Brant "Looking for my helpmeet in st. louis"
64 year old man from Crestwood, Missouri      Looking for marriage
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About Brant
I enjoy being a godly man and growing through bible study, church, fellowship, and prayer. I value relationships above things. Relationships move people and people move things. Contact me at six, two, six, six, zero, seven, seven, six, seven, six. I have a married daughter & we have a good relationship, but my ex's choices raising her didn't allow me to raise a child in my household. My mom and dad were active until their death at 96, my doctor says my body is much younger than my age, so I am hoping to find a younger woman to marry and have children with me so I can properly raise a family and enjoy seeing good traits of myself and my life-long spouse in our kids. God's plan is for a marriage and that spouse to occupy the majority of your life and attention, next to God. Children are blessings like arrows close in the quiver, eventually shot forth to expand our heritage and make their mark in the world. I am intelligent, adventurous, loving, encouraging and attentive; always enjoying to learn, see and share something new with who i love. i enjoy improving and caring for myself and my love, being very affectionate and doing what is godly and good to help, provide, build up and enjoy each other, and help others. I enjoy children very much and I believe the work is worth the results, and joy included, especially closeness with my own. I am remodeling house in St. Louis and will move back to my house in Los Angeles, CA in 2024 to remodel and live in it. I work hard and play hard. I am a teacher by trade, but currently starting a business selling my programs, digital content and instructional materials online: mrbrantsclass. I have a long history of teaching all subjects and grade levels, including college in computers and sociology my two teaching credentials in special education. I prefer outdoor activities before indoor ones and can plan a great trip at a moment's notice with a little research. I have traveled the world and enjoy traveling, but my budget is dedicated to starting a business and remodeling so I usually travel local. I am a jack of all trades and master of some. God bless!
Profession: teacher, video producer
Physical Appearance
6' 3"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Want Children?
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