Community > Posts By > FisitMan

FisitMan's photo
Sun 02/03/08 09:37 PM
First: fortsmithman - Do not, I repeat DO NOT go by some dumb formula for determining an appropriate age. That is just dumb. The person is the important thing, not some number arrived at through some arbitrary formula.

Second: This really says something about our society: What's the first thing that pops into so many people's minds when considering a prospective partners age? Their family. If the partner is older - their parents (I wouldn't date my dad) or their children (It'd be like dating my daughter). What kind of an incestuous society are we? When considering a partner, why the hell would you think about about them in terms of your family? Sheesh. frown frown frown

FisitMan's photo
Sun 02/03/08 09:18 PM
What's that old song..............Alone Again, Naturally? It's getting to where being alone does seem to come naturally. Sux. For an old crone like me it's not unusual. But I keep wondering why so many good looking (and apparently very personable) women on JSH are alone. Doesn't make sense to me. Do you live in neighborhoods where the only men are gay or stupid? I can't understand it. Doesn't reflect well on my gender. embarassed embarassed embarassed

FisitMan's photo
Sat 02/02/08 10:04 PM
We nice guys are out there. But we're usually not the right age for you. Or we aren't good looking enough to catch your attention. Or we're too far away. Or....... There's always something. But we are out there. :wink:

FisitMan's photo
Fri 02/01/08 09:07 PM
Are match-makers is the same category as rain-makers? I hear their success percentage is about the same. laugh laugh laugh laugh

FisitMan's photo
Wed 01/30/08 07:28 PM
Apparently I'm more desperate than the rest of you.......ohwell

FisitMan's photo
Sun 01/27/08 05:23 PM
My advice......take to heart what cutelildevilsmom said. Don't be afraid to seek help. This could be serious. BTW - there's nothing wrong with the way you look.

FisitMan's photo
Sun 01/27/08 04:46 PM
Thank you for all the positive input. I really appreciate it. And the "innocent" little kitty is nothing less than a cat burglar. I caught him breaking in, apprehended him, held him at gunpoint and turned him over to the authorities.laugh laugh laugh laugh

FisitMan's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:05 AM
Figured I should toss my profile out for inspection. Any constructive critcism is appreciated. ohwell

FisitMan's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:22 AM
I'd have a hard time dating a smoker. I smoked for 35 years and finally quit a couple years ago. Cigarettes still smell too damn good to me.happy

FisitMan's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:13 AM
I think it's kinda strange how so many women here say that gray/silver hair is attractive, even sexy. And yet, in other threads, the vast majority of women say they wouldn't date a guy old enough to have gray hair. I don't get it.....ohwell

FisitMan's photo
Sat 01/26/08 02:38 PM
A little voice in the back of their minds says, "This isn't what I want." And they get scared and run, whether the little voice has any reasons for the remark or not. Very similar to pre-purchase anxiety. And it is mostly suffered by men. Men also suffer much more from post-purchase anxiety. Rooted in the whole right brain/left brain mess.

FisitMan's photo
Sat 01/26/08 02:29 PM
I struck out and they retired me.......very unceremoniously. The kick in the ass on my way out was totally unnecessary. grumble

FisitMan's photo
Thu 01/24/08 07:22 PM
.........I thought it was funny............

FisitMan's photo
Thu 01/24/08 06:10 PM
I seriously doubt if many people are much good at on-line dating. But Lex is right. Keep posting in the forums. It's a good way to catch other people's attention. It's also a way for people to get to know a little about you.

You could also just start going through profiles and contacting the people you find interesting....if you're comfortable with that approach.

Patience appears to be a must. In my own cynical opinion, low expectations diminish the disappointment.

FisitMan's photo
Wed 01/23/08 06:48 PM
One time less than I want to be.

FisitMan's photo
Wed 01/23/08 06:45 PM
Everyone who cheats should be cheated on by someone they really care about so they can feel the emptiness and pain. Problem is, most cheaters never care enough about anyone else to be really hurt. Cheating destroys. It's always wrong.

FisitMan's photo
Wed 01/23/08 05:58 PM
Sounds like a bunch of old fogies in here. laugh laugh laugh

I do have to agree with most of you, although it's a bit chauvenistic to just harp at the women. To me, over-use of foul language shows a total lack of consideration for those around you. It seems no one stops to think what effect their words have on others. Some say it's freedom of speech. But they forget one simple truth: your freedom to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.

FisitMan's photo
Wed 01/23/08 05:44 PM
I try too Joshy. It's hard but it feels right.

As far as the original question - there are several possible reasons.
1) Some are just playing with no real intent to hurt someone.
2) Some people just get off on jerking others around.
3) It is a subtle method of exerting control over others.
4) For some the intentions are good but they lack the courage
to follow through.
5) A major reason is insecurity. They are afraid they are
inadequate and lie to cover the inadequacies.
6) Some people are just 'natural born liars'. They lie about
anything and everything for no good reason.

FisitMan's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:30 PM
1) If you're bored, say you're bored and we'll call it a night. 2) Don't leave all the thinking up to me. If I ask what you'd like to do, tell me. "I don't care" just doesn't cut it.
3) A brief referral to an ex is OK but don't talk about him all night.
4) I'm not the other guys you've been out with. I'm me. Give me a chance to screw things up on my own.
5) If you don't want to go out with me again, say so. Forget the phony excuses and maybes and "we'll see" stuff.

FisitMan's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:26 PM
It seems to me it would be difficult to maintain a LDR. How can you really get close to someone when you can't touch them? Or look in their eyes? Or feel them close to you? Or smell them? Or hear their voice except on a telephone?

As far as traveling to see someone, many people can afford little, if any travel. Many cannot take the required time off from work. Or take time away from their families.

We live in a demanding world that affords little time for relationships.