Jsgarner "Looking for someone like me"
63 year old man from Delavan, Kansas      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About Jsgarner
As the headline states, I'm looking for someone like me. That whole "opposites attract" adage is total BS. You have to share common interests or the boat is destined to sink before it ever leaves the dock. I'm an average looking guy. No Brad Pitt, but no Uncle fester either--except for that whole balding thing. I speak like a redneck, but I'm very literate and am a bit of a grammar nerd when it comes to writing (I even use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in my text messages. I abhor text-speak.) You don't have to be a beauty queen, but you should be reasonably fit. A nice hiney and looking good in a bikini is icing on the cake. I'm not looking for a scarecrow, but the whole Kim Kardashian butt doesn't do it for me. You should have an excellent sense of humor and be able to appreciate a guy who's sense of humor tends toward the wry and sarcastic. My taste in music is widely varied, but I hate rap with a passion. I also can't stand Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Sugarland, and Justin Bieber. I'm not a traditional "dating" kind of guy. I don't really enjoy going out to restaurants or movies--however, I can be kidknapped and taken to a drive-in movie. I'm more at home sitting out by a fire and listening to good music, or exploring back-country roads on a Sunday afternoon. I also like peeing off bridges. I know it's an odd quirk, but it's something my Grandfather and I did when we were exploring country roads. I'm a Carpenter by trade, but I'm a jack of all trades by nature. I can repair a boat as easily as I build a house. I also garden and am a whiz at canning and preserving my produce. Not a bad cook either. My ultimate goal is to have a sailboat and spend the winters cruising the Caribbean and the summers up here on my property. I'm actually in the process of trying to acquire said boat. Basically, I'm looking for a companion to share this dream with me. Now, before you get some inflated dream of a luxury yacht and hitting all the finest nightspots and resorts--forget it. I'm not rich and sometimes struggle to get by. This will be a small, but seaworthy boat, and it will be cruising on a shoestring budget. That's not to say it won't be fun. It's just that my idea of fun and that of other people's might be different. I don't do touristy stuff. This is more of a shorts and sandals kind of thing. Diving and snorkeling. Kicking back by a fire on deserted beaches and drinking a few beers and listening to music. Hanging out with locals and seeing cool things that most regular tourists never see. Stuff like that. With that said it brings us to another important point. Mechanical ability. I'm not looking for a wallflower or a piece of arm candy. I want a woman who is comfortable with tools in her hands and has the ability to use them--and if not the ability, then the willingness to learn. One who can think on her feet and doesn't panic if something goes wrong. Instead, she jumps right in there and helps me fix it. Obviously you'll have to have an adventurous spirit, but I don't need some crazy ***** who looks for danger. There's a difference between adventure and foolishness and I'm not partial to getting shot or thrown in jail. So, if this sounds fun to you, write me and let's see if we hit it off.
Profession: Carpenter
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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