Community > Posts By > skywisper

skywisper's photo
Fri 12/23/11 09:31 AM

Personally, I need people like Krupa here on this site. That way I always know there is someone around who can tell me when I'm being a dumb@$$.

:tongue: biggrin
Well if feel the need to have a friend around to kick you when your down then i feel sorry for you.

skywisper's photo
Fri 12/23/11 09:23 AM

true (what galendgirl said)

but I was thinking about this thread on my way home from work today and I came to the conclusion that I have kinda given up...I am past the point of NEED to be in a relationship

I might like to be in one, but not if I can't be myself, not if there's any drama, not if I do not feel loved within the relationship

I'd rather plant turnips than "settle"

so I drift - I guess I haven't given up so much as question - "What's in it for me?"

I know I would be willing to invest my whole self emotioanlly in a relationship, but I gotta ask Well, ya, what's in it for me?

Older women get smarter too while they get sexierlaugh
Thank GOD finely some one who read the question thought about it and answered it with out pointing at me lol.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 07:02 PM
Use it for YK lol

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 06:04 PM

Krupa I thought you of all people would understand that this is just a question i am only the deliver of the question it has nothing to do with me its for the fun of it its just entertainment bro lol.Iv been on these dating sites for years i serenely know what there capable of & not capable of doing.Its just a question lol for every one to take a shot at i wish you people would quit shooting in my direction. penis typed it while I was having dinner. Stop screaming at me.

(crying like a five year old girl with an owwwwie)
I didnt see the part where you think im crying like a five year old hehehe you are a little bit of a smart a$$ hehe.

He was referring to himself chumly. Are you having a crummy nite?
I guess you could say that,you know how its is 3 days before xmas and they tell you sorry we cant get you paid until after the New Year lol.Then you wonder well hell what do i need money for any way i have no family of friends to spind it on any way.Yes krupa its me crying like a baby again i hope its not interfearing with your dinner friend.So yes i guess i am having a bit of a bad day sorry lol.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 05:37 PM

Krupa I thought you of all people would understand that this is just a question i am only the deliver of the question it has nothing to do with me its for the fun of it its just entertainment bro lol.Iv been on these dating sites for years i serenely know what there capable of & not capable of doing.Its just a question lol for every one to take a shot at i wish you people would quit shooting in my direction. penis typed it while I was having dinner. Stop screaming at me.

(crying like a five year old girl with an owwwwie)
I didnt see the part where you think im crying like a five year old hehehe you are a little bit of a smart a$$ hehe.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 05:29 PM

sky, ol bean, the krupisode was speaking to all the posts he's read. Only meant as encouragement Im certain.

We all wind up throwin a bit of 2 cents on the table. Its not necessarily intended for the original poster.

Yes, I got a lot out of Krupa's post and philosophy on the subject.. he is a strait talker.

It was not written for you personally, but simply about the subject. It was for whom ever.

Oboy frustrated

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 05:27 PM

Krupa I thought you of all people would understand that this is just a question i am only the deliver of the question it has nothing to do with me its for the fun of it its just entertainment bro lol.Iv been on these dating sites for years i serenely know what there capable of & not capable of doing.Its just a question lol for every one to take a shot at i wish you people would quit shooting in my direction. penis typed it while I was having dinner. Stop screaming at me.

(crying like a five year old girl with an owwwwie)
Hmmm if i had known it was penis typing i would of understood completely,let me know next time gsss.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 05:10 PM

sky, ol bean, the krupisode was speaking to all the posts he's read. Only meant as encouragement Im certain.

We all wind up throwin a bit of 2 cents on the table. Its not necessarily intended for the original poster.
He knows what i'm talking about lol.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 05:06 PM

didnt i tell u to stop that? lol
I know it hurts hehe.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 04:42 PM

Just read through this thang....gotta point out a couple things....

Everyone gives up sometime or other. I did. When the right one comes along...all the hopeless futility goes right out the window and you feel like a kid again.

Mingling and making real friendships based on your actual thoughts and personalities is a GREAT basis to lead to an actual relationship......sure beats meeting someone and a month later you are shacked up and a year later you are regretting it.

I have spent alot of time here. Then I spent a solid year yapping with Soufie before I decided to take the chance and let myself be loved by her. Then, we continued to talk for another year before we actually met.

Rome wasn't built in a day. It is easy to get frustrated but, rushing into a relationship just cause you don't want to be lonely is just fkn retarded. If someone is willing to settle for not being lonely....go pick up some drunken skank at your local dive. (she will be the one half drunk at 11 a.m.) ...who might work and could lead to a lifetime of happiness......But, my bet is three months later you will be blaming your penis for leading you astray while you think "I was better off Mingling"

Krupa I thought you of all people would understand that this is just a question i am only the deliver of the question it has nothing to do with me its for the fun of it its just entertainment bro lol.Iv been on these dating sites for years i serenely know what there capable of & not capable of doing.Its just a question lol for every one to take a shot at i wish you people would quit shooting in my direction.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 03:13 PM

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 02:47 PM

Young Man:

Old people:

And I'll still feel this way. glasses
Wow thats not the same person i hope Richy what happen brother?.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 02:33 PM

@ MorningSong, I believe a lot in healing from other sources, more than medications. As the proof has always been in the way patients have healed. I think you're correct in your views :). I really don't believe in a pill-popping culture.
Thank you shy emo chick i will check it out.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 02:23 PM

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 02:12 PM

He only likes to talk at night it seems too. Just want to add that in there.
Hmmm thats kind of strange.glasses

Yeah. Its always around the same time too. Sometimes an hour later or so. lol I think its weird that I find that the most predictable.
It is weird,do you like the guy?,have you thought about just asking him whats up?.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 02:02 PM

I never look for dates "up there." Mainly because "local" to me is still a few hundred miles away. At least 50 miles.

I would probably never date anyone from this town. I've actually seen a couple of guys I liked, but they were either married or dysfunctional or flawed.
You done scared me off i dont see myself doing your lawn sweating over a hot stove cooking washing dishes sweaping floors dusting cleaning the bath room and putting out good sex lollaugh.Hell i'm 50 years old not 20 lol you need a young man lol.rofl rofl rofl

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 12:43 PM

who really want's to die single we as humans are desinged geneticaly to be together, well atleast by parents who want you to get married and move out!!!

I know for a fact that I will die single but I will be happy before I do. I don't buy into the tripe of genetics making us want to be together. You are born alone and will die alone.

Some people never get past the idea of simple biology. We no more "need" to be with someone than we "need" to defecate in the neighbor's yard.

Thats to funny lollaugh laugh :laughing: :laughing:

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 12:42 PM
Peeople of the earth can you hear me?,hmmm thats better lol.Now may i remind you that this is just a random guestion that ran through my brain last nite

This has nothing to do with the way i feel or look at any body here & i dont expect any one to look at me as if it were.Just look at the question and know body else and say how you feel,give your thought.

My question is the people up front spend most of there time looking for dates thats why they are here that would seem the most likely place to find a date.There are locals there i can pounch in San Antonio TX and bam there is 500 girls.

So why are we here? simple question, instead of up there thats where the dating to me starts.Back here it seems more people are just friends more then people looking for love.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 12:09 PM

most older men I've dated don't engage in the kind of intamacy I enjoy...and that's all I'll say about, oh and if he's a hopeless case as the OP eluded to, don't need him anyway...roflrofl
Well i'm an old man and i am very sure i could engage in your typ of intamacy that you enjoy with out much of a problem.

skywisper's photo
Thu 12/22/11 11:40 AM
Woohoo they got my vote lol.