Community > Posts By > Lukinfolov

Lukinfolov's photo
Wed 06/17/15 03:52 AM
Edited by Lukinfolov on Wed 06/17/15 03:56 AM
Some people find the concept of human evolution troubling because it seems to conflict with their religious and other traditional beliefs about how people and this world came to be.
However, evidence of biological Human Evolution from some species of primates inhabiting east Africa cannot be easily denied or disapproved by any logical mind. Some facts which point to evolution over creation are:

1. Similarity in physical features and behavioral traits between chimps and humans. Group behavior among chimps strongly resembles that of humans.

2. About 98.5 % similarities in the DNA sequence between that of chimps and humans.

3. Fossils of earliest humans, so called Australopithecines, dated between 6 million and 2 million years by radio-carbon technique, have been all excavated in Africa.

4. Based on shapes of bones, there have been 12 to 19 species of early humans, as found from the fossils and all but one, have left no descendants.

5. Genetic mutation is a known natural phenomenon which can change the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce. Through intra-breeding, new traits are passed on to the descendents. The traits which help the population to survive the changes in the environment are known as adaptive changes. This is a continuous phenomenon and cannot be stopped. Evolution of humans is based on this biological phenomenon.

6. Experiments based on Mitochondrial DNA give evidence pointing to east Africa as the origin of modern humans.

7. Archeologists and paleoanthropologists have traced back the origin of culture and languages of modern humans to central east Africa. Semitic languages like the old Hebrew, Arabic and the Amharic language have a lot in common as they have originated from the Afro-Asiatic family of languages. Amharic is still the official language of Ethiopia. This proves civilization emerged from this region in the pre-historic days.

Now, all the above evidences are available to the world. Anyone, who wishes to convince himself can read further from reliable sources and form his own opinions. I would love to get evidences from the other side and weigh them against mine.

Give truth a chance to survive and science never lies. It is some handful of fraudulent scientists and archeologists who have lied to the word for cheap popularity. However, all such lies have been uncovered with the passage of time.

Lukinfolov's photo
Wed 06/17/15 12:35 AM

This is a simple topic where people post their views about love and what it truly is. Everyone has different understandings of many things and interpretate in which ever way they see is right.

My view on "love" is that it is not real. I believe that love is a word created to hide the fact that really it is just a motive. Whether it is a motive for sex, breeding, belonging, security, financial stability and so on. I do believe however that the joining of 2 peoples motives can also depend on certain other factors such as how attractive the other person may be and any additional motives such as rich, famous etc. The reason I put belonging is because of relationships that you hear about lasting 50+ years. This I can only assume is an evolution of motives and therefore as you age with the partner your with, both your motives and eventually just being in each others company is all the you really want in the end thus staying together forever more.

I would like to hear other peoples opinions of love and all its mystery and maybe we can collectively solve the puzzle surrounding love.

Like many other emotions and state of our mind, love is a long term state of the mind and has been proved as real by measuring levels of hormones like oxytocin, serotonin and some others that are produced more when someone is in the company of the loved one.

But hey... you gotta be in love with someone before you start understanding it.

Can you describe the taste of butter to someone who hasn't tasted it?

Lukinfolov's photo
Wed 06/17/15 12:22 AM
Edited by Lukinfolov on Wed 06/17/15 12:23 AM

America's actions allowed the ISIS cancer to grow. First by invading Iraq and then by removing the American troops thus leaving room for ISIS to grow. America's inaction in Syria also helped ISIS to grow. So it's America's responsibility to get rid of the ISIS cancer even if it means ground troops.

Agreed. This Cancer wouldn't have started had Iraq was not invaded and Saddam captured. But, now US must choose between 'Intervening' and 'Not Intervening'...this middle path is only going to bleed US but won't eliminate the Cancer. If US decide to intervene, it must take ISIS head-on and get done with it. Or else, leave it for the middle east states to deal with it.

Lukinfolov's photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:05 PM

You're wrong...blushing

rofl rofl

Personality is what you like to show to the world...and character is what you do when no one is looking..!!

Lukinfolov's photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:03 PM
Need a pair of jeans...pockets or no pockets !!

Lukinfolov's photo
Tue 06/16/15 11:21 AM
Edited by Lukinfolov on Tue 06/16/15 11:22 AM
Read these guidelines below and draw a picture of yourself using these four elements..

The four elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water, are said to have a lot in common with our personalities.

Earth: Seeing is believing

Positives - Realistic, Practical, Reliable
Negatives - Materialistic, Narrow-minded, Inflexible

Air: Mind over-rules the heart

Positives - Intelligent, Objective, Broad-minded
Negatives - Over-analytical, Insensitive, Aloof

Fire: I came, I saw, I conquered

Positives - Confidence, Independent, Assertive,
Negatives - Arrogance, Selfish, Angry

Water: Sea of Emotions

Positives - Sensitive, Intuitive, Nurturing
Negatives - Over-sensitive, Subjective, Dependent

Each one of us has all four attributes in varying degrees, either in dominant or in weak forms.

So what's your mental make up?

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 11:11 AM

rofl rofl I am a nurse .. I know death well . It is not an obsession . It is a passion .. Providing a good death offtopic

Oh how I wish to be in your lap when I die..:wink:

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 11:04 AM

Is it possible? Or will girls get bored? I only wish to use sex for it's intended purpose, and I don't want to have a child yet. Will a relationship be able to keep without sex? (Advice from a girl would be best)

Is everything fine with you?

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 04:54 AM

Would like to date the lady in the background cos I just want to date her

That's kinda desperate I guess..;-/

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 01:44 AM
Fetch a pair of ear-plugs and try to sleep in the other room.

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 01:26 AM

SMFH... This is an emotional manipulation tactic ' if you love me prove it ', The man is a User, a Leech & a scammer.
Anyone who asks for anything material, isn't ready & can not afford to date, & certainly should not be on a date site.
Any man that would ask a woman for money has no dignity for himself & no respect for women. IMO, he is not a man at all.

Please read the full thread before being so harsh on the guy..

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 01:21 AM
I would date lu_rosemary because she talks about Einstein and John Lenon in her profile..I guess we will jell well.

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 01:06 AM

Depends on the context . .. The probability of death during cardiac bypass surgery is considered low .. but it happens . . Does not make it amazing :-)

Its ok if you are in the mood of pulling my leg...or have you woken up from the wrong side of your bed :-)

Why are you so obsessed with 'death'?

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 12:27 AM

It is sweet but why do you think it is amazing . The only certainty in life is death .. . Anything in between is open to possibilities :-)

When the probability of a possibility is very low and it happens, we find it amazing :-)

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 12:18 AM

This is happening on online relationship,and I can sensed its a form of scam

Scam how you took his money first or he expects it back? You keep changing the story . A loan is a loan. Pay the fool and be done with it.

If he is asking for more than you borrowed maybe you have a scam but like I said giving money to anybody on line is C>R>A>Z>Y!

I won't call him a fool. He is probably too good to be innocent gullible man who's unaware of such scams.

Such loans never get paid or no love!

Lukinfolov's photo
Sun 06/14/15 12:04 AM
Don't you guys think this is amazing !!

Lukinfolov's photo
Sat 06/13/15 11:33 PM

What I mean to say, if your bf lend you money and you cant send him coz you are also in need. Is it mean you abandoned him already? And is it a measurement of true care and love? I get the real story !!

Well, this is tricky. You have to really demonstrate to him you love him heart and soul or else, he could brand you a 'gold-digger' if he was stingy enough.

The onus of making this relationship work is on you now and how you do it, its your call.

Lukinfolov's photo
Sat 06/13/15 11:23 PM

If your partner is asking you to help him financially, and you can't help him coz you are also in need and striving also to survive financially. Is it mean you don't love and care for him? Is money a measurement of true love?

In my opinion, for guys, money has never been a factor in love. I could have agreed if a women had asked for some financial assistance from her boyfriend and changed course when declined.

Lukinfolov's photo
Sat 06/13/15 10:55 PM

I type out these abstract thoughts when I get inquisitive about life in my notebook and then blog them on forums to get others' feedback.
So, what makes you think its copied?

2 reasons.

1. (as I said in my original post) When you have "what�s" instead of "what's" then it was copied from a different website.

Whenever there is that "�" instead of, or in addition to, a comma it means it was copy and pasted.

2. You can highlight sentences or paragraphs of material, right click, and choose "search google" and it will search for the text.

Doing so with yours brings up as the first match:

That's from 4 years ago.
And it's a word for word match for what you posted in the OP.

Maybe you wrote that since your profile puts you in or near Qatar, and the other site lists the author as "anonymous," I don't know.

So, it does exist verbatim on another website, and this version has markers of being copied from the web.

That's what makes me think it was copied.

You are right...I had posted it on qatarliving as well. I am still a member of that forum but the crowd isn't interesting any more. I am in Qatar for the last six years.

You may find more such blogs from me which really would set you thinking..!!

Lukinfolov's photo
Sat 06/13/15 10:01 PM
Eastbourne (United Kingdom) (AFP) - A 103-year-old man and a 91-year-old woman held their wedding in Britain on Saturday, becoming the oldest couple to get married in the world.

George Kirby and Doreen Luckie -- together for 27 years -- looked delighted as they tied the knot at a hotel in the seaside town of Eastbourne, southern England, before close friends and family.

The bride wore a white dress with blue flowers while the groom, a former boxer, was dressed smartly in a suit and tie, and was in a wheelchair following a recent fall.

With a combined age of 194 years, the pair beat the previous record held by a French couple, Francois Fernandez and Madeleine Francineau, who had a combined age of 191 years.

Speaking ahead of the ceremony, Luckie said the couple had "no regrets" about not doing it earlier. "We didn't want to bother about marriage before but eventually we did it," she said.

The couple reportedly have seven children, 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren between them.

They got engaged on Valentine's Day this year, according to the Daily Mail.

"I didn't get down on one knee, because I don't think I would have been able to get back up," the newspaper quoted Kirby as saying.


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