ranojin "Dork looking for other dorks ^_^"
40 year old man from Exeter, New Hampshire      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About ranojin
just talk to me. im honestly not as creepy as you think i am... ok so i really am even more creepy then you originally thought...but still...im nice and ill make you pancakes :). im only looking for online friends so you have nothing to worry about. it'll help if we have something in common, but if not, then thats ok too. hope someone writes so i wont be too bored lol oh and the c.i.a. is drugging me with crazy pills that has the odd side effect of allowing me to channel crazy dead people so....yeah you can see why im so weird (@_@) in my free time, i like to play video games and chat online. ive been practicing poi for a while now. im ok, not great though. go on youtube if you want to know what poi is if your interested. as for friends, i just want some one to talk too. could be anything from debates, cartoons, what ever is on your mind. itll be nice if we have something in common, but even if we don't, im very open to learning new things in life. since no one lives near me, im mainly looking for online friends across the world, universe and all dimensions i guess i should rant about what type of gurl id like to have a relationship with. um...well i like girls that are sillyand a lil childish/creepy. wouldn't mind slow dancing in public if theres no music, can value the silent moments we'll have cause im the type that enjoys silence and speaking with our eyes to show how we truly feel about each other. i love cartoons and horror movies, so itll be a big plus if your into those as well. im a huge snuggler so expect lots of hugs and snuggles. im not that type to realy go to concerts, mainly cause i work 7 days a week night times, but i don't mind going to local shows or clubs. im not realy a dancer but im definitely willing to learn how to shake my groove thang lol. im not much of a talker, so i dont mind if the girls a lil quiet or talks up a storm. but im willing to talk about what ever and im open to learning and experiencing new things in life. so if you think we'll get along, then by all means write. i promise im not some creepy old guy thats gona chop you up into wittle pieces and make cookies outa yea...cause that would be weird....yeah thats it *shifty eyes as i hide the cookie cutter behind my back* ^_^
Profession: janitor
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
Latino / Hispanic
Marital Status
Never married
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