cjsather "Wish they all could be california girls"
34 year old man from Yorba Linda, California      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About cjsather
First of all I will be replacing all my pics very soon. If I look a little young its because I was 15 in these pictures. Anyways... My name is Chris, I currently live in Yorba Linda California. im going to fullerton college, im in ROTC and will be going into the army as a 2nd Luitenant after i graduate. Im a pretty quiet, laid back guy. I love being outdoors, paintballing, mountainbiking, hiking, camping, anything goes. I know what I want to achieve in my life and i am willing to work as hard as it takes to get there. Im always up for trying anything new, weather it be food, sports, etc. Somtimes i just like to get in the car and go for a drive without having a specific destination in mind. Most girls tell me im a sweet guy. I am a very family oriented guy. When it comes to relationships im pretty romantic. Im a very big believer in chivalry. Im not the type of guy who acts one way in front of his friends and another way infront of a girl, Im always mylesf, all the time. Im looking for someone to just hang out with and get to know first and we will see where it goes. i dont play games. My Best Qualities: Im serious when I need to be, but I can still kick back and have a good time and laugh Chivalry...I believe a girl should be shown respect at all times, even when things are very difficult, and even if she dosnt treat me with respect Im definately romantic. I love to just sit on a hilltop at night looking at stars and looking down on the city. Im pretty shy, but I will still put myself out there if the situation warrants it. Im a VERY forgiving person. There is nothing anyone can do to me that I will not forgive. I may be hurt by it initially, but I get over things quickly. I would rather talk out a problem in a calm adult manner rather than argue and resolve nothing. I can agree to disagree. (if you need me to explain this just ask) Hopes and aspirations: After college I plan on making a career in the Army until I find somthing that I can enjoy more. Hobbies/interests in general: I love the outdoors. Spending a day at the park playing sports, camping, just about anything outside is fun. Music:Clic Rock, Rock, and some other random artists from various genres Dreams: To travel the world and one day(not any time soon) start a family. Romance: I dont do much dating to be honest, however I am a very romantic guy. I believe women command the utmost respect and should be treated accordingly. Right now Im just looking for a really awesome girl to just hang out with and have fun. If it turns into somthing thats great. Friends:I have a couple close friends, but other than that I dont really hang out with too many people. I think this fine though because when Im in a relationship it leaves more time for me to spend with whoever I am with. Travel: Occasionally go places during the summer with my family, but other than that I stay pretty close to home. Vacations:I LOVE YOSEMITE!!! Thats my favorite hot spot. Movies: All Tom Cruise and Will Smith movies. Most action and dramas. Ive never really been into the whole "super hero" genre, alough I do like the new Batman movies. Entertainment: Movies, music, outdoors...the usual stuff. I will admit, I do play some video games, but I would rather bee outside doing somthing active with friends than sitting there "exercising" my thumbs. Well, thats it for now. say hi to me :) Add my msn: c_jsather@ hotmail.com
Profession: College Student
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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