TracySmiley "Friends first and lets see what happens. geek girl seeking strong-willed mate. are there any other fandom geeks out there? =^)"
60 year old woman from London, Ontario      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About TracySmiley
Smart and friendly, large and curvy, with a good sense of humour. My celtic sign is the hawthorn tree. Sun sign is Gemini BUT about 1/3 of my natal chart is Taurus. That gives me the duality and creativeness of a Gem without all the flightiness that can plague a Gem. I am Sherlocked, a hunter (SPN), a Whovian, and becoming interested in a lot of anime. (really like Full Metal Alchemist and Last Airbender) Any other geeks out there? Yes, my hair is now blue. I am also an autodictat. (if you know what that means we are off to a good start and already speak the same language) Looking to spend some time on a new friendship that could develop into more. I don't drive so you either have to be local or be willing to drive to visit. Yes, I am seeking something serious at the end of all of this. Friends, real friends first. I am not a push-over. I am quiet, compassionate and deeply passionate. I enjoy a good laugh but not at another person's expense. I would move mountains for the right man. The man I'm looking for IF this becomes more than just friendship: He is strong and passionate. He follows his drive to learn more about what interests him in life.(that autodictat thing again) He isn't afraid to let me see the things that touch his heart. He is open enough to laugh at the absurdities of life and allow me to see him cry when life/his heart gets too heavy. He thinks I'm an angel sent to bless his life. He has a great love of family. He notices and appreciates the little things I do for him. He'��s a bit geeky/nerdy and isn'��t afraid to show it. He might even have tattoos. He knows when to be gentle and when to assert himself when we are together. He knows that no doesn'��t always mean never. That it could mean that his timing is off. He knows to ask me when he isn'��t sure of what I'��m trying to say instead of assuming the worst. He is not homophobic as most of my friends are gay and should feel comfortable around us. He is spiritually grounded but not necessarily religious. He wants someone who is out of the ordinary. He doesn't judge a book by its cover and knows history is history; it is what has made us who we are. He has learned from his history (as I have) and is a stronger man for it. Please note that, although I am a large and curvy woman I am not attracted to extremely large men.
Profession: student
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
Your History With TracySmiley