Community > Posts By > alnewman

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Thu 12/04/14 08:45 PM

Simple answer......

"What's wrong with our schools?"......govt got involved in education

Bingo!!!! smokin

That, of course, is a big part of it but how much of it is due to the teacher's unions?

Hey Joe :)...How much?...Plenty!...Teachers unions are the most powerful influence in education today for two reasons...They are extremely well organized and they are hugely funded...They have the financial power needed to affect political elections and control decision making in every single school district...Unions do contribute in positive ways, but by putting the focus on teacher security at the expense of student educational needs they do more harm than good...Administrators can't properly evaluate teachers and bad teachers cannot be fired!..IMO, the first thing that needs to go is tenure....

Excellent idea, let's address the symptom, punish the least likely to effect the outcome and sweep the problem under the carpet.

no photo
Thu 12/04/14 08:35 PM

I can say I'm not the brightest crayon in the box,...what I can't why back in the days of the "little red school house"...the outcome was planes, trains, automobiles, amazing things with science,...boys and girls that were determined and driven enough to bring us where we are today...and now most can't even add without a machine or much less write in cursive...hmmmm what


no photo
Thu 12/04/14 08:34 PM

parents are the ones who hold power over school boards. they are the ones who elect superintendent and other school board officials. much of the school policies can't be effected until they have a certain percentage approval vote by parents.
many parents complain about everything that is wrong with schools but have a great apathy when it comes to effecting change. the parents who complain most are often the ones who never attend any meetings.
additionally, many parents are so overprotective of their children that instead of it being a help it does a great disservice to their child because they don't learn to function in the real world.

Oh, that is just.... absolutely hilarious!!!

"Society will develop a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. It does not tyrannise but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd."
― Alexis de Tocqueville

A statist is an individual who erroneously believes that there is such a thing as "authority" vested in certain human beings magically giving them the "right to rule" over other people. This "authority" means that certain people who we call "government", have the "moral right" to issue commands to those whom they rule (those under their "jurisdiction"), and that their "subjects" (slaves) have a "moral obligation" to obey the arbitrary dictates set by their masters. Most simply put, a statist is someone who believes in the legitimacy of slavery.

Nothing more readily exemplifies this principle than the modern united States system of education. We surrender our next generation, the whole future to the "government". But when the result is as should be expected, the masses whale at the unfairness of receiving that which they asked for.

no photo
Thu 12/04/14 08:24 PM

Simple answer......

"What's wrong with our schools?"......govt got involved in education

Bingo!!!! smokin

That, of course, is a big part of it but how much of it is due to the teacher's unions?

You're kidding, right? Didn't think so, sad. A side show does not a circus make. Convenient though.

no photo
Thu 12/04/14 08:22 PM

This Answer Question?

Not nearly as bad as common core history:

You Won't Believe What We Found in Another 'Widely Adopted' High School Textbook

no photo
Thu 12/04/14 08:04 PM


The statistics on education indicate that the US has now fallen behind many poorer nations while spending more money per child than almost anyone. Many blame the teacher's unions for preventing the firing of incompetent teachers. Some blame the parents for raising students who have no urge to learn and do not know the meaning of "discipline". Some blame the government for passing laws preventing spankings and putting emphasis on "teaching to the lowest common denominator" instead of upholding high learning standards. Some blame the mystical "society" who have trained children to "text endlessly" and ignore the future because there won't be one for them.

What should be done?

some schools can be over crowded...
some school have been shut down becouse they blame the teacher for the scores the children get to keep it open ...
some schools have gotten stricter since 911...
they started charter schools ...
some school have started trying to get the children ready for collage or a career...while their young ...
but then some want to take courses... where there is no job skills for them ... becouse the jobs in that field have been dropped...
some want are children not to learn any higher skills ...
some say illegal immigration...
some say the SAT and other standers tests are to high becouse not used in the real world of employment...

what should be done ...
only think right now I can see that can be done are those schools that are trying to get these kids into collage or training school make sure their telling them what they will be able to get a job with ...after their educations ...

most school are underfunded ...thats why it is harder to... as you say ...what can be done ...

And to imagine, this is before common core. Can one imagine the result when the next layer, common core is added.

Back in the mid-1990s, the illustrious British introduced a process called ISO 9001, the alignment of business to greatness by way of processes, not necessarily great but repeatable processes. Didn't really matter if it was right, so long as the process was repeatable.

So called education was aligned to this standard, producing little trained monkeys. And to imagine an education system could be any other than what it is, is to imagine the impossible.

"The only thing that is more expensive than education is ignorance."
― Benjamin Franklin

no photo
Thu 12/04/14 07:40 PM

The statistics on education indicate that the US has now fallen behind many poorer nations while spending more money per child than almost anyone. Many blame the teacher's unions for preventing the firing of incompetent teachers. Some blame the parents for raising students who have no urge to learn and do not know the meaning of "discipline". Some blame the government for passing laws preventing spankings and putting emphasis on "teaching to the lowest common denominator" instead of upholding high learning standards. Some blame the mystical "society" who have trained children to "text endlessly" and ignore the future because there won't be one for them.

What should be done?

That is easy, just spend more money. Build bigger school board buildings, pay larger salaries to school board members, increase the pay for all the administrators. But above all, get behind that common core movement so the government can have total control.

And then we can have a nation of the totally stupid instead of just well indoctrinated idiots. After all just how much further is there to go? This is but a nation that believes education is tremendous student debt and no knowledge. A nation so enslaved, there is no concept of what it takes to be free.

However, very few realize the real question, what remains when one has a concept that fast food is a career and no one can afford hamburger?

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 09:04 PM

Actually, plenty of others here are factual.

Apparently, they have me blocked, then. The majority of what I see in this Community is a bunch of emotional, knee-jerking reactionism with limited - if any - citations to legitimate sources which is passed off as "factual".

When I ask others for citations to legitimate sources to back up their emotional posts, most times nothing is provided. On the VERY FEW occasions that a citation IS provided, it's to sites *like*



And where did you get the impression that one here is your slave? Why do they need to provide anything not provided in their post? If you have an issue with the post, look up your own citations and rebut. I love rebuttals.

You also love copying and pasting other peoples work and passing it off as your own..

At least it's work, got anything to add? Thought not.

No, that is called plagiarism. Not work. Not your work. Laziness, even though you think you may be feverishly working at copying and pasting someone else's work and taking credit as your own. that legal? Stealing other writers published or non-published work?

or is it just unethical?

or the ramblings of an incoherent mind focused on dissent and conspiracy, Al?

at the very least, that "work" you say, makes you NON-CREDIBLE, since you are not citing it.


I think DISCREDITED is a better word of works for you to be using. JMHO.

Actually you would be wrong again as usual. Another case where the emotion rules and one goes off half cocked without doing their homework.

As to the works of Mark Passio, you have clearly demonstrated you know absolutely nothing about them much less the man himself. And from his teachings, you are not one he would appreciate I share with anything not readily available with.

And in your mind, I would prefer to be discredited. But I do love the apparent effect I have upon you and will continue for the future. I will take every opportunity to expose all those little snafus of misinformation.

But in the infamous words of Mark:

Human beings should consider with great care their sources for information. By refusing to present certain information, and by influencing people to dismiss certain information as unimportant or unnecessary to consider, many modern institutions seek to control human perceptions and therefore to limit what human beings may come to understand.

By the way, Mark's thinking is very much in align with mine, but he is much better at etymology than myself. So your objection isn't so much the sourcing but the absolute fear of the information itself.

Tell you what, I'm due to go back and review some other works of his that I haven't been to in a while. I pass along some notes on that without cites also as his material is all CopyLeft.

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 05:37 PM

correction, I don't defend thugs, I defend 'victims' who are not restricted to just the perfect law abiding citizens

I felt it just as wrong for them to shoot the white boy who answered his fathers door and was shot

I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER robbers had run from his house to shoot and kill one

I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER being instructed that police were coming and not to pursue, to follow his neighbors robbers outside and kill them

so, no , its not about racism, its about LIFE MATTERING, even if that life has stolen, or bullied, or trespassed,,,,,,

the THUGS, in my opinion, are those that keep promoting the idea that it somehow shouldn't matter,,,,

Really, shall we name names? Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown come to mind, but then how can they be thugs, they are black. And if you live by violence and are black, I guess that changes the meaning of a thug.

And you felt so wrong I'm sure you made a banner and immediately ran into the street to protest.

no, by definition of anyone breaking a law (which is most people , though they wont admit, in this land of laws),, they were both 'thugs

one because he engaged in smoking weed(which is illegal)

and the other because he stole (Which is illegal) and bullied

what that had to do with their being killed is irrelevant, being that Treyvon was not killed in the act of smoking weed and smoking weed is not a death penalty offense

and Brown was not killed IN THE ACT of a robbery, and robbery is not a death penalty offense

and Brown was not killed IN THE ACT of an altercation with police, which WOULD be a potential death penalty offense

therefore, as imperfect as their young lives and choices were, yes, I DO FEEL upset by their being gunned down,,,,,

as I do with any of the young lives I hear about, as I posted back with the example of the white robbers who were killed running away and the Mexican robbers who were killed trying to get away

but perhaps its only worth addressing or noticing if I happen to be commenting about black folks?

perhaps the problem shouldn't be seen as whether I get upset about young black lives (and others) that are lost but that others don't find any need to get upset about ANY of their lives, and least of all those who are black,,,

What law is it that most people break? I never break laws but I totally ignore statutes. Is that what you are referring?

You do know what a law is, don't you? Trayvon and Brown broke laws. They instigated violence and paid the price. The victims are the ones persecuted by the public for justifiable actions.

One had to go through a trial that could have resulted in being caged for most of his life, why? To please some repressed slaves that can't accept reality. Wilson at least was spared that travesty but still has had his life ruined.

Read all about it, he has resigned because he is worthless as an officer for the wrong reason.

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 05:31 PM


not worth talking to internet 'thugs',, their reasoning is beyond reproach to their own self appointed superiority,,,,

So anyone that debases your frivolous spin is an internet thug but thugs that act in a criminal manner are victims.

Glad to see you clarify your outlook on matters in general so openly.

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 05:27 PM

The grand jury did the right thing. Honest people will accept that fact.

ALL of the crap posted by EVERYONE who defended the thug with lies about "his hands were in the air in surrender" and "he was murdered!" while the grand jury was deliberating contributed to the looting and rioting.

Those should be ashamed. The National Bar Association is just showing it's level of racism.

This story was never about racism. It was about a cop shooting a thug.

It should seem so from the vast volume of information released. When that criminal claiming to be the thugs mother's ME agrees with the physical evidence of the ME, sort of displaces doubt.

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 05:19 PM

correction, I don't defend thugs, I defend 'victims' who are not restricted to just the perfect law abiding citizens

I felt it just as wrong for them to shoot the white boy who answered his fathers door and was shot

I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER robbers had run from his house to shoot and kill one

I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER being instructed that police were coming and not to pursue, to follow his neighbors robbers outside and kill them

so, no , its not about racism, its about LIFE MATTERING, even impoverished lives, even minority lives, even non law abiding lives even if that life has stolen, or bullied, or trespassed,,,,,,

its a life that matters, particularly a young and still developing life,,,,

the THUGS, in my opinion, are those that keep promoting the idea that it somehow shouldn't matter,,,,

Thugs, the victims are the beings they destroy. And you care less about all those others, they are but convenient because of the thugs. How many threads have you started over the thugs? And not one over the others....

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 05:17 PM

...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black...

Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"?

perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,,

racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,,

That is but your twist and contains no truth. Once you attack an officer and touch his gun, you should expect to die.

And this is absolute racism at it's finest.

lol,, and your 'truth' is based upon what,, were you the sole eyewitness in the car?

did he 'touch' the gun, or go for the gun or try to keep the officer from going for his gun?

so touching a police officers gun is grounds for death, period,, with no time frame,,,,,good to know

and IM sure, by extension, shooting people with a gun is grounds for death too

and there need be no explanation why those 'grounds' can be overlooked for the sake of preserving the life of some and not others,,,?

perhaps police can summarily execute civilians now and claim that at some point previously that person 'touched their gun'

If you don't know then it would just be a waste of time explaining it.

But here, the Washington Post has encapsulated it very nicely. The physical evidence in the Michael Brown case supported the officer (updated with DNA evidence}

But what the hey you probably know somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody that saw the whole thing and physical evidence shouldn't be that important anyway, should it?

And now because of hundreds of idiots that believe protest with some thug as a hero, involves the right to burn and pillage, there are many families in Ferguson that have had their lives destroyed.

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 11:05 AM

'thugs' lives like theirs aren't worth fighting for,,,,after all,,,

Ah, your rancor finally instills a moment of truth.

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 11:05 AM
Edited by alnewman on Sun 11/30/14 11:12 AM

correction, I don't defend thugs, I defend 'victims' who are not restricted to just the perfect law abiding citizens

I felt it just as wrong for them to shoot the white boy who answered his fathers door and was shot

I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER robbers had run from his house to shoot and kill one

I felt it just as wrong for a citizen AFTER being instructed that police were coming and not to pursue, to follow his neighbors robbers outside and kill them

so, no , its not about racism, its about LIFE MATTERING, even if that life has stolen, or bullied, or trespassed,,,,,,

the THUGS, in my opinion, are those that keep promoting the idea that it somehow shouldn't matter,,,,

Really, shall we name names? Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown come to mind, but then how can they be thugs, they are black. And if you live by violence and are black, I guess that changes the meaning of a thug.

And you felt so wrong I'm sure you made a banner and immediately ran into the street to protest.

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 11:01 AM

where do you get the information that they 'sponsored' him

Knowing that he has his own net worth and his own ORGANIZATION specializing in this type of work, I would imagine he wouldn't need anyone elses sponsorship

and I hope they stay there,, just like
Nancy Grace and Justice Scalia who cant be dismissed as having some 'racial' angle

though Im sure they will be discredited with some other association trick,,

liberals are wrong
blacks are overemotional
tv personalities just want publicity,,,,


Twist, twist, twist, spin, spin, spin. Will the truth ever be let in?

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 10:57 AM

...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black...

Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"?

perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,,

racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,,

I'm pretty sure that "black man" in question was proven to have "hurt" several people including the cop in question (DURING THE ENCOUNTER).

There are some cases in which officers blatantly overreact and should b brought to justice. Training in escalation of force should be made abundant.

While the last verse of your comment is very true, the first reflects an astounding lack of tactical knowledge and real life experience in these situations. The most evil of criminals would walk all over anyone with this mindset.

correction noted,, police can restrain and arrest those who have KILLED, but not black males who have 'hurt'

I don't know about evil, but I do know that killers with GUNS who definitely should be feared based upon their very RECENT harmful behavior seem to be killed less often than black males who are unarmed and have 'hurt' someone

seems the danger a black male might do with sheer brut strength is more of a threat than bullets,,,,something is wrong with THAT picture,,,

something is also wrong if a police officers mindset that a hit from a black male might 'kill' him even though , despite all the 'leaked' reports of his mass beating and 'orbital blowout' he came away with not a scar besides some spot that could easily match the hives my daughter gets around pets

,, police will walk all over people who think that's a reasonable level of 'fear' for a trained cop,,,,

When you commit violence against an armed individual, you should expect to be shot. But then you do defend every little thug in the news, so long as they are black. Would this be racist tendencies? I would think so.

So your take is that justice is not blind and should be slanted to the color of the skin. If your white, any transgression should be punished but if you're black all transgression should be forgiven regardless of the facts.

And if you daughter give marks like the officer, then I would suggest that perhaps child protective services needs to investigate as that would be a beating. But then what do the doctors know (Officer Wilson’s medical records released) they were there but what are they to argue with your conjecture?

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 10:45 AM

...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black...

Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"?

perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,,

racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,,

I'm pretty sure that "black man" in question was proven to have "hurt" several people including the cop in question (DURING THE ENCOUNTER).

There are some cases in which officers blatantly overreact and should b brought to justice. Training in escalation of force should be made abundant.

While the last verse of your comment is very true, the first reflects an astounding lack of tactical knowledge and real life experience in these situations. The most evil of criminals would walk all over anyone with this mindset.

You are absolutely right, there are many instances of police brutality that should be pursued and protested but this is purely a case of racism.

If you stop and look at the matter, there have been few mentions of the thug but the mass media and Odumbo keep trying to portray an innocent young man with his hands in the air.

And while the cop is not an innocent individual as he has been shown to be a sociopathic authoritarian and should perhaps seek other career opportunities, there is no need to destroy him over this thug.

no photo
Sun 11/30/14 10:37 AM

...Or, perhaps a white police officer who was trying to defend himself will be crucified just because his assailant was black...

Is racism diminishing, or being reignited under the guise of "justice"?

perhaps,, police who can manage to restrain and arrest serial killer and others who are armed and/or have killed and hurt others,, can begin to figure out how to restrain and arrest the young black men who have hurt nor killed anyone,,,,

racism cant be said to 'diminish' as it isn't truly quantifiable, but it can evolve in the way it manifests itself,,,,

That is but your twist and contains no truth. Once you attack an officer and touch his gun, you should expect to die.

And this is absolute racism at it's finest.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:47 PM

No, that is not the point. The point is your imposition of a right to judge the actions of another that is really none of your business. It is your propensity to ascribe your values upon another when you can ill be the injured party. And Odumbo by his very acts can't claim to be an injured party.

We can keep declaring that our own point is 'the point'... you have a point you want to make, I have a point I want to make.

It's true that I disapprove of you calling Obama 'Odumbo', but its not that important. You don't seem to want to talk about the point I was trying to make, that's fine.

Well, the only thing here is the agreement to disagree.

However, your actions have caused me to be an injured party by trying to deny me my inalienable right of free expression. Trying to imply some arcane label only intensives the injury as a further usurpation of my right.

Nonsense. You right of free expression is not harmed by mere criticism.

Au contraire, any usurpation of anothers right is an injury. This was not a mere criticism but a demand that use of Odumbo was childish and the application of an arcane label but intensifies that injury.

But if you can agree upon this premise, why the problem with the overall concept of truth and perception?

There is a considerable issue of language. I may or may not agree with your actual thoughts; I disagree with what I believe to be your intention and meaning, based on my understanding of your words.

Again, an area where we are to the point of agreeing to disagree. In the area of language, English has three dialects, the slang of the streets, the formal and informal language of society and the language of law. While most think they understand, in reality they stand under that which they ill understand what they have chosen.