Lanius "Wo ist meine prinzessin?"
50 year old man from K�ln (cologne), North Rhine-Westphalia      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Lanius
Many of my followers often ask me about my experiences here during my years-long membership. Alas, here l go: I encountered about 50% inactive or fake accounts who are just passive, 30% scammers and sellers, who just try to get money from you and 15% spammers, whose accounts were quickly closed by the operators. Remaining 5% obviously didn't find me interesting enough so far. But l only know about the female side of usership. Maybe some day I might find true love. I do not want any virtues or abilities...I am searching for true understanding and equal love. Loving and being loved back the same way. I want to love things on my woman because she does them, I want to lover her right like she is, find her beautiful without makeup or fancy dresses, just because I am happy with her presence. And I want her to feel the same way for me. These are things you cannot pretend to do or uphold without feeling so. So this is also the reason why it is so hard for me to find true love. I am not interested in good s*x, money or devotion. These all are lesser goods in my eyes, which come by itself, if they should have any meaning in a true relationship. Love is not only carnal knowledge or a save and joyful life for me. So thats why many people would call me complicated. Please be aware that I find it hard to believe that a woman who lives at the end of the world from my position might be a perfect match for me. It always COULD be, but the means to proof it are quite demanding, so I rather am interested in women I could meet within a few hours of driving, not of flying. If love comes to town then, there will be a way. But I neither can buy one out of slavery nor change the immigration laws - I am simply not rich enough for a match like this. If you need a naive guy with big fat money, pealse click on - I am only naive. Thx 4 reading Aber natürlich freue ich mich über deutschsprachige weibliche Interessenten! Folgende kleine Auswertung bezüglich der persönlichen Vorlieben bitte ich dich vorzunehmen, damit ich sie unter den professionellen Möglichkeiten der heutigen Technologien gezielt auf unsere potentielle Kompatibilität abgleichen kann. 1.Welches Land reizt dich mehr zum Verreisen? [A] Spanien [B] Schweden [C] Azeroth 2.Welchen Superhelden bevorzugst du? [A] Superman {B] Batman [C] Comics sind doch für Kinder! 3.Was ist die bessere Polizeiserie? [A] Tatort [B] The Wire [C] Barbara Salesch 4.Wer hat mehr für die internationale Popmusik getan? [A] Rihanna [B] Lady Gaga [C] Lena 5.Wo schaust du Nachrichten? [A] heute [B] tagesschau [C] taff 6. Welche Sorte Tic Tac? [A] Orange [B] Limette [C] Toe 7. Das bessere Star Trek ist... [A] Next Generation [B] Original Series [C] Clone Wars 9. Der bessere Kommandant ist... [A] Captain Kirk [B] Captain Picard [C] Angela Merkel 10. Anspruchsvolle Fantasy finde ich in [A] Harry Potter [B] Herr der Ringe [C] gibt es nicht Soviel sollte wohl erst einmal reichen, um die Vorauswahl zu erleichtern. Bitte schick mir deine ehrlichen Antworten als persönliche Nachricht mit ein paar Worten, weshalb du ausgerechnet auf mich hier gestoßen bist, ich bemühe mich, rasch zu antworten. Solltest du allerdings mehr als zweimal [C] gewählt haben, brauchst du mir wohl nicht zu schreiben; ich entbiete dir dennoch Gottes milden Segen.
Profession: Last Survivor
Physical Appearance
6' 6"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
No answer
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