Topic: Jon Lovitz gets 3 teen girls permanantly expelled
boredinaz06's photo
Thu 04/12/12 09:47 AM
This is awesome

Comedian Jon Lovitz used Twitter to expose three teenage girls behind an anti-Semitic prank on his friend's daughter.

"Some coward & idiot left this on a friend's doorstep, yesterday. This is an insult to all of us," he tweeted on April 5, attaching a photo of the vandalism, which showed swastikas drawn with maple syrup on the sidewalk of his friend's house, and a pile of feces on his doorstep.

Lovitz' friend's daughter was classmates with the girls who perpetrated the act. The girls admitted they were behind the vandalism, but since their work was not permanent, the police said they could not press charges.

Lovitz, 54, then tweeted a photo of the girls.

“Let them be famous as Jew haters. Pls RT,” he wrote to his 28,000 followers. ("RT" stands for "retweet.")

Unlike the police, the girls' school could take action, and expelled all three.

“UPDATE!!!! The three girls who vandalized my friends home with swastikas and dog crap, have been expelled from their school permanently,” Lovitz tweeted April 9.

While the girls were not charged, police are investigating one of their mothers, who allegedly drove the girls to and from the home they vandalized.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 04/12/12 10:37 AM

USmale47374's photo
Thu 04/12/12 11:21 AM
Good for him! I'm not Jewish, but I have no use for the haters of the world.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:18 PM
Expulsion and public humiliation seems like a bit of an overreaction
but there definitely should be negative consequences to such
behavior - especially for any adult involved!


Chazster's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:30 PM

Expulsion and public humiliation seems like a bit of an overreaction
but there definitely should be negative consequences to such
behavior - especially for any adult involved!


Well who knows how much it would have escalated. Lets not forget the teen girls that beat another girl to death a couple of years ago and put the video on youtube.

TJN's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:38 PM
So much for freedom of speech.
Why did the school have anything to do with it.

Chazster's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:40 PM

So much for freedom of speech.
Why did the school have anything to do with it.

Vandalism isn't a protected fredom.

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:47 PM
the internet is the easiest way for 'big brother ' to watch

while we fight to make sure we hold onto it,,,

police view it, employers, schools,,,to check out everything (true or not) posted about you,,,,

I guess its nice, in cases like this, that schools and other businesses and government departments are pro active in seeking out people, rather than waiting for complaints to be lodged,,,

TJN's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:50 PM

So much for freedom of speech.
Why did the school have anything to do with it.

Vandalism isn't a protected fredom.

Is it vandalism if the police couldn't press charges?

TJN's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:52 PM

the internet is the easiest way for 'big brother ' to watch

while we fight to make sure we hold onto it,,,

police view it, employers, schools,,,to check out everything (true or not) posted about you,,,,

I guess its nice, in cases like this, that schools and other businesses and government departments are pro active in seeking out people, rather than waiting for complaints to be lodged,,,

Yes they can view things. But what grounds does the school have to expell them?

Chazster's photo
Thu 04/12/12 03:01 PM
Edited by Chazster on Thu 04/12/12 03:02 PM
School can expelled them for harassing another student. Just like my school could expelled you for fighting a student offsite.

TJN's photo
Thu 04/12/12 03:06 PM

School can expelled them for harassing another student. Just like my school could expelled you for fighting a student offsite.

I did not know that. Thanks

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 04/12/12 03:30 PM

the internet is the easiest way for 'big brother ' to watch

while we fight to make sure we hold onto it,,,

police view it, employers, schools,,,to check out everything (true or not) posted about you,,,,

I guess its nice, in cases like this, that schools and other businesses and government departments are pro active in seeking out people, rather than waiting for complaints to be lodged,,,

This is why I generally post nonsense, not all of it but if you don't personally know me you don't know what I'm serious about with the exception of firing Obama and not voting for Romney.

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/12/12 03:34 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 04/12/12 03:35 PM
I dont mind people knowing my character. ITs all through my posts. But I keep private things off the internet. If its not something I want to share with my momma,, Im not putting it out there in cyber world. Even in nude photos I have done, they are tasteful enough that I could show my mom.

Chazster's photo
Thu 04/12/12 03:38 PM

School can expelled them for harassing another student. Just like my school could expelled you for fighting a student offsite.

I did not know that. Thanks

NP. They had to do something because kids would just walk off campus and fight lol. We had a zero tolerance program so if you fought you went to jail. This was even in JR High. So yea plenty went to jail fighting off campus.