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Topic: Obama Takes More Vacations Then Most!
Lpdon's photo
Sun 12/22/13 02:08 AM
( - President Barack Obama, who is departing Friday for a vacation in Hawaii that will reportedly last until Jan. 5, took more annual vacation days on average in his first term than the average private-sector worker gets after 20 years on the job.

Obama took an average of 21.5 vacations days per year in his first four years as president. By comparison, private-industry workers in the United States who have at least 20 years on the job get an average of 19 days of paid vacation per year.

The Government Accountability Institute, headed by Peter Schweizer (who is also a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University), published a study of President Obama’s calendar on April 28, 2013 that included an accounting of the vacation days the president took from his inauguration on January 20, 2009 through March 2013.

According to GAI’s accounting, Obama took 21 vacation days in 2009, 34 in 2010, 20 in 2011, 7 during his re-election-campaign year of 2012, and 4 in January 2013 before his second inauguration on Jan. 20, 2013 marked the end of his first four years in office.

The 86 cumulative vacation days that Obama took in his first four years in office worked out to an average of 21.5 days per year.

Even if you do not count the four days of vacation Obama took in early January 2013—before the end of his fourth year in office on January 20, 2013—the 82 days of cumulative vacation he took in his first four calendar years in office equals an average of 20.5 per year, which is still more than the 19 paid vacation days per year that the average private-industry worker gets after 20 years on the job.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers in private industry get an average of 10 days of paid vacation after they have been at the job one year; they get an average of 14 days paid vacation after they have been at the job five years; 17 days after they have been at the job 10 years and 19 days after they have been at the job 20 years.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/22/13 05:46 AM
our country sucks in the vacation time it affords its workers

by nature of the job and technology, I wouldn't be surprised if MOST presidents since Carter have taken more 'vacation' time than most

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 12/22/13 03:13 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Sun 12/22/13 03:16 PM

( - President Barack Obama, who is departing Friday for a vacation in Hawaii that will reportedly last until Jan. 5, took more annual vacation days on average in his first term than the average private-sector worker gets after 20 years on the job.

Obama took an average of 21.5 vacations days per year in his first four years as president. By comparison, private-industry workers in the United States who have at least 20 years on the job get an average of 19 days of paid vacation per year.

The Government Accountability Institute, headed by Peter Schweizer (who is also a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University), published a study of President Obama’s calendar on April 28, 2013 that included an accounting of the vacation days the president took from his inauguration on January 20, 2009 through March 2013.

According to GAI’s accounting, Obama took 21 vacation days in 2009, 34 in 2010, 20 in 2011, 7 during his re-election-campaign year of 2012, and 4 in January 2013 before his second inauguration on Jan. 20, 2013 marked the end of his first four years in office.

The 86 cumulative vacation days that Obama took in his first four years in office worked out to an average of 21.5 days per year.

Even if you do not count the four days of vacation Obama took in early January 2013—before the end of his fourth year in office on January 20, 2013—the 82 days of cumulative vacation he took in his first four calendar years in office equals an average of 20.5 per year, which is still more than the 19 paid vacation days per year that the average private-industry worker gets after 20 years on the job.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers in private industry get an average of 10 days of paid vacation after they have been at the job one year; they get an average of 14 days paid vacation after they have been at the job five years; 17 days after they have been at the job 10 years and 19 days after they have been at the job 20 years.

huh So what? The job of POTUS has perks.

If you want to make a proper comparison between the POTUS and the private sector, then you will have to compare the POTUS to the CEOs of the largest companies.

Keep in mind that the POTUS is constantly on-call whenever he takes a vacation. Indeed, the POTUS is on-call 24/7.

willing2's photo
Sun 12/22/13 03:51 PM
Great part is,he and his pit aren't fckin us in other ways while they are vacationing on our buck

no photo
Sun 12/22/13 04:04 PM
Just curious...How much OT did he put in?

TJN's photo
Sun 12/22/13 05:49 PM
Yet you don't have a problem with how much time congress gets off?

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 12/22/13 07:31 PM

Great part is,he and his pit aren't fckin us in other ways while they are vacationing on our buck

Other than Secret Service protection, which all U.S. Presidents have, presidential vacations are paid by the Presidents themselves.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 12/22/13 07:33 PM

Just curious...How much OT did he put in?

Technically, the POTUS is on the job 24/7 for the entire term of the presidency.

no photo
Sun 12/22/13 09:13 PM
but his job is stressful. he needs down time. he needs golfhappy

Lpdon's photo
Mon 12/23/13 04:13 AM

Great part is,he and his pit aren't fckin us in other ways while they are vacationing on our buck

Other than Secret Service protection, which all U.S. Presidents have, presidential vacations are paid by the Presidents themselves.

That is not true.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 12/23/13 04:17 AM

but his job is stressful. he needs down time. he needs golfhappy

Or play Spades, just like what he was doing during the Bin Laden raid when he should have been in the situation room.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 12/23/13 04:49 AM

Yet you don't have a problem with how much time congress gets off?

Yes I do, but it is no where near how much the Vacationer in Chief is taking and the taxpayers don't foot the bill for Congressmen and Senators vacations. We arn't using a Osprey to bring out dog to Martha's Vineyard or playing more rounds of golf in his first three years then any other President in history has at the end of their eighth year in office.

Hell, he jus got back from his most recent vacation in Martha's Vineyard where he the majority of the residents hate him because he is a rude, arrogant jerk and their town is tired of it.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 12/23/13 06:56 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 12/23/13 07:12 AM

Yet you don't have a problem with how much time congress gets off?

Yes I do, but it is no where near how much the Vacationer in Chief is taking and the taxpayers don't foot the bill for Congressmen and Senators vacations. We arn't using a Osprey to bring out dog to Martha's Vineyard or playing more rounds of golf in his first three years then any other President in history has at the end of their eighth year in office.

Hell, he jus got back from his most recent vacation in Martha's Vineyard where he the majority of the residents hate him because he is a rude, arrogant jerk and their town is tired of it.

Hell, the whole world is tired of him!

He uses their citizens for his war games

The world, except for the American citizen, is safer when he's golfing or playing least his hands are busy and don't have a poison pen in them

It's like he sits behind a drone control panel telling everyone not to bother him cuz he's trying to beat his own high score.....

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 12/23/13 07:04 AM
yep,and they are sooooo inexpensive!
Only 1.5billon the other year!laugh

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/23/13 08:30 AM
First, the president gets a budget for their travel expenses , it is what it is,, doesn't go up or down no matter how many vacations they take,,,

second, the president WAS NOT playing spades during the Osama raid

third, as dodo pointed out, in the age of technology, MANY jobs (ESPECIALLY THE PRESIDENT) are plugged in 24/7 whatever their physical location

making this topic kind of old and boring and pointless...

metalwing's photo
Mon 12/23/13 09:34 AM
From the net......

Begin Quote:

How much do you spend on your summer vacation? American households usually spend about $1,200 per person on summer vacations, according to a recent American Express survey.

Presidents spend more on their vacations than you or I. They have to. Air Force One and security does cost more than loading the Honda and heading to the beach.

Here's how much some recent presidents spent our tax dollars on vacation.

Ronald Reagan spent most of his free time at his California ranch. Taxpayers covered the cost of approximately $8 million for presidential travel during Reagan's first six years in office, according to the Los Angeles Times. That amounts to $1.3 million a year.

For George Bush the cost of flying Air Force One to his Texas ranch was approximately $56,800 per trip, for each of the 180 trips according to Media Matters. President Bush spent Christmas during his two terms at the White House so his staff and secret service could spend the holiday with their family, according to Conservative Byte.

Now Obama plans to blow away all previous presidents' leisure travel costs on our dime with a better than Disney World extravaganza trip to Africa.

However Obama had to cancel the safari because of the need to fill the surrounding jungle with snipers to guard the president from wild animals!

The trip will cost upwards of $100 million, the highest cost for any presidential vacation since Bill Clinton spent $50 million for a single vacation and it wasn't to Arkansas.

The Obama vacation will require a hospital ship stationed near their resort in case anyone needs medical attention, 14 limousines, aircraft and an additional 56 support vehicles. The cost for protecting a president is enormous.

Even so $100 million is a lot of money and I wondered just how far it would go were it spent on disadvantaged children who in their lifetimes might never have taken a single vacation. It's a wonderful thing to take a vacation. I hope the Obama's enjoy theirs.

The cost to send an impoverished child to camp for a week is around a $100.00.

My figures came from the NAACP's website.

End Quote:

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/23/13 09:38 AM
lol,, better than Disney trip to Africa?

lol, realy?

I wonder how many americans who can afford to take a trip to Disney would trade it in to have the responsibilities of the POTUS to promote and maintain international relations ON THE CONTINENT OF AFRICA,,,

laugh laugh laugh wow, proof that the internet really doesn't have any standards for who can write articles or what they can claim,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 12/23/13 09:46 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 12/23/13 09:50 AM

If Obozo or Congress were doing their jobs people wouldn't be so quick to complain about the cost, but since they have bankrupted our nation, and the people in it, yet still maintain their own extravagant lifestyles without any regard to those they "serve', people will exercize their right to complain...... it is their "dime" after all.

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/23/13 09:50 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 12/23/13 09:51 AM
I understand people complaining, I just don't get the inconsistent standard that makes a behavior so much worse when one president does it than when other presidents do it,,

gripe over presidential vacations in general? fine..even though the nature of the job means they don't really get ANY vacations, they just get to change the scenery in which they handle their responbilities,,

I think its dumb, because they have enormous responsibility and pressure for which I think I prefer they take more down time than I need from answering phones all day,,,lol

but, if people see it as a major deal, that's their deal,, just be consistent about the complaint ,, about the action itself,,

metalwing's photo
Mon 12/23/13 11:12 AM

lol,, better than Disney trip to Africa?

lol, realy?

I wonder how many americans who can afford to take a trip to Disney would trade it in to have the responsibilities of the POTUS to promote and maintain international relations ON THE CONTINENT OF AFRICA,,,

laugh laugh laugh wow, proof that the internet really doesn't have any standards for who can write articles or what they can claim,,,

Where did you dream up be bologna that "there has to be a budget"? Obama has far outspent anyone else and nobody approves his budget.

The guy's comparison of Obama's trip to a Disney trip is quite valid. He took the family and had a blast!

But you are absolutely right in one thing. The internet has no standards as to who can post anything, especially the truth.

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