AceDeuceSuited "Are there any "normal" women in vegas?"
70 year old man from Las Vegas, Nevada      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About AceDeuceSuited
I believe that being in a relationship is easy . . . IF (and that’s a big IF) you are in a relationship with a person who is compatible. The single biggest mistake I see people make, both male and female, is entering into something that they know is not a good fit. A good fit is not only the chemistry of one being attracted to another, but also matching on a personal and intellectual level. That being said, here are 25 (only part of my list) qualities/characteristics/likes-dislikes (in no particular order) that give you an idea of who I am and what I’m about. If you think we'd be compatible, I'd enjoy hearing from you! Here goes . . . 1. If you Email me, I will respond – it’s just common courtesy 2. If I Email you, I hope you will Email me back – it’s just common courtesy 3. I am caring and considerate (I open the door for my date, pull her chair out and push it back in and try to remember to put the toilet seat down when I’m done) 4. Favorite quote #1 - “Sometimes nothing is the coolest hand” 5. I enjoy playing Poker and I like to play often 6. I am easy to talk to and people feel comfortable around me 7. I will remember your birthday and make you feel special 8. I am 5' 6", a little overweight but working on losing it (the weight, not the height) 9. I miss Waffle House and their chicken and eggs, scattered hash browns and coffee 10. I was raised Jewish. I now consider myself spiritual and do not follow any organized religion 11. (to be discussed in person) 12. I will only have sex with you if I like you and the chemistry feels right 13. I have one grown child and he visits about once a year 14. I tear up when watching “touching” scenes or movies (Forrest Gump always gets to me) 15. I know the difference between “your” and “you’re”, “seen” and “saw”, etc. (you should too) 16. I had six teeth extracted in preparation for Radiation Therapy 17. I’m a Capricorn, but have yet to see evidence that Astrology plays a part in my life 18. I wear my seatbelt and would expect that you do too 19. I underwent seven weeks of Radiation Therapy 20. I am considered decent looking by most 21. I am a Cancer survivor 22. I am a Nebraska Cornhuskers fan and try not to miss a game on radio or TV 23. I’ve been rich, and I’ve been poor – I like being rich better 24. I seldom talk to my ex-wife (no reason to do so) 25. I raised my Son pretty much by myself And, like you, there are certain things we all look for in a mate, and things we don't like. For me, I don't like a woman with excessive body hair (if you know what I mean), if she wears/uses too much make-up and definately is she has bad hygiene.
Profession: Account Executive
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Want Children?
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