Dandilyon "Not "looking" for any one - - - just waiting to be found"
53 year old woman from Metry, Louisiana      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About Dandilyon
What ya got here, is a chick from Metairie that loves the lighter side of life . . . . Don't take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive! -----------WSP RULES I used to think that dogs and cats were the male and female gender of the same species, so when a dog would boing the cat (come one - everyone heard of doggy style, but never kitty style, right) Well I thought they produced a litter of kittens and puppies. The kittens were the females, and the puppies . . .well you get it. ----------NIN RULES TOO When I was 10 yrs old, I got my tooth stuck in my nose trying to smell it b/c it had just fallen out. Had to go to the ER to get it removed with did not take ½ as long as trying to get the dumb f**k to understand how it got in my nose!! "No Mam! For the tenth time, the tooth fell out, and having the curiosity of an average 10 yr old, wished more than anything to experience the aroma of a recently fallen out tooth. BTW - teeth don't smell. Even if cartilage is attached. I promise you. ------CHIMAIRA RULES Another funny antedote. Until I began my career working for lawyers, I always thought that the term "cease and desist" was actually "cease and ist". I dropped the d from the word desist b/c I thought it was just the end of the word 'and' and not also the beginning of the word 'desist' So what you got here is me, a freaking idiot, using the phrase CEASE AND ASSIST. To me, I thought it meant simply - stop and help. Cease=stop - ist=help. Get it? I am not nearly as dumb as this makes me sound. I am much dummer. Not really - you decide. I dance to everything around my house ALL DAY LONG!. Music has become my higher power. I am not a religious person . . . anymore. Went that route from birth to 18 *(Pentecostal). Not the snake dancing or non-cutting-hair kind. But still stringent rules (can't dance, can't play cards, can't listen to 'secular' music, can't curse . . . all the fun stuff). So, as I left the arena of a church but still knew that there was a God and I wanted to have a relationship with Him that I myself could forge. Not a church. So I am very much "into" the spiritual side of life. I feel I have a very strong connection with my spirituality. I study it a lot, but only for my personal growth. I do not preach it, I do not advocate it, I simply live it. If others ask why I seem so at peace with the world, then I will let them know about my ‘secret’ ------ I love making others laugh. It makes my soul smile. OK - that is enough. I don't want to come off narcissistic. I do practice humility and humble myself daily. It seems to keep my feet on the ground and well-balanced. So far, at least.
Profession: Litigation Paralegal
Physical Appearance
5' 3"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Buddhist / Taoist
Want Children?
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