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Topic: islam is not radical religion
mejdi's photo
Thu 02/16/12 06:39 AM
Edited by mejdi on Thu 02/16/12 06:41 AM
firstly....islam is the the only religion in the world is practical.pepole say why muslim women wear a veil why they cover faces and why dont talk to unrelated men,why they have sex only after marriage!the answer is non muslims talk to who ever they want and have sex with anyone!which in the long run resulting in aids!we dont belive in putting up our own stuff as we dont need!islam itself teaches us to lead a life properly and not like animals. its not a religion its a way of live ,and implumbus.....

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 02/16/12 06:40 AM

firstly....islam is the the only religion in the world is practical.pepole say why muslim women wear a veil why they coer faces and why dont talk to unrelated men,why they have sex only after marriage!the answer is non muslims talk to who ever they want and have sex with anyone!which in the long run resulting in aids!we dont belive in putting up our own stuff as we dont need!islam itself teaches us to lead a life properly and not like animals. its not a religion its a way of live ,and implumbus.....
and what happens if they don't abide by those Rules????????????????

metalwing's photo
Thu 02/16/12 06:52 AM

firstly....islam is the the only religion in the world is practical.pepole say why muslim women wear a veil why they cover faces and why dont talk to unrelated men,why they have sex only after marriage!the answer is non muslims talk to who ever they want and have sex with anyone!which in the long run resulting in aids!we dont belive in putting up our own stuff as we dont need!islam itself teaches us to lead a life properly and not like animals. its not a religion its a way of live ,and implumbus.....

Yes, it is a way to live ... but many choose not to live that way. Islam has become a religion of intolerance.

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 07:12 AM
Conrad! God will give punish,for what they are doing

mejdi's photo
Thu 02/16/12 07:16 AM
that's right muslim brother.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 02/16/12 07:22 AM

Conrad! God will give punish,for what they are doing
you'll have a long wait,then!

no photo
Thu 02/16/12 07:27 AM

Conrad! God will give punish,for what they are doing

Then why are heads rolling now Khan?

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/16/12 07:35 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 02/16/12 07:36 AM

firstly....islam is the the only religion in the world is practical.pepole say why muslim women wear a veil why they cover faces and why dont talk to unrelated men,why they have sex only after marriage!the answer is non muslims talk to who ever they want and have sex with anyone!which in the long run resulting in aids!we dont belive in putting up our own stuff as we dont need!islam itself teaches us to lead a life properly and not like animals. its not a religion its a way of live ,and implumbus.....

I certainly respect those philosophies and practices,,,,

I think what is of concern to many is the perceived 'double standard' between men and women, particularly when it comes to punishments or consequences,,,,

the most alarming thing for most in the western world is how things like adultery and rape are treated in regards to how women are punished,,,

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 02/16/12 08:41 AM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Thu 02/16/12 08:41 AM

firstly....islam is the the only religion in the world is practical.pepole say why muslim women wear a veil why they cover faces and why dont talk to unrelated men,why they have sex only after marriage!the answer is non muslims talk to who ever they want and have sex with anyone!which in the long run resulting in aids!we dont belive in putting up our own stuff as we dont need!islam itself teaches us to lead a life properly and not like animals. its not a religion its a way of live ,and implumbus.....

Following any religion IS a way of life.

Any religion that calls for 'honor' killings of their own daughters..
YES..that is RADICAL!

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 09:32 AM
Its not long wait, reward start from grave.

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 09:41 AM
No what you want! your grave waiting for you.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 02/16/12 09:41 AM
wonder if Daniel Pearl thought it wasn't a Radical Religion,just before that Sword went through his Spine!

There are Pics and Vids online,but I shall,for now,refrain from posting any!
Regardless how tempted I am for several different reasons!

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 09:52 AM
If a muslim doing bad!its not mean,That islam allow him to do it.for example gay marriage is common in non muslim socity.we muslim dont blaim on your religion.that your religion allow you to do it

no photo
Thu 02/16/12 10:54 AM
"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached"

~14th century Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaiologos

no photo
Thu 02/16/12 10:58 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Thu 02/16/12 11:06 AM
Islam is no more violent than any other religion with metaphorical scriptures that detail a varied and dangerous history through parable. These kinds of religions offer a wide range of behavioral basis dependent on context and which part of the scripture you refer to.

The only religion I can think of that truly is non-violent is Jainism, all of the successful religions are a mixed bag of parable which can be interpreted many ways for many reasons. This is also what makes them so successful as compared to the very limited success of say . . . Jainism.

The lesson to be learned is that metaphor and parable is not enough in and of itself to prevent violence.

When a text supposedly from a supreme being can be interpreted to either promote or disdain violence all within the same work you need to realize that it is anything but a perfect place to build a world view from.

Not that most people do that anyways. Most people build their world view from the interactions they have with loved ones, and respected leaders or authority figures.

They then take the values from the scripture that run parallel to that initial world view. That is why you see such a varied interpretation of holy books.

That a given religion can be used to support violence or peace shows you how flexible the metaphorical parables interpretations can really be. Basically most religions are flexible as a byproduct of the ideas survival.

Memetics is the study of evolutionary models of cultural information transfer.

Successful ideas are like successful species in the sense that the ones that survive are highly adaptable and easily transferred/reproduce.

The very reasons Christianity and Islam are so successfully is the very reason you see such a disparity in interpretation.

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 12:44 PM
The jews and christians say; we are loved one of allah.why then doth he chastise you for your sins.they indeed have disbelieved who say.messiah is son of god.
They surely disbelieve who say;lo! Allah is but the messiah son of mary.and the messiah himself said;o children of isreal , worship of allah my lord and your lord.lo! Whose ascrbeth partners unto allah, for him allah hath forbidden paradise, his abode is the fire.
The messiah,son of mary.was no other than a messenger.messiah not son of allah.
And when allah will say.o jesus son of marry!didst thou say unto mankind;take me and my mother for two gods beside allah?he saith;glory to be thee it did not befit me to utter that to which i had no right

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 02/16/12 12:50 PM
I have no problems with the beliefs of Muslims as stated in the OP. Its the punishments they hand out for not obeying that I can't tolerate.

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 12:53 PM
Edited by khan327 on Thu 02/16/12 01:04 PM
And when when jesus son of mary said.o son of isreal!lo i am the messenger of allah on to you.confirming that which was before me in torah? And bringing good tiding of a messenger who cometh after me.WHOSE NAME IS MOHEMMAD .QURAN
here jesus prove that mohammed is messenger of allah.if jesus prove it then you have any right to deny mohammed(PBUH)

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 02/16/12 01:14 PM
Edited by Sin_and_Sorrow on Thu 02/16/12 01:17 PM

Religion itself is evil.

9/11, according to your religion, states basically that those who died deserved it because they are nothing but the fuel to God's fire of justice.


God guides whom he chooses.

Your mind frame tells you, instantly, because I grew up in a place distant from your 'God', that I am instantly a non-believer, and as such, an infidel. Yet, such was not my choice, nor my calling.

I didn't 'choose' to be born where or by whom I was born.

Yet, because of this inescapable fact, I deserve to burn in Hell?


You promote self-sacrifice and believe it is for the better good.

Yet your own religion speaks of how God already ha his plans for the infidels and non-believers. As such, your radical behaviors are taken God's plans into your own hands which, in itself, is defying him, is it not?

What even makes us, those who do not follow the Quran, that evil?

Cause women are free to do what they will?

And you speak of AIDS, which started in Africa, not America.

Therefore, by those standards, you should be directing planes into the forest, not two tall buildings.

Believe in what and who you will.
But forcing it down other's throats will only find you the same success Christianity has.

Which is a group that stands in direct opposition.

Christian God is portrayed as Mercy, Love, and yada yada.

Yours is portrayed as Violence, Wrath, Anger, and Hatred.

..even if I was just born..
..and 'had' to believe in something..

Examples of said claim:

"God will mock them and keep them long in sin, blundering blindly along" (2:15).

A fire "whose fuel is men and stones" awaits them (2:24).

They will be "rewarded with disgrace in this world and with grievous punishment on the Day of Resurrection" (2:85).

"God's curse be upon the infidels!" (2:89).

"They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits [them]" (2:90).

"They shall be held up to shame in this world and sternly punished in the hereafter" (2:114).

"Those to whom We [God] have given the Book, and who read it as it ought to be read, truly believe in it; those that deny it shall assuredly be lost" (2:122).

"[We] shall let them live awhile, and then shall drag them to the scourge of the Fire. Evil shall be their fate" (2:126).

Yes, yes.

The idea that you MUST believe in your Allah, or else because it is demanded of you.


Power to you.

I'll burn.. with a smile. If such is true.

I will not bend or become blinded by faith because it is demanded of me.

Yet show no proof. Shows no mercy.

So, quite frankly, no.

I'm not going to sit here and be all 'well that's your right'
..while friends, family members, etc suffer simply because 'we didn't know'.

Total and complete bs.

khan327's photo
Thu 02/16/12 01:15 PM
Lo! Thou art on sublime morals
johm...this is the say of allah for mohammed

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