Topic: If You Had Your Own Dating Site....
no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:08 PM

Anybody who was not active for a duration longer than a week would be deleted. And by deleted, all information connected to, pertaining to, or referencing them would be deleted. Like they never existed. I hate these sites that keep your info forever and a day.

That's one thing I like about mingle; chronic deactivators (yeah, I just made that word up) like me can take a break and return. Things come up in life and sometimes you can't log on or you just need to get away for a while. I've left and stayed gone for years and was glad my account was waiting for me.

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:09 PM

Okay, fine... A month... A year is way to f'in much. If it's been a year, they forgot the account existed and probably aren't coming back to it at any point anyhow...

I was gone for a year...and voila! Here I am, still nutsy, but still here.

scttggry81's photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:12 PM
But, you get people that don't deactivate. If you make the conscious effort to let the site know you're deactivating, you've done enough to keep your info there. And, when somebody is searching profiles, they can't see the ones that are deactivated.

I come across the ones that "Last seen over a month ago." all the time, and it's like I don't want to see that same profile ump-teen million times. Obviously they are not coming back...

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:15 PM
Ah, well that's a whole different story. I do agree with you on that. It's like they're taunting you with their hot pics (yes, all the hot ones haven't been on in at least a month) and you can't even say hello.sad

Totage's photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:16 PM
Aw, you can always say hi to me though. lol

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:17 PM
Hi totage, you adorable thing, you!:heart:

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:18 PM
I was on a site where the goal was not really dating, it was losing weight. The members had to post pictures of their entire bodies and most were in swimsuits or shorts and they posted a new picture every single day usually a scantily clad one.

Now that was a great site even though it was not a dating site. All pictures were up to date. There was no pretense or photoshopping or posting of pictures taken ten years ago.

So on my dating sight I would require full body shots at the very least and require updated photos every week to remain a member.

Totage's photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:19 PM
blushing Hello there beautiful.

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:21 PM
3.) Members would be graded on spelling and grammar and punctuation

3.) Members would be graded on spelling, grammar and punctuation
tongue2 laugh

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:21 PM

I was on a site where the goal was not really dating, it was losing weight. The members had to post pictures of their entire bodies and most were in swimsuits or shorts and they posted a new picture every single day usually a scantily clad one.

Now that was a great site even though it was not a dating site. All pictures were up to date. There was no pretense or photoshopping or posting of pictures taken ten years ago.

So on my dating sight I would require full body shots at the very least and require updated photos every week to remain a member.

I agree about the updated pics and full body pics. I'd also add the pics have to be clear, none of that blurry crap where it could be a wookie or something and you just don't know!scared

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:22 PM

3.) Members would be graded on spelling and grammar and punctuation

3.) Members would be graded on spelling, grammar and punctuation
tongue2 laugh

A fellow spelling Nazi. :heart: drinker

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:23 PM

3.) Members would be graded on spelling and grammar and punctuation

3.) Members would be graded on spelling, grammar and punctuation
tongue2 laugh

I'm an author, I can get away with stuff like that. In my new book, I even used the word mundaneity, which I made up....!


no photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:24 PM
Made up words are different. I totally respect that. It's those who slaughter "lose" "loose" "you're" "your" "to" and "too" that drive me insane.

Holly4459's photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:36 PM
If I had my own site there would be another "nudge" option...

**** you nudgelaugh

Marley's photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:41 PM
That's life.

wux's photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:44 PM
Edited by wux on Wed 04/13/11 06:10 PM
like: reverse stealth mode month. Open letter (randomly, correspondence between members would be revealed) month. "Vote him (her) out" month.

These would be all for one month, the tricks played randomly, but not beyond the month limit. Why? Coz if they are permanent features, people won't talk, and the site will die.

The biggest fun comes from people mixing up which month it is at a given time.

Like playing Euchre, a card game. I played it for at least 40 years, on and off, with friends and school mates, and of the four players in EVERY HAND, at least one will ask, at least once, at least one of these questions: "What's trump?" "Who made it?" "Who is to lead?" "Who's play is it?"


like: owner must listen to members' requests. if not, he must give up the helm for a month in every 12-month period, unconditionally and completely.


Dislike: squalching the creative process. Banning trite expressions and cliches seems like a good idea, but I have seen excellent profile texts written in nothing but 1. cliches or 2. jibberish.

This applies to grammar and spelling as well. At a different site, a woman put in a letter she received from a male member, and she said, "Can you imagine this idiot?" Most other forum users agreed, but I and a nuclear physicist or computer programmer guy protested. We discovered and proved to the others that the guy was not drunken bum who randomly hit keys and misspelled every word, but that the guy was a genius with language, his form of using it was clearly understood if one applied a critical analysis just a little and found the key to understanding him. The letter-writer was a master of concatenation, grammar-shortcuts, and powerful neologisms.

Then when we convinced everyone, we washed our hands and went on to discussing something else in a different thread.

To wit, once I wrote one of my funniest profiles in gibberish, it was brilliant, and nobody got it. My pride was wounded.

wux's photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:50 PM
The user agreement or the quick guide must include this or similar disclaimer:

Dear first time user, please be advised not to get too surprised if members who look slim, young, and good on pictures, on your first date will show up as double- or triple the size of their picture-views, up to thirty years older looking, and their skin will be replete with zits, pimples, boils, beard, (including our lovely female members), scars, masks, make-up, nuclear waste sites, city garbage dumps and can in fact look amazingly similar to bottoms of chairs in movie theatres.

wux's photo
Wed 04/13/11 06:02 PM

Made up words are different. I totally respect that. It's those who slaughter "lose" "loose" "you're" "your" "to" and "too" that drive me insane.

Those drive me insane, too. Except nobody noticed, coz there was no discernible difference between my pre-insane state and post-insane state.

I knew I've immigrated to the wrong country when I joined a writers' group on meetup, and the leader kept writing in the newsletter, 'etc. etc. ... outloud." I asked her best friend to nudge her to make it two words, and nothing happened. This I took as an attempt of forceful indoctrination to comply to the group's collective literary conviction, and resigned with immediate notice.

wux's photo
Wed 04/13/11 06:08 PM

Made up words are different. I totally respect that. It's those who slaughter "lose" "loose" "you're" "your" "to" and "too" that drive me insane.

furthermore, "snooze" and 'snoze' (snow is falling), "Vivre" and "Viv're" ([If only] Viv [Vivian] were [surprised!]), and "lo" (look) and "loo" (can)

Lo, loo-o loo-loo. (Look! Canopy.)

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 04/13/11 06:11 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh heck yeah I would not have any bashing of Religion or Politics Forums that would be a reason to be banned.......:thumbsup:

It is all kewl to have and opinion but to shove it down everyone's throats ohhh nooooooooooo.