Community > Posts By > Viper1j

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Wed 06/20/18 07:30 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Wed 06/20/18 07:32 AM

"American born child(ren)"

Oh, You mean CITIZENS? Yes, American citizens may or may not qualify for benefits. After all, they are citizens, even if they may be related to undocumented immigrants.

Sorry to ruin your bigotry with facts.

you didn't ruin a thing, you just confirmed it and so did txsgal

you said that Undocumented immigrants dont receive any federal assistance ( well you said they dont qualify for social services) and I replied not directly but there are federal programs.

Which is like saying you're rich because your sister won the lottery.

You might share in it if the relative chooses, but that doesn't make it yours.

Getting Medicaid and foodstamps for your newborn baby isn't the same as your sister winning the lottery :confused: It's the same as an American applying for benefits. The difference is Americans have a ss # and have to report wages. The Mexican women have men working for cash. That's how they live so well. They are qualifying for benefits while Americans are being turned away after paying into the system.

I was at the hospital for a stay a month ago. While I was taken in thru the emergency room and they were imputing all of my health coverage info, at least 5 Mexican mothers came up to the desk to get treatment for themselves, there kid or their mate. All appeared to have minor sicknesses all flashed their ( N.J. Family care card). All were using the emergency room as their primary care doctor.

why?.. well, so they didn't have to pay.. anything. The New Jersey family care health care is for free to illegals. No deductible.. no out of pocket.. even for prescriptions. no questions asked.

well, not for free.. see you and I pay for it.

Anyone want to see the bill I got from the hospital.. even with the paid health coverage I have?

Ya think?

Hippocratic Oath: Modern Version

"I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help."

THIS is why they get treated, instead of being sent to the camps.

no photo
Wed 06/20/18 05:34 AM

"American born child(ren)"

Oh, You mean CITIZENS? Yes, American citizens may or may not qualify for benefits. After all, they are citizens, even if they may be related to undocumented immigrants.

Sorry to ruin your bigotry with facts.

you didn't ruin a thing, you just confirmed it and so did txsgal

you said that Undocumented immigrants dont receive any federal assistance ( well you said they dont qualify for social services) and I replied not directly but there are federal programs.

Which is like saying you're rich because your sister won the lottery.

You might share in it if the relative chooses, but that doesn't make it yours.

Getting Medicaid and foodstamps for your newborn baby isn't the same as your sister winning the lottery :confused: It's the same as an American applying for benefits. The difference is Americans have a ss # and have to report wages. The Mexican women have men working for cash. That's how they live so well. They are qualifying for benefits while Americans are being turned away after paying into the system.

Assuming you're correct (Big Assumption), you're saying that those AMERICAN CITIZENS that the undocumented immigrant mothers are raising will one day grow up to stand in front of Home Depot working for cash?

Most likely they'll go to school, get an education, attend college, join the military, and have productive, taxpaying lives.

Pretty much the same thing all of them are doing today.

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 11:22 PM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 11:24 PM

I have no doubt that there will be a Blue Wave. Between the tax scam, the taking away of health care from millions of Americans, and now the separation of children from their parents at the border, Americans who oppose Trump and the modern Greedy Old Pervert party, or in other words, gives a **** about morality should have every reason to vote in the November election, except for maybe those whose choice of Democrat is so horrible. Assuming that there are even any decent Republicans left, which I doubt.

However, I have no doubt that the Republicans will continue to cheat by using Gerrymandering and voter suppression.

And then there is Russia, which the Trump Maladministration refuses to even recognize, because Trump is so worried that doing so will make his presidency look even more like an illegitimate bastard!

How many in Intelligence said that Russia is going to continue to try to interfere in our election process again?

Seeing as how the US Attorney. General just got kicked out of his own church for violating church rules or principles on child abuse, immorality, racial discrimination and "dissemination of doctrines" contrary to those of the United Methodist Church. and the so-called president is about three steps from being excommunicated from the Catholic Church..

I'm expecting more of a tsunami than just a wave..

And Cohen just flipped like a pancake..

It's going to be a sun shiny day!

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 11:05 PM

"American born child(ren)"

Oh, You mean CITIZENS? Yes, American citizens may or may not qualify for benefits. After all, they are citizens, even if they may be related to undocumented immigrants.

Sorry to ruin your bigotry with facts.

you didn't ruin a thing, you just confirmed it and so did txsgal

you said that Undocumented immigrants dont receive any federal assistance ( well you said they dont qualify for social services) and I replied not directly but there are federal programs.

Which is like saying you're rich because your sister won the lottery.

You might share in it if the relative chooses, but that doesn't make it yours.

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 05:48 PM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 05:50 PM
I knew about school lunches and ESL classes, but they get more than I would have guessed. And ANYBODY can get treatment at an ER regardless of status or nationality.

Think it has something to do with that Hippocratic Oath that doctors take.

Ironically enough, I was picking up a friend from the hospital a few days ago, when it was placed on lockdown because a gunshot victim had just been brought in to the ER.

What a shock! The guy was Asian!

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 04:59 PM

Undocumented immigrants don't qualify for social services. At least not in the United States.

you mean like Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC),Emergency medical care, including ER visits and Emergency Medicaid, schooling.

the undocumented immigrant doesn't receive welfare directly, but if they have children born in america they qualify for

and this is what I found in the State of Texas

Undocumented immigrants cant apply for SNAP themselves but on the behalf of their American born child(ren)

they can get access to Child and Adult Care Food Program,the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program,the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.

That program provides nutritional supplements and health education for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and their infants up to five years old who are deemed "at nutrition risk" by a medical doctor

sorry I had to ruin your delusion with some actual facts viper.

"American born child(ren)"

Oh, You mean CITIZENS? Yes, American citizens may or may not qualify for benefits. After all, they are citizens, even if they may be related to undocumented immigrants.

Sorry to ruin your bigotry with facts.

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 03:42 PM

And while we're at it, why don't we just give back the Statue of Liberty to the French?

Because based on everything you just said, this country is no longer worthy of her.

Because when the phrase "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses" was said it was said during the time where wait for it.

Welfare programs didn't exist.

Those Immigrants who came over, most of them were grateful at a chance to earn a living and be independent, some worked 3 jobs to put food on the table for their families.

That isnt the same today , some are attracted by the state generous welfare programs

if youre living in Mexico or Guatemala and you're not working for the drug cartel, you dont have the language or skills to compete for higher skilled jobs, or you're working agriculture and earning 15 dollars American a day vs coming to America working under the table or worse some sanctuary city where can get welfare, a subsidized apartment, food stamps total income 600 dollars American a month living standards 10x better than back home

what would you do?

I dont blame the immigrants for wanting to come to America, I blame the weak politicians and leftist whose policies made it easier for them to take advantage of the situation

Undocumented immigrants don't qualify for social services. At least not in the United States.

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 11:59 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 12:26 PM

It's not the U.S. responsibility to take care of everyone. They are saying $35,000 is the average spent on each illegal child while so many American children are living in homes with only $35,000 as income. We need to send all these illegals home, secure the border, and let them fix their own problems.

And while we're at it, why don't we just give back the Statue of Liberty to the French?

Because based on everything you just said, this country is no longer worthy of her.

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Tue 06/19/18 11:37 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 11:40 AM

Most parents would rather die vs being separated from their children.

Most real parents would rather see their children alive in a cage than dead in a street.

That still doesn't make it ok for you to play zookeeper.

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 11:11 AM

another jerk opinion here.

parents separated from children is a shame, but if the parents commit an illegal act your azz should be deported and take your kids with you.

Most parents would rather die vs being separated from their children.

Which would give most people with any active brain cells A clue as to what they are leading.

You're on a train, and the train is on fire, you are about to jump off, until you realize that the train is going over a very large canyon.


You want to burn to death? Or maybe take a chance that the water at the bottom of the canyon is deep enough, and you don't hit any rocks on the way down?

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Tue 06/19/18 10:14 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 10:16 AM
Why do you think there haven't been any pictures of immigrant females snatched from their parents?

There's a certain pizza parlor in Washington DC that gets regular visits from Donald and Jeff. pitchfork

This post is about rape, not murder. If I had to guess which profession has the highest number of rapes, I would guess teacher.

No, the post is about power, and the ability to abuse it.Or did you miss the part, where he threatened the mother with deportation?

Anybody can call immigration. Teachers have control over kids. Police have authority but adults have more rights than children. The mother has some blame for not telling someone and letting that happen to her child. American women let it happen and don't report it also.

Except police officers have the unique ability and power to detain and transport. Not just make a phone call.

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 10:11 AM

If one has money to help. Many people are. Not that fortunate.

Yes, I know. And we appreciate our blessings. But there are those that rail against the concept of helping family. They think they have some god given right to determine what constitutes "help". They think that you should let them go hungry while teaching them to fish, as if starvation is some kind of perverse motivator.

They're wrong.

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 10:03 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 10:07 AM
Not really, it's not "good for me". I'm not unique in my family, my brothers would do the same thing for me, my father would do the same thing for all of us. My first cousin is a very famous, world-class, jazz saxophonist. The first thing he did, when he made it big, was to buy his mother and his sister two five bedroom homes. Paid for free and clear, in cash.

He recently lent my middle brother $32,000 for an investment.

Family is supposed to take care of family, because at the end of the day, that's all you've got. If all you're counting on, is a stranger to put you in the ground when you're done with this planet, that's a pretty sad existence.

After some of the things that I've read, on various forum message boards, I have found myself wondering, if certain people will have anyone mourning at their funeral.

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 09:49 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 09:51 AM

I believe in helping family, if need be and I can. Who would not help family if there is a ligitimate need!! Also have contributed to other needs.

These comments are mostly about those working the system.

Maybe, that's what makes them family. I don't need a "legitimate need" to do something for my brother. If he calls me up, and asks me if I can wire him $100. I just do it. I don't question him about what he's going to use the money for, or why his paycheck wasn't large enough, or if he really needs it.

He's my little brother, he asked me for money, and that's enough for me.

no photo
Tue 06/19/18 09:23 AM

Passed in 1970, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a federal law designed to combat organized crime in the United States.

It allows prosecution and civil penalties for racketeering activity performed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise,where people commit crimes,conspire to commmit crimes,or cover up crimes as an organization,such as the mafia,street gangs,drug cartels,and other groups of people commiting crimes,conspiring to commit crimes,or cover crimes up,acting on the orders of,or for the benefit of people in an organization.

To be classified as an organized crime syndicate,and be prosecuted under the RICO act,all the prosecution has to do is prove that the organization,or the people in it, have conspired to,or commited 2 crimes in a 10 year period from a list of 35 crimes that they use to determine if they are guilty of 'racketeering'.

This list includes such crimes as collusion,fraud,bribery,obstruction of justice,witness tampering,money laundering,and various financial and economic crimes,as well as the more serious crimes,such as murder,extortion,kidnapping,and drug crimes.

Once an organization has met the requirements necessary to be prosecuted under the RICO act,that means that EVERYBODY that is INVOLVED in it in any way can now be prosecuted the same way as the people who actually commit the crimes,including the people at the top of the organization,whether they are the ones who actually commited the crimes themselves,ordered it done,knowingly allowed it to happen,or profitted from it,or benefitted from it in any way.

Considering that there have now been MANY people in the trump organization that have been indicted for crimes,and/or pled guilty to these crimes that the mueller investigation has uncovered [ currently,AT LEAST 17 indictments and 5 guilty pleas,and counting. ], the TRUMP organization has demonstrated in many ways that they engage in this sort of behavior,which basically means that TECHNICALLY,they are a crime syndicate,and are guilty of racketeering,the same as the mafia,and other organizations which have successfully been prosecuted under the RICO act.

Do you think that the trump organization should now be prosecuted under the RICO act,since they are an organization that has demonstrated thet they engage in this sort of behavior,and conspire to break the law in an organized way,with knowledge and support from many people in the trump organization,including donald trump?

We can hope..

Whatever works to take him down and out, before we all end up glowing in the dark.

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Tue 06/19/18 09:15 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 09:15 AM

Federal government is cutting food stamps for many individuals and families now, problem is they don't investigate more closely who really in need.
That's when ligitimate people suffer in losing out.

I have one sister and one brother, if they lose their job and fell into hard times, each of the siblings would step in, my parents would step in .

And do what? Give them dog food for dinner?

Who are you to say what anyone can choose to give a family member? If people are struggling, ESPECIALLY family members, then other family members should be the last people on the planet to want to rub their noses in it.

Some father, or brother, or cousin, or nephew, chooses to give a single mother in their family something nice for Christmas, or her birthday, anyone that complains about that is just jealous

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Tue 06/19/18 09:08 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 09:10 AM

how about everyone stop whinging about the choices they made not being the choices EVERYONE make ..
how bout dah?
yeah, fraud and abuse are problems, so is the insistence by some that there should be a restricted list on items that people on assistance can enjoy or be in possession of.

whoa people living on the government fraudulently need a Job.

They use their Obama Phone to set up a gun deal on credit and sell that load for a profit usually from the trunk of their car (that they claim to need to hunt for a job).
Anyone that thinks this is not happening is delusional.

You could employ a little honesty, and call it what it really is.

It's a "Reagan" phone. It was Ronald Reagan, that established the "Lifeline" Phone Access Service for low income families.

All the Obama administration did, was upgrade an existing law, to cover new and emerging technology, like cell phones. So thank your boy Ronnie for all the free phones.

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Tue 06/19/18 08:55 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 08:56 AM
Read above.(sheesh..) Engage brain first.

And no, only one class of people, can take a human life, free of government sanction.

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Tue 06/19/18 08:53 AM

laugh whatevs ... Im done.

first time I have seen you quit ms harmony .laugh laugh laugh now who will be the voice of welfare :angel:

even ms harmony gets tired of dealing with jerks sometimes ...

and believes even 'welfare' recipients are people who count and should have a voice, as opposed to merely being beholden like property to tax payers.

You can't think that way. It will only make it harder to eventually put them on the trains.

yes, by all means put us on the trains. But then who would pay?. You see, it is us " jerks" that pay the bills

I was referring to starting to believe that even 'welfare' recipients are people who count.

As you people learned from Nazi Germany, the trains and camps are self sustaining.

What you don't kill, becomes slave labor.

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Tue 06/19/18 08:46 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 06/19/18 08:46 AM

This post is about rape, not murder. If I had to guess which profession has the highest number of rapes, I would guess teacher.

No, the post is about power, and the ability to abuse it.Or did you miss the part, where he threatened the mother with deportation?