Topic: " FRIENDS " The Older We Become, The More Abstract the thou
Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 07:34 PM
:smile: I don't think I've ever really had a Friend...

Oh, I've known plenty of people that told me they were my friends,but they all wanted something and after the got it...

They Left, never to be seen again...

So I sorta came to the Conclusion, that a " Friend " is someone that knows your name and uses it to take advantage of you as often as is in-humanly possible...laugh

Now I admit that I might be wrong about this, but this is just my distorted take on these thing's... noway

Betterthanever's photo
Sat 09/15/07 07:40 PM
Geea Hennnery, sorry you've had such bad luck but don't hold it against all of us....some of us out here can be real "friends"!

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 07:53 PM
:wink: I'm not holding anything against anyone,I'm just posting out of my NORMAL Topics...

I always hear the term Friends Used where LOVER would have been a much better description, or Friends so the discount would be greater...

At what price is FRIENDSHIP ???

I always thought it was FREE, but it has always CO$T Something...brokenheart

creationsfire's photo
Sat 09/15/07 07:54 PM
insert rolling eyes icon hereyawn

Marie55's photo
Sat 09/15/07 07:58 PM
I have lots of friends, and I guess you get back what you put into the relationship. You have to treat people well, and care about them, and hopefully they will treat you that way in return. I don't know what your issues were with the people that you didn't get along with. Friends go that extra mile to help their friends out when they need it, they support each other in hard times, and are just there for each other. They share good times.

I hope you find some friends you can have some good times with.

Cali66's photo
Sat 09/15/07 07:59 PM
oh wOw

YeaBigsexy's photo
Sat 09/15/07 08:14 PM
Ive got about 10 that would give there life for mine and vice versa.We all met at the same time.There was a hugh partty down at this place called greenhorn.Everybody goes there to 4x4 and shoot and(whatever).Anyways there was a big party there and we all showed up.Never met anyone of them and for 19 years now we do everything together,camping trips,sand mountain,what ever.
Weird huh?huh
Everybody brings there families and kids its very cool!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 09/15/07 08:22 PM
Have had a best friend now for about 21 years that is a guy and yeppiers only friends nothing else we talk about everything in life and have always been there for each other. So friendships can be a great thing that is a true friendship. Just because one says they are your friend sometimes when used by alot it only means they know you.

drinker Here's to True Friendsdrinker

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Hennnery's photo
Sat 09/15/07 10:08 PM
:wink: 3 Cat's have Adopted me, another Million or so Humans say they are my friends and I share a Joke or tell the a tall tail a few times a year...laugh
Would you call purchasing a Military 6 X 6
OutFItting it as a Live Aborad Shop, Welding Fabrication, Pnumatics, the works and going out into The Nevada Desert, where Choppers and Jeeps Fear to Dare...

To help convert an old 1880's GOLD MINE into a Custome
Subterranian Home, for FREE!!!


And when it was all sid and done, all I got was a bullet in the Back and left to die...

You know, that 6 X 6 fit right in the main shaft,and I would imagen it did not stop till it hit bottom 5000 feet down and I had to walk 40 miles out with a Bullet in my back...

As we age The Teerm Friend becomes rather abstract...

How do you charge a friend $175.00 per hr for work, you don't...

You just do it, FREE!!!

The term friend is TOO PERSONAL and soo abstract, that rather then attempting to live it with one member on this site, perhaps it is better to write about it on The FORUMS...