build a future with. I honestly don't want to fill this little box up with allot because text can not replace an intelligent conversation with someone who just could be your soul mate. I want to hear your voice, your enthusiasm, and your excitement while we chat when your telling me your dreams, your hopes and your aspirations. I look forward to you. Will you join me? And if your in another state, or your in your 20's or 30's I am not interested. Please don't message me because I have had too many scammers wasting my time. I won't answer.
Profession: Tractor Trailer Driver
Physical Appearance
5' 5"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
No answer
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