Topic: Pray 4 H1N1 patients
PacificStar48's photo
Thu 02/06/14 12:41 PM
While my neighbors are rejoicing that one of the residents children has actually survived a very near death experience almost two weeks in ICU in a coma we have had 24 patients that did not. Hope everyone will say prayers for them and anyone else who is suffering this.

Please if you are ill stay home. If you are not ill get a shot and be extraordinarily careful. Washing hands often, do not touch unnecessary surfaces, reducing or stopping smoking, stay hydrated, and other good health practices.

Please we live in a very mobile world write your government leaders and tell them you want to see more done to control Flu and similar diseases.

willing2's photo
Thu 02/06/14 02:40 PM
VA pretty much required me to.
This year there were supposed to be the viruses covered.

no photo
Thu 02/06/14 02:54 PM
Almost lost my nephew a couple years ago to flu. I think sometimes its really done more damage than we know. Scary! Lots of prayers.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 02/06/14 02:55 PM
I would not personally require anyone to but I think we may have to come to that because the monster medical bill for most of these patients will be on the back of tax payers.

Freihti's photo
Fri 02/07/14 11:23 AM
I pray they do get well and i hope that that disease would not infect other innocent people.

pkh's photo
Sat 02/08/14 06:19 AM
Prayers being sent