Topic: Is It Better To Burn Out...
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Sat 05/31/14 08:14 PM
...Or Just Fade Away?

So you're dating someone...or maybe just chatting online...& you realize that this person just isn't your cup of tea. Do you straight up say "Hey, this isn't working"...or do you try to do the "slow fade" to make it easier on them?

stan_147's photo
Sat 05/31/14 08:23 PM
I do not have a 'boiler plate' answer. Every one has been different. I'd lean towards being upfront and just saying it, but... there are the bunny boilers, where pulling a "Houdini" may be the better option.

Just too many variables for a neatly wrapped package. Sometimes it's just messy and you're gonna get some on ya.

soufiehere's photo
Sat 05/31/14 08:30 PM
MMm online I reply to email I receive.
If I stopped getting any, all would fade as I would not initiate.

On the other hand, if asked, I would speak the truth.

no photo
Sat 05/31/14 08:31 PM
*looks down at shoes* You're right, Stan. Damn...I'm never gonna get those spots out.

laugh Time to get new shoes.

0ldhag's photo
Sat 05/31/14 08:44 PM
If it's someone online, just stop talking to them. Easy as pie.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 05/31/14 08:49 PM
Always better to burn out rather than fade away.

Die quick in a powerful flash, rather than a slow crawl to the inevitable end.

no photo
Sat 05/31/14 08:52 PM
Good point.^^

kc0003's photo
Sat 05/31/14 10:55 PM
big splash in - ripple out...

no1phD's photo
Sat 05/31/14 11:03 PM
. it is hit and miss for me..
. sometimes I don't want to hurt the person!because I know they can't take it.. so I just drop little hints.
. hoping they get the message..
.. other times if they push the issue.
. I just tell her straight up.. I don't think this is a match... and yes. if I feel like I'm going to wake up some morning.. and find them parked out front of my house .. I do the duck and run...laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 06/01/14 06:28 AM
Humm when in a relationship or any other I tend to just say it........this is not working thanks but no thanks and move on.... At times I'm about as honest as one can get on this... if they are persistent and want specifics I tell them exactly why.... they ask I tell..... sure the last one did not like the answer but it is what it is....whoa

no photo
Sun 06/01/14 08:04 AM
Just tell them how it is.
Sometimes you've got to be cruel to be kind.

no photo
Sun 06/01/14 09:19 AM

Humm when in a relationship or any other I tend to just say it........this is not working thanks but no thanks and move on.... At times I'm about as honest as one can get on this... if they are persistent and want specifics I tell them exactly why.... they ask I tell..... sure the last one did not like the answer but it is what it is....whoa

Well, you ARE about as subtle as a sledgehammer...:laughing:

stan_147's photo
Sun 06/01/14 11:06 AM
Nice Nick Lowe reference, Franky. laugh

Blunt with tinges of diplomacy seems to be it.

no photo
Sun 06/01/14 11:13 AM
Burn outsmokin , have been called that a few times. laugh I'm a rather blunt person, so fading away usually isn't an option for me. ohwell

no photo
Sun 06/01/14 11:30 AM

Nice Nick Lowe reference, Franky. laugh

Blunt with tinges of diplomacy seems to be it.

Yes, I suppose it is diplomatic.
I've heard my father say it