Community > Posts By > alnewman

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:45 PM

Can we understanding moral truths by studying the physical universe? I say no.

Why not?

Can we understand the truths of the physical universe by examining moral truths? I don't think so.

Why not?

To understand the truths of the physical universe, we must study the physical universe.

It appears to me that immoral humans have no inherent difficulty studying the physical universe and understanding the truths of the physical universe.

It seems to me that these are two different kinds of truths.

Are they, how so?

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:27 PM

Gosh, isn't that something?

How massagetrade & alnewman quote the same things and answer to them? (page 7)

Wow, just amazing.

How big is this ego goin on there to disrespect this forum like that? WITH ALTS!

About as big as yours to not understand but feel that participation is required anyway. Same for the disrespect, to not have anything to add to the topic so trying to deflect to feed the little ego.

You are being outed.
Let your ego deal with it.

Wow, really over the edge eh. If you are somehow trying to upset me, you can't, I don't care. To be upset I would have to take your rantings seriously but that is hard to do with humor.

It is not my ego that is out of control, so there is nothing to deal with. It is your ego that is having a problem dealing with two people that while our philosophies are close, we respectfully disagreed with each other on the minute details. I honor his choice to be as he desires and I hope he honors mine. Neither of us are going to change, we are at the junction of perhaps agreeing to disagree. A concept that seems foreign to your being, your ego.

Why what the hey, even Dodo Dave is enjoying himself and keeping that popcorn machine going around the clock.


Name one riot with citation to source that whites as a racial group have instigated with arson, hit and run pedestrian's, looting, and shooting the public, after Vietnam and not the fanatics the KKK, which is an OCCULT.

Still can't do it, huh? Rockgnome can. ...but this was more vandalizing environmentalists. Domestic terrorism.

Wow, arguing with yourself. Girl, get a grip.

So... where exactly is she arguing with herself?

You still haven't cited anything.

Just whose post do you think she cited?

And I'm not ever going to, not interested.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:21 PM

Sorry, that is not what is being implied. The statement connotates that you are an alternate ego of myself and I am making both posts.

Something to do with your challenges to that person are along the same lines as mine.

Yes, but somehow the fact that we are 'quoting the same things' appears to be part of the 'evidence', laugh , as if the reader was unable to understand the simple fact that you and I were quoting each others statements to each other, and therefore 'quoting the same things'.

Never works, just attracts more. Just look at this thread, it's getting intense.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:21 PM

Sorry, that is not what is being implied. The statement connotates that you are an alternate ego of myself and I am making both posts.

Something to do with your challenges to that person are along the same lines as mine.

Yes, but somehow the fact that we are 'quoting the same things' appears to be part of the 'evidence', laugh , as if the reader was unable to understand the simple fact that you and I were quoting each others statements to each other, and therefore 'quoting the same things'.


No. About. Same difference. Keep twisting. Keep talking to "self". lmfao.

You really should cut back on the sugar. And you do know that with toothpaste, unlike protein, you should spit, not swallow? Or was it that flu shot?

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:15 PM

Sorry, that is not what is being implied. The statement connotates that you are an alternate ego of myself and I am making both posts.

Something to do with your challenges to that person are along the same lines as mine.

Yes, but somehow the fact that we are 'quoting the same things' appears to be part of the 'evidence', laugh , as if the reader was unable to understand the simple fact that you and I were quoting each others statements to each other, and therefore 'quoting the same things'.

Yeah, that is the problem from anothers standpoint. Not just that we are quoting each other to respond but that in the macrocosm we are moving along the same avenues. It is but in the details that show the difference.

But I appreciate your honor and would debate you any time.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 07:05 PM

I don't see a correlation between a government implanting tasers to modify behavior and free will.

Now you're getting somewhere, but not where a prudent person would want to be. But it does explain a lot about the person.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 06:57 PM

thats why i love Al...

it's nuttin personal to him...

that's why we need you on the council of the new world order!

please oh please reconsider!

a small retooling of the objectives, and a great TEAM player we could have!


Sorry, that is never going to happen. While I have no problem destroying that which exists, I will in the same stroke destroy the new world order.

I am of the premonition of Patrick Henry, if I can not be free, I will accept death because in death is freedom.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 06:55 PM


quite unaware one be...

one has not been paying much attention if it does not know i have been voicing a one world constitution or world order for many years now, seeing that if we don't have one, forward progress will be impossible, not to mention a third world war impossible to avoid...

without a world order the peoples shall continue to devolve further into the narcissistic sociopathic thinking that each it self should be the decider and dictator of what all other human words and behavior should be...

Have you been doing all this over in Ferguson? Did you have hershey stripes in your dress?

damn Al...

my sincere respect and admiration of all your character traits, extending a true sincere welcome to a better way...

and all you give back is a kindergarten grade joke...


where the dumb on both sides follow the fiddle that seeks but to find who is dumb and gullible to know how to rehabilitate them to a better logic.

oh where is your faith in leadership.

oh yea, i know, you are the wisest leader, i forgot.


but i know ya got better than that...

the kkk can do whatever they want, just not lift a finger to harm another...

and the thugs can do whatever they want, so long as they don't lift a finger to harm another...

and whomever does, they will create their own extinction, so what is to worry about...

words and thoughts are not illegal, just physical bodily harm to another...

damn, won't it be great when the violent who can't control their bodily impulses are tasered by their own body implant...

a truly non violent world...

that is what the new world order actually stands for, but you would not know this since you have been snookered and swallowed the gazillions of megabits of propodata, intentionally fed to all to sea which fish can actually deduct beyond their five senses and what they are told.


Are you not aware of what post you are responding to?

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 06:50 PM

Gosh, isn't that something?

How massagetrade & alnewman quote the same things and answer to them? (page 7)

On page 7 Al and I are having some semblance of a discussion and therefore quoting each others words back at the other - just as anyone does.

What is it that you find unusual and comment-worth about that?

Wow, just amazing.

How big is this ego goin on there to disrespect this forum like that?

Do big egos need big fonts? Big, big fonts to make sure everyone can see!

Sorry, that is not what is being implied. The statement connotates that you are an alternate ego of myself and I am making both posts.

Something to do with your challenges to that person are along the same lines as mine.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 06:44 PM

Al, when you quote my messages you leave the nested markup hanging unclosed. If you don't want to properly close the nested markup, maybe you could change the font or something, to indicate who is saying what. Otherwise it looks like you are speaking my own words, without delineating that those are my words.

Sorry, didn't mean to but this nesting is getting fairly large. Miss one and the whole thing collapses. Didn't have time to edit within allotted window. My bad.

But when you wish to bend words to your view, then that does mean something to me.

Yeah, we agree that we don't care too much what the other does, but just like you take issue with my 'bending words' I take issue with you implying, but neither owning nor disavowing, abuses of logic.

Abuses of logic, would that not be within the same arena as the words, a matter of perception. I believe I have been very explicit that the words we have been debating are truth and perception. Your generalization is not very explicit at all.

Even to go so far as to inject that truth cannot truly be known which is the mark of a solipsist.

Sigh. I hold that (a) there are some truths which are easily known to most people, (b) some which may be easy for some to know and difficult or maybe impossible for others to know, and (c) there may exist some truths which cannot be known to humans.

I also hold that you seem to like to oversimplify. Particularly when deciding which 'ideological box' to put someone in.

Oversimplify, not really. It is the attempt to add complexity to an otherwise very simple concept that causes the issues. And again, I but provide the definition, it is the action that places one in the "ideological box", a decision of self choice not a decision of judgement.

The point being that to me it is Odumbo, and you may use whatever you desire, that is not my concern.

Okay, I'm ready to give up, as you keep taking this in circles. That's the point you care about. The point I cared about was: your defence of childish name calling (or Obama) rested on a false dilemma fallacy.

No, that is not the point. The point is your imposition of a right to judge the actions of another that is really none of your business. It is your propensity to ascribe your values upon another when you can ill be the injured party. And Odumbo by his very acts can't claim to be an injured party. However, your actions have caused me to be an injured party by trying to deny me my inalienable right of free expression. Trying to imply some arcane label only intensives the injury as a further usurpation of my right.

To try and infuse something about a pedestal is not in any way relevant, we are not discussing worship.

You were the one who brought pedestals into the conversation. You spoke against placing obama on a pedestal.

Please, go back and review, it was not I that brought the pedestal into the conversation. I but instilled that the pedestal would work good with a rope. It was your proclamation that because you didn't call Odumbo Odumbo that you didn't place him on a pedestal.

My writings are human and can only be perception, perceptions that waver as information is consumed and assimilated.

That's good.

Ah, a matter we can fully agree upon. But if you can agree upon this premise, why the problem with the overall concept of truth and perception?

truth is always known to a moral and somewhat even an immoral man if there is but one question asked, would I feel good if that were to happen to me?

I believe that you have been focused on 'moral truths', while I've been focused on "truths about the physical universe".

And what would be the difference? The truths of the universe has always been valid since the beginning of time and will be true into eternity. It is but the perceptions of man that waver.

And without morality, the truths of the universe cannot be understood because an immoral man has no truth but the color of truth to mask his true being. Is not man a physical being within a physical world? How can they ever be separated? What is true in the microcosm is true in the macrocosm.

"Truth is belligerent. Truth is, by its very nature, at war with the forces of falsehood and deceit." - Bertolt Brecht

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 06:00 PM

you guys have a big problem it is called where you live, we don't tolerate that crap up here


yea, communist never tolerate anyone but them self.

neither do dictators

Go girl, go.....


no photo
Sat 11/29/14 05:56 PM


quite unaware one be...

one has not been paying much attention if it does not know i have been voicing a one world constitution or world order for many years now, seeing that if we don't have one, forward progress will be impossible, not to mention a third world war impossible to avoid...

without a world order the peoples shall continue to devolve further into the narcissistic sociopathic thinking that each it self should be the decider and dictator of what all other human words and behavior should be...

Have you been doing all this over in Ferguson? Did you have hershey stripes in your dress?

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 04:22 PM

For all the big talk,
I didn't see the original poster,
or any of the ku klux klowns when
I drove through Missouri a couple of days ago.


Was that because of snow? Those white hoods are hard to spot in the snow. Need to look for that dragon that looks like blood all over the snow, well that could be missed there too.

The klowns still would have been visible by the Hershey stripes
in the seats of their klan dresses... errrr... I mean robes.

pitchfork :banana: drinker

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 04:12 PM

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."
-Bertrand Russell

Hey, I read the whole of Why I Am Not A Christian. I really look forward to reading a whole lot more of his works on philosophy, not really interested in his math works but then it seems he wasn't either, many more philosophy works.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 04:11 PM

For all the big talk,
I didn't see the original poster,
or any of the ku klux klowns when
I drove through Missouri a couple of days ago.


Was that because of snow? Those white hoods are hard to spot in the snow. Need to look for that dragon that looks like blood all over the snow, well that could be missed there too.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 04:07 PM

you guys have a big problem it is called where you live, we don't tolerate that crap up here

Is it that you aren't paying attention? Otherwise I don't believe you could make that statement.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 04:03 PM

you have already been wooped alnewman, in a fair fight, by all the powers and things you scream at, and call idiots, because in your head, fair is only but what you call it and want it to be...

Good thing that I have no faith in any that you have to offer, in fact vehemently opposed. So from that standpoint the analogy means less than nothing.

Humorous to many, but doesn't it make you feel good now that you are out of the closet?

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 03:58 PM

But the basis of your argument lies in the fact you wish me to see as you see

The main thing which I wished you to 'see as I see' is that a particular interpretation of your earlier words does, in fact, give rise to a false dilemma argument.

Your interest in 'not putting obama on a pedestal' is not actually an argument in support of name calling.

Wanting others to be logical in the arguments they present is not the same as wanting them to change how they refer to the president.

And still you try to enforce your way of "seeing" things. I really do not care, how you see is how you see but means nothing to me.

But when you wish to bend words to your view, then that does mean something to me. To your desire to prescribe the objection to truth being objective and substitution a perception as truth. Even to go so far as to inject that truth cannot truly be known which is the mark of a solipsist.

The point being that to me it is Odumbo, and you may use whatever you desire, that is not my concern. To try and infuse something about a pedestal is not in any way relevant, we are not discussing worship.

... using letter acronyms for words is not clear and concise communications but just the desire to be lazy and have instant gratification.

Sure, I'm lazy at typing. Whatever.

My contention exactly. When lazy in one area, human trait is to imply laziness in other areas as well. After all, one has already laid the groundwork for the analogy being more than a presumption.

First, our legal system is not very lawful.

That's a lot of writing about the law, in which I didn't see anything significant that I disagreed with.

It seems that one of the purposes of that text was to say: drawing conclusions with 'beyond a reasonable doubt' as a metric isn't useful or desirable to you, so you reject my earlier argument.

It's unclear to me the extent to which you might be denying value of acknowledging and working with uncertainty when seeking an understanding of the truth. Some of your writing gives me the impression that you actually think you that most/all of your positions are matters of absolute truth.

I do not know why it would be unclear, there can be no value of acknowledging and working with uncertainty except to seek the understanding of truth. Otherwise to acknowledge or work with uncertainty is to acknowledge that man is incapable of truth. And as to the impressions of my writings would be the application of this whole discourse, the denial of truth. Truth is immutable, it is, was and will always be true. My writings are human and can only be perception, perceptions that waver as information is consumed and assimilated.

And because I stand proud with my perceptions many somehow get the impression that I am forcing my perceptions upon them. Why? I have no gun on them. I'm not going to jump through the net to physically commit assault much less battery against them. I can only surmise that it is a primal fear within the individual caused by believing and not believing the same thing. That isn't my issue and is a problem they must resolve within their own being.

That has been the crux of the whole discourse, your misunderstanding of truth and perception, not mine as I have no doubts.

No, much worse than that, the truth of the matter is they are not only idiots but suffer from:


Okay. I can see that many of them are solipsists without even realizing it, yet I don't accept that this *must* be the case that one either accepts the existence of objective truth, or one qualifies as a classical solipsist. The positions might not be rational, but there are other positions people can have, for example the belief that everyone's mind (not just one's own) is sure to exist (on a non-physical plane), while the 'physical' world is an illusion, and toss in some more new age garbage to flesh it out into an pseudo-ideology and you have something which is neither solipsism nor an acknowledgement of objective reality.

If you hit yourself in the head with a hammer, you are going to get a knot ....

Yeah, we agree that reality exists and those that deny it are incorrect.

I'm saying (among other things) that while we can *know* that hammers cause concussions, we cannot *know* everything.

I agree with the overall analogy but my contention is that truth is always known to a moral and somewhat even an immoral man if there is but one question asked, would I feel good if that were to happen to me? Of course that doesn't apply with masochism if the other person is not of that slant.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 03:21 PM

wishing to believe the worlds peoples are a victim only comes from wanting to believe one self a victim, and such is like feeling sorry for a prostitute that used no protection and got aids.

the delirium of self pity and one self as a victim is what allowed anything to even begin to occur that was not in the peoples best interest to begin with.

and now one thinks fascist little hitlers deeming them selves victims will change something for the better...

if self pity and self absorption created all that is, than more of the same shall bring down a order the crushes self pity into wine.

So by your analogy those not a slave will be a slave and a slave is a slave. By the same token those not a victim will become a victim along with the victims.

And your idea of freedom is to surrender all personal freedoms and desire and to submit to the welfare of the whole, the philosophy of the new world order, Agenda 21.

And to believe that some new little fascist, socialist, neo-con, monarch, oligarch or dictator would somehow be any different than what is here now it the manifestation of an diseased psyche.

And why is it that the New World Order is being held at bay, the American people that refuse to surrender the guns, the last bastion in a world devoid of morality or value.

no photo
Sat 11/29/14 02:43 PM

it is for certain only those believing what they wish to believe use stereotypes to define what should be valued and so good...

for in every stereotype lye a lie...

a partial truth...

that is more deceiving than the largest lie that could be told...

for in each stereotype there can be found the opposite, that make it not a constant, or a principle of fact, since it is only true SOME OF THE TIME...

and if what is true only some of the time, be used to decide anything, than good results will only occur "some of the time"...

emotionally soothing words and pictures only make the emotions gravitate to only what prove what was first wished to be believed to start with, making personality on an individual basis, per the individual life, per the individual group, individual town, individual view of country, come to be believed as the only honorable and good and of value...

but indeed, only a non emotional none biased perspective not based on one's own personal past and kinship's and families, can create a global perspective, that each day the more will be direly necessary to walk into the future of a global world interconnected and creating the fate of each other, ahead of the curve of old ways of humanity, not allowing such overwhelming deceptive tactics of emotional marketing ploys targeted to the gullible to hoo doo the mind, hiding what true equality of and for all in the world is and could and will be.

So you think Monsanto (with the help of govt) seizing and corporatizing farms, driving farmers out of business and the homes and lands they have owned and worked for generations, taking control of the nations food supply for experimentation on the masses is a good thing then? slaphead

Cancer does create wealth as well I guess..... probably more than DC allows our privately/family owned farms to generate

Enjoyed any wholesome or organic foods lately you haven't paid thru the nose for?

How about foods that haven't been geneticly altered or infected with some kind of growth hormone or gene experiment that now flood our supermarkets while being outlawed in other countries for that reason......which the govt (thanks to the Monsanto lobbyist dollars) won't allow to be labeled here?

Americans Are Too Stupid For GMO Labeling, Congressional Panel Says

That is so true as the article says:

"I really worry that labeling does more harm than good, that it leads too many people away from it and it diminishes the market for GMOs that are the solution to a lot of the problems we face," said David Just, a professor at Cornell University and co-director of the Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs.

Imagine, a professor at a supposed leading university professor that thinks the populace are stupid and that the GMO can't stand on it's own so the public must be deceived for their own good. But a question that is never asked to these supposed experts, do you eat GMO over natural, of course they don't. GMOs are not allowed at the Monsanto cafeteria, they know better.

But that is not the issue with the other poster. He is upset because this opposition is in opposition to Agenda 21 and the New World Order. Such a wonderous thought, to have all those blue berets walking around making sure there are no illegal organic gardens being raised. Off to indoctrination camps for the offenders.