AnthemSteph "Exterior is a shell - inside is the heart."
71 year old woman from New River, Arizona      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About AnthemSteph
If your open minded, looking for friends, actually cares more about who a person is on the inside more than you care about the outside. Then I'm willing to not just "talk the talk' but more "walk the walk" with you. ( I am NOT interested in men. If male, please move along. ) No matter what reputation the dating sites have, I'm not on here for a quick "hook up". I have always believed friendship develops BEFORE we choose which path we will follow. If after reading and you see we have similar interests - lets share our friendship. (After all, a person cannot have too many friends). If our friendship develops into something more - I'm all in. I'm looking for someone that shares the same interests and abilities I have. I enjoy the outdoors and all it has to offer. Camping, archery, hiking, the ocean etc.. As well I enjoy indoors as well - ballet, theater, shopping, cooking, dinner parties. It's not unusual to get dirty digging in the garden all day and end up getting cleaned up, slather on the make-up, slip on a cute dress or possibly a clean face and slacks to go see a ballet or play. I always consider my partners feelings when choosing what to wear. I do not want to enter a relationship with deception so please continue reading...... I'm also looking for someone that loves to laugh, have fun and enjoys life. Who also is active and can enjoy similar interests. But -- also can accept someone that has a masculine side as well as a feminine side. A feminine side that is very presentable and fun to be with- but keeps it part time. I'm a straight male. I guess you could call me a lipstick lesbian -trapped in a male body I understand visual acceptance is a factor. So I have included photos of me for you to view who I am. I only ask you reciprocate by letting me know who I will converse with if you make contact.
Profession: Management
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
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Yes, they live away from home
No answer
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