Topic: Looney Paul Leaving Congress! :)
Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/14/11 05:02 PM

If we could get rid of Jindal, McConnel, McCain, Grahm, Pawlenty, Romney and I'm sure a few other republicans along with 90% of democrats the country would be much better off!

mit romney holds a government position???

Ummmmmm, he did.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/14/11 05:04 PM

We will not have a conservative in office in 2013.

They are showing their a$$ so much now in congress no one wants them in there anymore.

You and I voted in the past election, right? I'm assuming you did, you are a civic minded woman. But did your great-grandchildren vote? Mine didn't. But our Government is spending their money, which hasn't even been earned yet. That's taxation without representation. It's criminal. I can't tell you how strongly I support the Republicans in refusing tax increases. Their surest way to not be elected in 2012 would be to agree to raise taxes.

If they don't raise taxes on someone besides the elderly's social security I will be one pissed individual and will be letting them know as I already am.

Who cares, you are voting for a leftist anyways.

:thumbsup: That's the sad thing, she only looks at the party affiliation on the ballot and not the name. slaphead

Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/14/11 05:05 PM

Dear Concerned American,

President Obama must be grinning from ear to ear.

Not only has the news reported yesterday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is scheming to raise the debt ceiling with no real spending cuts, but if this plan goes through, Senator McConnell will have handed yet more power over to the Executive Branch - just because the Senate GOP Leadership doesn't want to have to "deal with it" again!

In addition to surrendering more of Congress' power to President Obama, there is no timetable for the cuts in the bill - so they're rendered effectively meaningless.

And the ceiling will be raised "automatically" THREE TIMES during this Congress alone!

If this plan goes through, Senator McConnell will have betrayed you, me, and every other freedom-loving patriot in America.

That's why it's vital you sign the petition urging your representative and senators to oppose Mitch McConnell's raw deal - and any other phony compromise on the debt ceiling - IMMEDIATELY.

Worried about what could happen to them should they actually KEEP THEIR PROMISE to the American people to cut spending, McConnell and the Senate GOP Leadership are just deciding to hand off the responsibility of hiking our nation's debt to President Obama.

The truth is, when I first read the news, I could hardly believe it.

Instead of even bothering to try to cut spending, Mitch McConnell just wants to give President Obama a free pass to keep our deficit skyrocketing.

This is the LAST thing we need.

Our national debt is $14.3 TRILLION. The "official" unemployment rate is over 9%!

Our country's deficit is increasing at a rate of nearly $4 BILLION per day.

How bad do things have to be before our politicians start showing they are SERIOUS about solving our problems?

But instead, it appears Mitch McConnell would just rather keep up the big spending, business as usual status quo regardless of the cost to the American people.

I can hardly imagine the political fallout if such a deal goes through.

Republicans were put back in power during the last election to STOP the runaway spending in Washington, D.C. and stand up to President Obama - not cut "deals" or run away from fights with their tails between their legs.

Should they cave on their Tea Party mandate now, I believe the GOP will pay a severe price at the ballot box in 2012.

I also think that President Obama believes the same.

You see, he knows the American people are outraged and demanding true change.

But he's also desperate to keep the government's out-of-control spending machine rolling along, so he's eager to create yet another meaningless deal that provides him with some campaign trail rhetoric about supposed "change."

Now is the time to press our advantage and reform Washington.

It's time to show some backbone.

After all, if the Republican Leadership won't join me in FIGHTING the Big Spending, Big Government status quo in Washington, D.C. NOW, when will they ever?

To win this fight we must get hundreds of Members of Congress to keep the pressure up on Speaker Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and the rest of the Republican Leadership.

Any "deal" to raise the debt limit that doesn't include "Cut, Cap, and Balance" needs to be declared dead on arrival.

Quite simply, I am running for President to fundamentally change the way government operates, not just tinker around the edges.

I was the first Presidential candidate to sign on to the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" pledge.

The "Cut, Cap, and Balance" pledge states that members of Congress will not vote to give even a dollar more to raise the debt ceiling without certain conditions being met.

These conditions include one-year cuts in spending totaling at least $500 BILLION, a cap on federal spending, AND passage of the Mike Lee/Rand Paul Balanced Budget Amendment.

You and I cannot allow our elected officials to continue to throw our country's future down the drain with backroom deals and reckless, unchecked spending.

It's vital we FORCE Washington, D.C. to change course right NOW!

But it's going to take a massive outpouring of grassroots opposition from folks like you to make that happen.

Every representative and senator needs to hear from millions of Americans that any business as usual compromise is unacceptable.

So please help me defeat any phony "deals" and FORCE Washington, D.C.'s political establishment to change its ways.

And if you can, please make a generous contribution to my campaign to Restore America Now so we can spread my message of fiscal sanity and responsibility to millions of more Americans.

Time is running out, so please act NOW!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Mitch McConnell wants to just hand off the responsibility of increasing our national debt limit to President Obama - allowing the debt ceiling to be raised automatically three times just in this Congress.

This is an outrage.

That's why it's vital you sign the petition urging your representative and senators to reject phony compromises and join me in taking the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" pledge right away.

And I hope you can follow this action with a contribution to help me run a top-notch campaign in key states to rein in an out-of-control government and Restore America Now.

And you think Ron Paul is looney???

LOL Racist and a lunatic. But let him run, he will assist the opposite party in winning that is for sure.

He's definately a lunatic............. Racist I personally think so, but if not he has allowed racist ideology to be published in his mmaterials, which raises questions.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/14/11 05:13 PM
Yikes! This girl I have been talking to and getting to know voted for Obama. I asked her why and she said "Because he is black, the same reason everyone else I know voted for him." slaphead

That's why were in this mess. I wish people wern't that ignorant.

donthatoneguy's photo
Thu 07/14/11 05:17 PM
I knew a guy who voted for Bush over Kerry because his dad was paying him $100 to do so. I also knew a girl three years ago who was voting for McCain because her dad was a Republican and told her in every election who she should vote for. It happens everywhere and for every candidate, not just Obama.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/14/11 05:22 PM

I knew a guy who voted for Bush over Kerry because his dad was paying him $100 to do so. I also knew a girl three years ago who was voting for McCain because her dad was a Republican and told her in every election who she should vote for. It happens everywhere and for every candidate, not just Obama.

Voting for someone based on skin color is racist, just as voting against someone because of skin color is racist. That should not be a factor. There were more people voting for Obama because of his skin color in this last election then in every election combined on people getting paid by a friend for their vote or parents telling kids who to vote for.

donthatoneguy's photo
Thu 07/14/11 05:54 PM
Don't get me wrong, I agree that its still racism to vote for color, whether for or against ... and I knew several people who voted against for that reason.

What I'm saying is that many people vote based on any number of superficial reasons rather than real issues in every election. How is voting race much different than on the basis of sex (Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann)? What about faithfully voting Republican or Democrat even if you agree with the message from the other side (how many times I heard 'I like John Kerry, but I have to vote Republican' back in 2004 ...)?

And now you ... stating that Ron Paul is "looney" without highlighting any reason why you think so leaves me to guess you don't like him because the rest of the GOP tells you you shouldn't ... making that just as superficial a reason as any.

So, hopefully this brings us back to the topic YOU STARTED and you can tell us exactly why you think Ron Paul is loony ... or was that just your way of attempting to discredit a valid candidate so you can advocate Michelle Bachmann? winking :laughing:

Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/14/11 06:15 PM

Don't get me wrong, I agree that its still racism to vote for color, whether for or against ... and I knew several people who voted against for that reason.

What I'm saying is that many people vote based on any number of superficial reasons rather than real issues in every election. How is voting race much different than on the basis of sex (Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann)? What about faithfully voting Republican or Democrat even if you agree with the message from the other side (how many times I heard 'I like John Kerry, but I have to vote Republican' back in 2004 ...)?

And now you ... stating that Ron Paul is "looney" without highlighting any reason why you think so leaves me to guess you don't like him because the rest of the GOP tells you you shouldn't ... making that just as superficial a reason as any.

So, hopefully this brings us back to the topic YOU STARTED and you can tell us exactly why you think Ron Paul is loony ... or was that just your way of attempting to discredit a valid candidate so you can advocate Michelle Bachmann? winking :laughing:

It's not different then voting for sex, but it is different then voting down the Party line since you are voting for the ideals of the party the candidate is affiliated with. It's a lot different then voting just based on skin color, sex, hair color, having two penises etc.

I have said in this thread and many other threads why I think he is looney. His views make no sense, he just babbles and when confronted he stutters and is incoherant. He is so far out there it's scary.

no photo
Fri 07/15/11 03:40 PM
So still nothing specific against Dr Paul? You posted a very good article by him, can you refute anything he said with more than slurs?

All I see is people making baseless accusations.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/15/11 03:47 PM

Yikes! This girl I have been talking to and getting to know voted for Obama. I asked her why and she said "Because he is black, the same reason everyone else I know voted for him." slaphead

That's why were in this mess. I wish people wern't that ignorant.

What a dip shyte, I wouldn't brag about talking to her.noway

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/15/11 03:49 PM

So still nothing specific against Dr Paul? You posted a very good article by him, can you refute anything he said with more than slurs?

All I see is people making baseless accusations.


Denial is bliss I heard.

jrbogie's photo
Fri 07/15/11 03:50 PM

Voting for someone based on skin color is racist, just as voting against someone because of skin color is racist.

hell, looking at pictures of old ugly men when i walk into a va health clinc is beginning to wear a little thin. next time around i'm voting for the prettiest lady candidate. doesn't much matter whose in the white house. my candidates lose sometimes, my cadidates win sometimes, but nothing ever changes anyway. so i may as well look at a pretty face next time i see my cardiologist.

no photo
Fri 07/15/11 03:55 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 07/15/11 04:06 PM

So still nothing specific against Dr Paul? You posted a very good article by him, can you refute anything he said with more than slurs?

All I see is people making baseless accusations.


Denial is bliss I heard.

You have made not a single argument to refute. I am waiting for anything what so ever????

I suppose it really is unrealistic to expect you to come up with something since your opinion is irrational.

I can follow that line of reasoning, but as to the origin of this thread ... offtopic I'm still waiting on ANY evidence that Ron Paul is "looney" and "racist". yawn
There has been none, just more political ankle biting. Freedom has never been so trampled in US history and all we the people can do is play at highschool name calling and he said she said BS.

Voting for someone based on skin color is racist, just as voting against someone because of skin color is racist.

hell, looking at pictures of old ugly men when i walk into a va health clinc is beginning to wear a little thin. next time around i'm voting for the prettiest lady candidate. doesn't much matter whose in the white house. my candidates lose sometimes, my cadidates win sometimes, but nothing ever changes anyway. so i may as well look at a pretty face next time i see my cardiologist.
This is a GOOD reason to NOT vote for the status quo.

Ron Paul is a real American Hero, he is the only person willing to stand up against the greedy corporate lobbyist, the misuse of wars to prop up the rich. The fed whose fingers are in every market and artificially support wall streets greed.


Many Democrats are now supporting Paul, do you think Obama has the will to end the war on drugs? NO, he is just towing the line, do you think he will stand up to the corporate interests? No, do you really think he is about transparency? No..

You wanna talk about irrational, Obama won a peace award, and has done NOTHING to promote peace, he has consistently continued the policies of Bush.

His approval rating among Muslims was high 3 years ago when he was campaigning because he made promises to end the disastrous foreign policies that have spent trillions on wars. His approval rating among Muslims now is lower than Bushes when he left office, why, becuase they have seen the promise and seen the reality of it not being fulfilled.

I voted for Obama, I believed in his charge, and he has failed to deliver, I am as certain I exist as I am certain that neither of the entrenched candidates of either party will ever be for real change.

The only reason Paul is running as a republican is becuase to not run as either a demo repub leads nowhere. We have created an ivory tower of reality TV where we want pretty faces and prettier lies to make us feel good, but do not want to take our time away from Iron Chef to really dig into the real problems facing America.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/15/11 04:04 PM

Yikes! This girl I have been talking to and getting to know voted for Obama. I asked her why and she said "Because he is black, the same reason everyone else I know voted for him." slaphead

That's why were in this mess. I wish people wern't that ignorant.

What a dip shyte, I wouldn't brag about talking to her.noway

i was always under the impression that's why you voted and like berry so much...

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/15/11 04:06 PM

So still nothing specific against Dr Paul? You posted a very good article by him, can you refute anything he said with more than slurs?

All I see is people making baseless accusations.


Denial is bliss I heard.

You have made not a single argument to refute. I am waiting for anything what so ever????

I suppose it really is unrealistic to expect you to come up with something since your opinion is irrational.

I can follow that line of reasoning, but as to the origin of this thread ... offtopic I'm still waiting on ANY evidence that Ron Paul is "looney" and "racist". yawn
There has been none, just more political ankle biting. Freedom has never been so trampled in US history and all we the people can do is play at highschool name calling and he said she said BS.

Voting for someone based on skin color is racist, just as voting against someone because of skin color is racist.

hell, looking at pictures of old ugly men when i walk into a va health clinc is beginning to wear a little thin. next time around i'm voting for the prettiest lady candidate. doesn't much matter whose in the white house. my candidates lose sometimes, my cadidates win sometimes, but nothing ever changes anyway. so i may as well look at a pretty face next time i see my cardiologist.
This is a GOOD reason to NOT vote for the status quo.

Ron Paul is a real American Hero, he is the only person willing to stand up against the greedy corporate lobbyist, the misuse of wars to prop up the rich. The fed whose fingers are in every market and artificially support wall streets greed.


Many Democrats are now supporting Paul, do you think Obama has the will to end the war on drugs? NO, he is just towing the line, do you think he will stand up to the corporate interests? No, do you really think he is about transparency? No..

Again denial is bliss I guess because you are staying there.

He is a lunatic and racist to boot.

The lunacy is obvious if you listen to him talk or read what he writes.

You really don't need any more proof of

no photo
Fri 07/15/11 04:07 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 07/15/11 04:10 PM
Poly want a cracker?

You want to support your assertions? You cant can you?

Do you want the war on drugs to continue?
Do you want us to continue to spend trillions to bribe, maim and kill other people across the world pretending this brings up security?

I think you just want a nice cozy lie to wrap yourself in till we all end up as puppets of the nanny state.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/15/11 04:41 PM

Poly want a cracker?

You want to support your assertions? You cant can you?

Do you want the war on drugs to continue?
Do you want us to continue to spend trillions to bribe, maim and kill other people across the world pretending this brings up security?

I think you just want a nice cozy lie to wrap yourself in till we all end up as puppets of the nanny state.

I can say the same of you.

I do know that Paul is not the answer to this countries problems, he would actually take us back to worse times of more racial bias and even more uncontrollable corporate problems. Along with class/economic status warfare.

As to stopping the wars, he wouldn't succeed any better then Obama did with an uncooperative congress.

donthatoneguy's photo
Fri 07/15/11 05:24 PM

Poly want a cracker?

You want to support your assertions? You cant can you?

Do you want the war on drugs to continue?
Do you want us to continue to spend trillions to bribe, maim and kill other people across the world pretending this brings up security?

I think you just want a nice cozy lie to wrap yourself in till we all end up as puppets of the nanny state.

I can say the same of you.

I do know that Paul is not the answer to this countries problems, he would actually take us back to worse times of more racial bias and even more uncontrollable corporate problems. Along with class/economic status warfare.

As to stopping the wars, he wouldn't succeed any better then Obama did with an uncooperative congress.

He's right, you know. I have actually respected what you have to say in some of threads because you often actually back it up with sound reasoning ... I may not always agree, but I respect. However, here, you sound like my grandmother's bird. "Ron Paul is bad. Squawk! Ron Paul is bad." "Why?" "Squawk! Ron Paul is bad."

Saying "if you just read what he says, its obvious" is the exact same as the religions saying the same about the Bible. Back up your opinion, or be no better than they are.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 07/15/11 06:12 PM

Yikes! This girl I have been talking to and getting to know voted for Obama. I asked her why and she said "Because he is black, the same reason everyone else I know voted for him." slaphead

That's why were in this mess. I wish people wern't that ignorant.

What a dip shyte, I wouldn't brag about talking to her.noway


Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/15/11 06:12 PM

Yikes! This girl I have been talking to and getting to know voted for Obama. I asked her why and she said "Because he is black, the same reason everyone else I know voted for him." slaphead

That's why were in this mess. I wish people wern't that ignorant.

What a dip shyte, I wouldn't brag about talking to her.noway

i was always under the impression that's why you voted and like berry so much...

LOL we all know you haven't got one thing right when it comes to me so no surprise