Topic: Sinful Food
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Fri 02/27/15 05:29 AM
Edited by Pansytilly on Fri 02/27/15 05:41 AM

...huh?...i think you're over-reaching... and entering another aspect of sinfulness which has little to do with food...

perhaps you can make another topic out what you wanted to put across and open it to further discussion... it would be a very interesting topic

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 02/27/15 05:51 AM

...huh?...i think you're over-reaching... and entering another aspect of sinfulness which has little to do with food...

perhaps you can make another topic out what you wanted to put across and open it to further discussion... it would be a very interesting topic

if you are speaking of sinful foods in the Bible Lev 11 spells this out. Acts 11 explains acts 10 if that was what you are referring to in acts. Peter had a problem with non jews. Gentiles

no photo
Fri 02/27/15 05:57 AM

...huh?...i think you're over-reaching... and entering another aspect of sinfulness which has little to do with food...

perhaps you can make another topic out what you wanted to put across and open it to further discussion... it would be a very interesting topic

if you are speaking of sinful foods in the Bible Lev 11 spells this out. Acts 11 explains acts 10 if that was what you are referring to in acts. Peter had a problem with non jews. Gentiles

also acts 15 and 21

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 02/27/15 07:29 AM
acts 15 their was a group who thought u needed to be circumcised to be saved. they concluded that only 4 things should converts be told to keep away from not all was food. their reasoning was because Moses taught in every city on every Sabbath in the synagogues. They did not have churches most were just gathering but they made it quite clear the Rabbi's who taught the law they could learn from. This included the clean and unclean foods. a new believer is on Milk not meat.

Acts 21 Paul entered the Temple to pay the vows of the end of the Nazorite Vow of Numbers 6. And needed their vow to end. Paul was asked to do this by fellow believers so everyone would know that he did keep the Law and what people heard about him preaching against the law was rumors. The Jews thought he defiled the temple by bringing in Greeks/gentiles to the Temple. Reading the rest of acts you will see this ending of the vow Paul performed is what cause him to end up in Rome. Paul appealed to Ceaser as a Roman citizen. Everything Paul did was to uphold the Law in its Physical and spiritual sence

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Sat 02/28/15 08:03 PM

acts 15 their was a group who thought u needed to be circumcised to be saved. they concluded that only 4 things should converts be told to keep away from not all was food. their reasoning was because Moses taught in every city on every Sabbath in the synagogues. They did not have churches most were just gathering but they made it quite clear the Rabbi's who taught the law they could learn from. This included the clean and unclean foods. a new believer is on Milk not meat.

Acts 21 Paul entered the Temple to pay the vows of the end of the Nazorite Vow of Numbers 6. And needed their vow to end. Paul was asked to do this by fellow believers so everyone would know that he did keep the Law and what people heard about him preaching against the law was rumors. The Jews thought he defiled the temple by bringing in Greeks/gentiles to the Temple. Reading the rest of acts you will see this ending of the vow Paul performed is what cause him to end up in Rome. Paul appealed to Ceaser as a Roman citizen. Everything Paul did was to uphold the Law in its Physical and spiritual sence

appreciated smile2 thank you :thumbsup:

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Wed 03/04/15 08:26 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Wed 03/04/15 08:28 PM

acts 15 their was a group who thought u needed to be circumcised to be saved. they concluded that only 4 things should converts be told to keep away from not all was food. their reasoning was because Moses taught in every city on every Sabbath in the synagogues. They did not have churches most were just gathering but they made it quite clear the Rabbi's who taught the law they could learn from. This included the clean and unclean foods. a new believer is on Milk not meat.

Acts 21 Paul entered the Temple to pay the vows of the end of the Nazorite Vow of Numbers 6. And needed their vow to end. Paul was asked to do this by fellow believers so everyone would know that he did keep the Law and what people heard about him preaching against the law was rumors. The Jews thought he defiled the temple by bringing in Greeks/gentiles to the Temple. Reading the rest of acts you will see this ending of the vow Paul performed is what cause him to end up in Rome. Paul appealed to Ceaser as a Roman citizen. Everything Paul did was to uphold the Law in its Physical and spiritual sence

This information is perplexing...

Firstly, the additional Christian believers from Judea (Acts 15: 1+2) who are mentioned here, that assumed circumcision was still necessary, weren't specifically the ones who made the 4 requests at Acts 15: 27-29.

Secondly, there is nothing implying any sort of Moses styled ambulating was needed as everybody was solely ay the temple in Jerusalem.

Nothing specifically about 'clean and unclean' foods would have necessarily have been discussed during seven day festival. In contrast, what newly would likely have been discussed, with regards what Paul was already known to advocate, would have occurred and been well-known already. (Acts 21: 21)

Apart from a metaphor of a newly interested believer needing milk and not meat, is just that... A Metaphor! (Although I'm Not Certain Where This Fits In)

Thirdly, the vows to be taken weren't the vows of a Nasserite, nor was there any effort to scam his presents by sending the four other Brothers who'd cleansed themselves and shaved their heads, already.
Paul undertook the same prerequisites as those Brothers. Really, what 'Nasserite' would shave his head?

The gift that was needed, was an animal to be slaughtered and it's meat to be given to the poor.

(Interesting... The Hajj Festival In Mecca Is The Same Prerequisite)

Paul was not there (In Jerusalem) to up-hold the Levitical Law, or it's dietary prerequisites.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 03/05/15 02:20 AM

acts 15 their was a group who thought u needed to be circumcised to be saved. they concluded that only 4 things should converts be told to keep away from not all was food. their reasoning was because Moses taught in every city on every Sabbath in the synagogues. They did not have churches most were just gathering but they made it quite clear the Rabbi's who taught the law they could learn from. This included the clean and unclean foods. a new believer is on Milk not meat.

Acts 21 Paul entered the Temple to pay the vows of the end of the Nazorite Vow of Numbers 6. And needed their vow to end. Paul was asked to do this by fellow believers so everyone would know that he did keep the Law and what people heard about him preaching against the law was rumors. The Jews thought he defiled the temple by bringing in Greeks/gentiles to the Temple. Reading the rest of acts you will see this ending of the vow Paul performed is what cause him to end up in Rome. Paul appealed to Ceaser as a Roman citizen. Everything Paul did was to uphold the Law in its Physical and spiritual sence

This information is perplexing...

Firstly, the additional Christian believers from Judea (Acts 15: 1+2) who are mentioned here, that assumed circumcision was still necessary, weren't specifically the ones who made the 4 requests at Acts 15: 27-29.

Secondly, there is nothing implying any sort of Moses styled ambulating was needed as everybody was solely ay the temple in Jerusalem.

Nothing specifically about 'clean and unclean' foods would have necessarily have been discussed during seven day festival. In contrast, what newly would likely have been discussed, with regards what Paul was already known to advocate, would have occurred and been well-known already. (Acts 21: 21)

Apart from a metaphor of a newly interested believer needing milk and not meat, is just that... A Metaphor! (Although I'm Not Certain Where This Fits In)

Thirdly, the vows to be taken weren't the vows of a Nasserite, nor was there any effort to scam his presents by sending the four other Brothers who'd cleansed themselves and shaved their heads, already.
Paul undertook the same prerequisites as those Brothers. Really, what 'Nasserite' would shave his head?

The gift that was needed, was an animal to be slaughtered and it's meat to be given to the poor.

(Interesting... The Hajj Festival In Mecca Is The Same Prerequisite)

Paul was not there (In Jerusalem) to up-hold the Levitical Law, or it's dietary prerequisites.


jewish believers were saying u needed to be circumsized to be saved. The 4 requirements that I believe peter and James decided at the Jerusalem council were for new believers. Circumsision they decided was not needed. Baptism is. Else where paul speaks of the New believer is on Milk. This is to say they need to learn the basics. Don't give them more than they can handle as new believers. They will get burned out .so to speak. The Meat of the word comes as you grow as a child grows to more knowledge as they can handle and adapt to the world we live in.

They decided that they could learn about the Law of Moses in every city as it is preached in every city every Sabbath.

Now if they are told to learn what is taught on the Sabbath in the synagogues then I would believe this would also be the clean and unclean. we are even told to keep our spiritual temple clean. Not eating blood or strangled is in the Law of Yahweh or Moses if you prefer to call it that.

Acts 21 was not a festival it was the ending of a vow. Taking a Nazorite Vow as did john The Baptist or Sampson did, you do not cut your hair until the vow is ended then you are shaved as Numbers 6:18 prescribes.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 03/05/15 02:32 AM
you all are making a Mountain of a Molehill,namely,taking a few Health-suggestions couched in Religion,and making them Immutable Laws prescribed by God!

Please start doing some thinking of your own,instead indiscriminately repeating things you only half understand!

MadDog1974's photo
Thu 03/05/15 02:56 AM

you all are making a Mountain of a Molehill,namely,taking a few Health-suggestions couched in Religion,and making them Immutable Laws prescribed by God!

Please start doing some thinking of your own,instead indiscriminately repeating things you only half understand!

Are you suggesting that the clean and unclean foods are deemed so because of health reasons?

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:37 AM
i seem to remember a new testament passage where jesus claimed the the rules of man as stated in the old testament need no longer apply but the rules of god still stood.

in my mind the 10 commandments - yes

the jewish rules such as diet and form for prayer - no more

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 01:19 PM

you all are making a Mountain of a Molehill,namely,taking a few Health-suggestions couched in Religion,and making them Immutable Laws prescribed by God!

Please start doing some thinking of your own,instead indiscriminately repeating things you only half understand!

Are you suggesting that the clean and unclean foods are deemed so because of health reasons?

Emphatically, Yes!

When One eats things that have been deemed unclean since the beginning, they can expect to receive severe health problems.

Remember, when I say, 'from-the-beginning' I'm talking about thousands of years before Jewish Levitical Law.

Noah's instructions to take more of the clean animals was for their food needs, and Noah is the Patriarch of ALL peoples.

Noah, wasn't a Jew, nor was he circumcised.

That which is Halal (Fit For Human Consumption) is not to be confused with Kosher. (Complying With Jewish Law)

no photo
Fri 03/06/15 08:30 AM
Dear Milesoftheusa,

In Acts 20: verse 16 we plainly read that Paul was making haste to get to Jerusalem for the Festival Of Pentecost.

He disembarks a boat with cargo at the causeway of Tyre and is sternly warned by fellow disciples not to go to Jerusalem. He gets back onto a boat and proceeds to Ptolemais. He walks from there to Caesarea and entered into the house of Philip, where again, he receives still yet more prophetic warnings. Paul, is still not dissuaded from his journey to Jerusalem for the Festival Of Pentecost. (Acts 21: 3-14)

I am not fully acquainted with all the rituals that would be performed at Pentecost and whether-or-not the specific vows of a Nazarene's subsequently ending their Nazarene-ship were at Pentecost.

Paul is noticed by the Jewish community and is harassed till Roman civil authority come and arrest him. Paul is allowed to speak from a stair-case over the furious crowd and after his grand testimony he's carried up the stair-case to the safety of the soldiers quarters. Every other attempt to address the crowd is met with opposition till an assassination-pack is made to kill Paul. (Acts 23: 10-15)

Paul is kept safe with a massive escort back to Caesarea, where he is question by Governor Felix. In pursuit, the High Priest Ananias with some older men follow, and there, Paul is accused of being from a sect of Nazarenes at Acts 24: 5+6.

Dare I ask Milesofusa, are You a member of the Church Of The Nazarene?

no photo
Fri 03/06/15 08:46 AM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Fri 03/06/15 08:49 AM

simple Health-Precautions!
Virii,Parasites etc!
Couch it in a Religious Law,in a Religious Society,like back then,problem solved!
Cut out the Mysticism and start thinking!slaphead

Really Conrad, are You indignant that a dietary prerequisite of Old actually proceeds the science that confirms its authenticity?

Are You indignant that the 'Mysticism', as You call it, proceeds the science that validates it?

[The Following Question Isn't Necessarily For Conrad]

Really, the assumption among too many would-be Christians is that 'anything' can be stuck in front of them, and just so-long-as a blessing is said over the meal, it's ready to eat.

I've asked this question to many a Christian, 'If I stuck a plate of Shyt (Excrement) in front of You... Would You bless it and eat it?' spock

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 03/18/15 05:19 AM

Dear Milesoftheusa,

In Acts 20: verse 16 we plainly read that Paul was making haste to get to Jerusalem for the Festival Of Pentecost.

He disembarks a boat with cargo at the causeway of Tyre and is sternly warned by fellow disciples not to go to Jerusalem. He gets back onto a boat and proceeds to Ptolemais. He walks from there to Caesarea and entered into the house of Philip, where again, he receives still yet more prophetic warnings. Paul, is still not dissuaded from his journey to Jerusalem for the Festival Of Pentecost. (Acts 21: 3-14)

I am not fully acquainted with all the rituals that would be performed at Pentecost and whether-or-not the specific vows of a Nazarene's subsequently ending their Nazarene-ship were at Pentecost.

Paul is noticed by the Jewish community and is harassed till Roman civil authority come and arrest him. Paul is allowed to speak from a stair-case over the furious crowd and after his grand testimony he's carried up the stair-case to the safety of the soldiers quarters. Every other attempt to address the crowd is met with opposition till an assassination-pack is made to kill Paul. (Acts 23: 10-15)

Paul is kept safe with a massive escort back to Caesarea, where he is question by Governor Felix. In pursuit, the High Priest Ananias with some older men follow, and there, Paul is accused of being from a sect of Nazarenes at Acts 24: 5+6.

Dare I ask Milesofusa, are You a member of the Church Of The Nazarene?


I do not consider myself from a sect. I consider myself or call myself a Yahwist. Really just try to follow Yahshua's example.

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Wed 03/18/15 06:24 AM
Edited by Pansytilly on Wed 03/18/15 06:48 AM

i seem to remember a new testament passage where jesus claimed the the rules of man as stated in the old testament need no longer apply but the rules of god still stood.

in my mind the 10 commandments - yes

the jewish rules such as diet and form for prayer - no more

hey eric, i get what you're saying, i used to be at that mindset also... much more simplistic even...

there is some truth in that, but i think it boils down to a matter of interpretation, and how deeply you would involve yourself in matters of faith...

Jesus did claim that he came here not to change the will/laws of God but to complete it...all these he did fulfilling the "spirit" of the Law, rather than the mere "letter" of the law, and showed it not just by teaching, but also by example.

he mentioned that of all the commandments, everything can be summed up into two
1.) love God with all your heart, mind, soul
2.) love your neighbor as you do yourself

so you'll have to look at what you're saying in the same way too...

the pharisees/saduccees/sanhedrin or whatever governing body of the law at the time was called, was way more concerned with the worldly perception rather than a true relationship with God...which is not so different from what has been happening until today.

The law was being more used for self-righteousness, personal interest and fault finding, rather than the testament of true love for, faith in, and obedience to God. This was why they looked for everything wrong in what Christ was doing, such as breaking bread with sinners, curing the sick on the Sabbath, mitigating for a penitent adulteress who was about to be stoned to death...etc. All these he did in fulfillment of the 2nd commandment mentioned...

however, in compliance with the 1st commandment, i believe he did still continue to observe obedience towards the will/laws of God in terms of food, prayer, celebration of holy days and practices...etc... which are regulations set by God in reference to us honoring Him, and to help us remain within the fold of His people... Jesus also taught the importance of continuing obedience to such practices, and not just to observe just for the sake of, but rather to do so with our hearts... which is why he taught us the proper way to pray, why he praised the poor woman who gave 2 pennies instead of the rich man who gave much gold, why he still had himself baptized... etc...

it's not a matter of us getting to pick and choose which commandment applies to "me", or which rule makes sense to "me", or "I'm" sticking to what "I'm" used to...etc... that's where the original self-righteousness and self-interest enters...and this leads to fault finding by justifying ourselves and forgetting the real meaning and purpose of the commandments...

the discussion of food is merely a part of the bigger picture... :smile:

no photo
Wed 03/18/15 08:03 PM

i seem to remember a new testament passage where jesus claimed the the rules of man as stated in the old testament need no longer apply but the rules of god still stood.

in my mind the 10 commandments - yes

the jewish rules such as diet and form for prayer - no more

Yes Eric, the Levitical prerequisite was no-longer required of the new Christian order to come, but the original prerequisites of what humanity is supposed to eat weren't meant to be discarded either.

Here-in is the issue... There are dietary prerequisites that are older than Judaism.

The specific dietary prerequisites that Moses gave to the Israelites comes thousands of years later than when Noah walked the Earth.

If You've got a Bible just turn to the 7th chapter of Genesis and right at the beginning anybody can clearly read Noah was obliged to take-on more of that which was clean.

Obviously, Noah and his family needed to eat meat while they were adrift on the flooded Earth.


So here's the big question...

What are those original prerequisites of clean animals fit for human consumption long before Judaism? spock

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 03/19/15 07:12 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 03/19/15 07:15 AM

simple Health-Precautions!
Virii,Parasites etc!
Couch it in a Religious Law,in a Religious Society,like back then,problem solved!
Cut out the Mysticism and start thinking!slaphead

Really Conrad, are You indignant that a dietary prerequisite of Old actually proceeds the science that confirms its authenticity?

Are You indignant that the 'Mysticism', as You call it, proceeds the science that validates it?

[The Following Question Isn't Necessarily For Conrad]

Really, the assumption among too many would-be Christians is that 'anything' can be stuck in front of them, and just so-long-as a blessing is said over the meal, it's ready to eat.

I've asked this question to many a Christian, 'If I stuck a plate of Shyt (Excrement) in front of You... Would You bless it and eat it?' spock

No,I am not!
All I ask is putting it in the proper context,instead of leading People to believe that eating certain Foods is sinful!laugh
BTW,we're talking FOOD,NOT POOP!:laughing:

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 03/19/15 07:13 AM

you all are making a Mountain of a Molehill,namely,taking a few Health-suggestions couched in Religion,and making them Immutable Laws prescribed by God!

Please start doing some thinking of your own,instead indiscriminately repeating things you only half understand!

Are you suggesting that the clean and unclean foods are deemed so because of health reasons?


no photo
Thu 03/19/15 09:04 AM
spock Tell me Conrad...

Are You in the habit of eating Kosher, by any chance? shades

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 03/19/15 09:08 AM

spock Tell me Conrad...

Are You in the habit of eating Kosher, by any chance? shades

Nope,I like my Pork,Crustaceans and Mollusks!laugh