Community > Posts By > gvitago

gvitago's photo
Sun 08/25/13 09:49 AM

no. in small well trimmed situations it can be OK....but for a few exceptions, really, no. never have been fond of it. it is inconsiderate to ones partner because it really hurts upon physical all "areas" lol

Funny you should mention "all areas". When I grew a moustache, the only women who seemed to really like my moustache were lesbians, and I can't figure out why.

gvitago's photo
Sun 08/25/13 09:42 AM

I don't really understand why most men want to chat after exchanging 1 or 2 messages?
Not just here, on most dating sites. I don't like chatting, maybe if there's a real click in the messages, conversation going smooth, is catchy and fun. Then I will be inclined to talk to someone. But as long as exchange is more like exploring and/or not so smooth straight away, I don't feel like chatting.
If I was to chat with each man that asked me, I wouldn't have time to do anything else anymore. I don't say that to boast, I'm not into ego BS, just to illustrate why I don't like it: it eats up too much time.
It's not so different from having lengthy phone-calls, which is something I wouldn't want every evening either. I get cranky when that happens :angel:

Now a number of men I've been in touch with, said they were dyslectic, but I can't believe suddenly most men are dyslectic?
Is this chat thing cos many men can't type well?

I find it rather frustrating, as things always seem to get sticky when you decline an invite to chat, even when things were okay before. It seems like you have to come up with one he** of a good reason for not wanting to chat for the man to accept it.
I don't want to be pushed into something that I don't want. Things like that should go by themselves, both having the desire to talk to one another.

So why do men so forcefully try to get a woman to chat with them?

i'm missing something here... if you don't like chatting, and don't like talking on the phone, why are you here?

gvitago's photo
Sun 08/25/13 08:33 AM

I can understand...But,as a guy...I gotta point out something...

How in the hell is a guy supposed to just automatically know that a woman don't wanna chat?

We ain't psychic...and honestly...half the time a woman don't even know what she wants every other day.

Secondly...chats are small steps that can potentially lead to actual deep philosophical conversations.

ain't no damned way I am gonna bother discussing the real inner me until I figure out if the chick is a superficial flake....which is easily discernable after a few innocent chats.

Just sayin....

You go, dude! A man who speaks his mind!drinker

gvitago's photo
Sun 08/25/13 08:22 AM

Don't even go there. If you have to teach (as you call it) someone, why not just wait for the one you do not have to teach anything? You probably get off on "teaching", but hey, to each his own.

Go get me a beer.

Now, now, cowboy. Never judge someone unless you've walked in their boots, or their stiletto heels, for that matter. Sometimes the liberty of making choices as to how we present ourselves to the world, and who we are get taken from us.

gvitago's photo
Sun 08/25/13 08:15 AM
Edited by gvitago on Sun 08/25/13 08:28 AM

gvitago's photo
Sun 08/25/13 07:47 AM

I don't really understand why most men want to chat after exchanging 1 or 2 messages?
Not just here, on most dating sites. I don't like chatting, maybe if there's a real click in the messages, conversation going smooth, is catchy and fun. Then I will be inclined to talk to someone. But as long as exchange is more like exploring and/or not so smooth straight away, I don't feel like chatting.
If I was to chat with each man that asked me, I wouldn't have time to do anything else anymore. I don't say that to boast, I'm not into ego BS, just to illustrate why I don't like it: it eats up too much time.
It's not so different from having lengthy phone-calls, which is something I wouldn't want every evening either. I get cranky when that happens :angel:

Now a number of men I've been in touch with, said they were dyslectic, but I can't believe suddenly most men are dyslectic?
Is this chat thing cos many men can't type well?

I find it rather frustrating, as things always seem to get sticky when you decline an invite to chat, even when things were okay before. It seems like you have to come up with one he** of a good reason for not wanting to chat for the man to accept it.
I don't want to be pushed into something that I don't want. Things like that should go by themselves, both having the desire to talk to one another.

So why do men so forcefully try to get a woman to chat with them?

...because they're pervs, and maybe they feel that chatting w/ you puts things more "in the moment"
Or maybe they have reasonable expectations from a woman on a social site, that she would want to chat after a few msgs.? I hope you will post a warning sign on your profile in big, bold letters which
says, "PLEASE...NO CHAT UNLESS I ASK!" Maybe you've been getting just a bit TOO MUCH ATTENTION? Gettin' just a little spoiled, maybe? Or maybe just more tired than you realize of approaches from "guys who just aren't worth your time? $$$ YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE!$$$ :smile: OMG!!! What is wrong w/ men these days? Please accept my deepest apology on their behalfnoway

gvitago's photo
Sat 08/24/13 09:23 PM
Edited by gvitago on Sat 08/24/13 09:39 PM
You know you're a fuggly guy when you keep getting these emails from women who obviously don't have a grasp of English grammar. But they apparently do have a burning desire to attain US citizenship by finding some lonely, vulnerable-looking schmuck who will help them.
I asked a girl the other day what country she was from, and never heard from her again.
I had forgotten what a sad place mangle2 can truly be. brokenheart

gvitago's photo
Fri 08/23/13 08:57 PM
Please choose:
A. No facial hair
B. A moustache
C. A moustache and chin hair (beard or goatee)
D. A "soul patch" (patch of hair just beneath lower lip)
E. Other

gvitago's photo
Fri 08/23/13 08:48 PM

Yall can't handle why I'm single.

Try me.what

gvitago's photo
Fri 08/23/13 07:39 PM
Edited by gvitago on Fri 08/23/13 07:40 PM
Jennifer Lawrence was so charming, INSPIRING, what with her falling, putting her foot in her mouth, wanting to meet Al Roker, falling on the steps as she made her way to accept her first Oscar.
The Academy has made public it's concerns about the televised ceremony's drop in ratings. THEY WANT NEW BLOOD...YOUNG BLOOD, an influx of younger viewers. What better way to attain that than to take a young, wide-eyed girl, carefully shepherd her through a whirlwind career, tell her exactly what to say and do in her various appearances, then cap all that off by giving her an OSCAR!
Do you feel there is something strange about her meteoric rise to success?
Are the members of the Academy nothing more than a bunch of perverts who reward young starlets handsomely who act in provocative scenes depicting rape, etc.?
I'm sure her first lesbian scene is right around the corner...

gvitago's photo
Fri 08/23/13 07:15 PM

A couple of bad breaks. Nothing I can't handle.

Also waiting for the right woman to come along.

If I have to elaborate. Sigh!spock

Back injury I'm just getting over.
With the help of a therapist and
some exercises, I'm pain free most
of the time now.

I had two concussions. One when I was five.

Dude...but you're not fuggly! Not that I'm tryin' to say yer HOT or anything...sick

gvitago's photo
Fri 08/23/13 07:11 PM

I'm making more fiends here than anything..most are just too dang far away grumble

One can never have enough FIENDS.laugh

gvitago's photo
Fri 08/23/13 07:09 PM

Always wondered is there a reason why I am still single after 2 years now? Am I doing something wrong? Dont even have any lady friends. Scary!!

I'm single because I'm FUGGLY and poor. Yep, that's right! FUGGLY!!!
There's a freedom in knowing that you're fuggly!!!

gvitago's photo
Fri 08/23/13 08:46 AM
Edited by gvitago on Fri 08/23/13 08:47 AM
I know that there are some male celebs w/ facial hair who women find to be sexy (Pitt, Gosling, Jase on "Duck Dynasty"laugh ). But there are some women who abhor facial hair on their man. What about you, and why/why not?

gvitago's photo
Thu 08/22/13 07:09 PM
Well, here I am, weighing in on masturbation!:banana:
From a practical standpoint, it can really disrupt one's sex life. People are just too, how should I say, ON TARGET when touching themselves. So how can one expect a live, flesh-and-blood partner, NOT merely a fantasy in one's head, to be as accurate when touching their partner?frustrated And don't even get me started on vibrator-bashing! The clitoris is just too sensitive, and the vibrator too efficient and addictive, to give a woman's male partner even a snowball's chance in hell of pleasing her! Now bring on the hate-mail, ladies,waving now that I'm threatening your relationship with "Victor".

gvitago's photo
Thu 08/22/13 06:36 PM

The faucet on, the cupboards slam
I cannot even handle the daily noise
I want no noise

The appliances running, and I cannot
The house with unlocked doors, I cannot
Escape, keep people out

There is only one not of blood
Only one, not near enough to call upon me

I call on him, I write to him, he is my keeper
To keep me safe, or notice me, missing
I am invisible to all but him, he is my keeper

The house is quiet, no footsteps to shake
Weak floors, no silent treatment that shatters
No dodging bullets, now

He has talked me down, Beloved Negotiator
He has slowed my pulse to match his heart's beat
We breath in, we breath out together

Beloved Negotiator, may I take your breath in me?
Will you kind eyes always watch me?
Beloved, negotiator, you have my life, Love

Poetry, not my forte'.
So who's the Beloved Negotiator?

gvitago's photo
Thu 08/22/13 01:56 PM
Edited by gvitago on Thu 08/22/13 02:06 PM

OH, MAN...almost forgot the one who matches even KD Aubert, maybe even exceeds her
PAULA PATTON! Would somebody please post a pic of Paula?

she doesn't look black...

She has changed. But that's what happens when a woman has Robin Thicke's baby (such a dork!) I don't see what she sees in him! Paula was still shaping up after giving birth while filming the last Mission Impossible installment, but she was still awesome! She was on Chelsea Lately one night (you know how Chelsea is), and Chelsea asked her, "So you're black." Paula replied, "Yes, I'm a black woman." She then went on to say that their baby remained white long after birth. She said people were coming up to her, asking if she was the nanny. "Blackness takes time", she said.

gvitago's photo
Thu 08/22/13 08:43 AM
Excellent critiques, 2KidsMom, soufiehere! Helpful comments, TxsGal3333, Quizee! I'll get right on it!

gvitago's photo
Thu 08/22/13 07:49 AM

This man represents the side of men that men pretend don't exist or don't want to admit exist. This man is a primal sex-driven man who is doing exactly what science wants him, as a man, to do. And that's f*** multiple women. Monogamy isn't natural. It's forced for the sake of keeping "the kids", "the house", and "the car". If men didn't repress themselves, they'd all be like this man. But being that men repress, is why Porn exists. If it wasn't wired into a man to crave multiple women, porn would not exist.

Incorrect. I may be weird, but when I have a woman in my life, I honestly don't think about other women.

gvitago's photo
Thu 08/22/13 07:47 AM
A. Make yourself comfy in front of the flat screen.
B. Shove a cattle prod.
C. Tie one end of a string to the trigger, the other end to yer hoo-ha (make sure the string is tight)
D. Watch pornos till you're cured.