phukct "Hello there"
38 year old man from Defiance, Ohio      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About phukct
I'm the coolest Irish guy you'll ever know I'm an hole. I'm 24. I have a 2 1/2 y/o son I love tattoo's, piercings, scarification and basically any kind of body mod. I am a zombie nut . . . i love all things Z . . . even all the ****ty things. I'm inked, pierced and scared At the moment i do not own a car, due to my old one exploding and no extra cash for a new one, so I enjoy riding bikes, i have the greatest pink 20" ever! I wear more nail polish then a Puerto Rican chick with press-on's My favorite color is green but i barely wear it, unless it is the color of my hair. I have a little crush on Flo, the progressive lady. I am NOT here just to find a random hook-up. I am the worlds tallest leprechaun I love my facial hair and always change the style. I drool over girls with mods . . . the more the better. I love to read, write and watch movies (specially older horror movies). I barely play video games yet I run a video game website. I also write short films I have a HUGE weakness for girls with gles. I am a nerd and a dork. I enjoy doing random cartwheels and roundoffs in public I also enjoy making wierd noises and speaking in wierd voices. I wear alot of clothing that is covered in stage blood and wounds. I dont drink that much. Im very honest and very outspoken I love to make others laugh. the easiest way to get ahold of me is on msn at dot com I think I used the letter "I" more then any other time in my life on this. What I’m doing with my life Being a father, My site, My job. I’m really good at Being a Dad. Making people laugh. being an idiot. Listening Advice The first things people usually notice about me the pink and blue dread-hawk or my piercings My favorite books, movies, music, and food I can get down with any book, as long as i have good music to listen to while i read. As for movies. I'm not really picky, as long as it has a good story and its not straight up ography i'll probably like some part of it. Music, hmmm, pretty much everything. Food, well . . . im not picky. The six things I could never do without My son Music My Camera's My Imagination My family hmm, i only have 5. I spend a lot of time thinking about stuff and junk On a typical Friday night I am working on my site, reasearching or reading, if im not doing that im playing with my son or cleaning. The most private thing I’m willing to admit here i'd admit anything, just ask You should message me if If you want to chat, want a friend, need someone to talk to without a bias opinion, honesly i dont really care about it, i just dont want any stupid "I want to **** you" messages or anything, although i have not gotten many of those they're still abit disturbing coming from someone who doesnt know me past what i wrote. Or, if you know where this is from! "Oh YES! Fill the churches with dirty thoughts! Introduce honesty to the white house! Write letters in dead languages to people you've never met! Paint filthy words on the foreheads of children! BURN YOU CREDIT CARDS AND WEAR HIGH HEELS!! Asylum doors stand open! Fill the suburbs with murder and rape! DEVINE MADNESS! Let there be ecstacy,ECSTACY IN THE STREETS!! Laugh and the world laughs with you!" w00t!!!
Profession: Father, Writer, Student, Webmaster
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Want Children?
Your History With phukct