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Topic: How to handle a molester?
no photo
Fri 05/15/15 09:51 PM

Am I the only one who thinks the word "handle" in the topic headline is a little inappropriate?
If not...carry on...waving

ohwell certainly not with kid gloves (pun intended).

I think every adult woman knows how to avoid putting themselves in a situation or setting that makes them vulnerable to being "molested" (I am assuming you mean sexual assault versus being bothered).

However, if tips, tricks, and precautions were sufficient there would be no instances of sexual assault to talk about.

Predators hunt and exploit any moment of weakness.

I believe your thread is well meaning but the worst thing a person can do is allow themselves to be lulled into a false sense of security.

HANDLED - hr means literally. NOT slang.

It is so bad.. in India, right now, that the number of cases of women being raped in public is growing (2-3 yrs).
And when I say women, I mean 15 +.
Most women & children were not believed before.
But now that older women, middle age, have taken to the streets. protesting, screaming. carrying signs saying " NO MORE" (most were victims of rape & insist too, sometimes 3 male relatives).
MEN are NOT prosecuted & jailed.
Rape & incest was NEVER considered TRUE crime..
Now... angry male relatives & neighbors.. have formed vigilante gangs are are killing the perpetrators that the police set free.
There are now gang & mob killings in India. Where as many as 3 perps have been rounding up & either publicly executed or mob mauled, like a wolf pack to death.

The government , the police, are NOT HANDELING the sex abuse cases.... Laws are NOT changeing quick enough. Not really st all.

regularfeller's photo
Fri 05/15/15 11:26 PM

Am I the only one who thinks the word "handle" in the topic headline is a little inappropriate?
If not...carry on...waving

ohwell certainly not with kid gloves (pun intended).

I think every adult woman knows how to avoid putting themselves in a situation or setting that makes them vulnerable to being "molested" (I am assuming you mean sexual assault versus being bothered).

However, if tips, tricks, and precautions were sufficient there would be no instances of sexual assault to talk about.

Predators hunt and exploit any moment of weakness.

I believe your thread is well meaning but the worst thing a person can do is allow themselves to be lulled into a false sense of security.

HANDLED - hr means literally. NOT slang.

It is so bad.. in India, right now, that the number of cases of women being raped in public is growing (2-3 yrs).
And when I say women, I mean 15 +.
Most women & children were not believed before.
But now that older women, middle age, have taken to the streets. protesting, screaming. carrying signs saying " NO MORE" (most were victims of rape & insist too, sometimes 3 male relatives).
MEN are NOT prosecuted & jailed.
Rape & incest was NEVER considered TRUE crime..
Now... angry male relatives & neighbors.. have formed vigilante gangs are are killing the perpetrators that the police set free.
There are now gang & mob killings in India. Where as many as 3 perps have been rounding up & either publicly executed or mob mauled, like a wolf pack to death.

The government , the police, are NOT HANDELING the sex abuse cases.... Laws are NOT changeing quick enough. Not really st all.

I understand the issue, and again, there exists NO TIP/TRICK/PRECAUTION that would prevent any of these assaults from occurring in the society you described, one of cultural indifference.

The people have every right, a duty even, to mete out justice. The police aren't employed for the average citizen's protection so of course they are unconcerned.

The only deterrent that would work in this environment is NOT killing the perpetrators but rather cutting off their genitals. Leave them to live out their days without the offending body parts. Most would probably wind up taking their own lives then.

Besides, a malicious wounding rap is lighter than a murder rap, can you dig what I'm layin' down?

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 05/22/15 11:45 PM
You want to teach someone how to protect themselves from molesters you need to learn some basics about the issue.

It is true most are people the victim knows; family, neighbors, trusted professionals, and all to often dates. So always having a healthy respect for personal safety is a good idea. Don't assume someone is "safe" just because you know them vaguely. Molesters often prey on multiple people in the same group because people keep secrets. Tell those you love to never be ashamed to say something doesn't feel right or believe them if they tell you it did.

Don't necessarily count on other members of your group to look out for your best interest. Sometimes all they care is the molester has moved on to their next victim and is leaving them alone.

There is power in numbers. Buddy up and stop being so all fired independent. Take a friend on initial meetings or have them over when you have someone in your "home" space. Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Pay attention how pets behave around others. Molesters don't just safe their abuse for human victims. If your pet has various injuries or distinctly dislikes someone their is usually a reason. Respect their instincts.

Respect your own instincts. If someone make you feel creepy even if it doesn't make sense pay attention. If someone is grooming you for being a victim they will be too nice. Or they will have someone else try to get your guard down. Molesters not only have enablers they often have helpers.

Know your neighbors so you have somewhere safe to turn in and emergency. Better you get out of the house and find out you were over reacting than wait until you are trapped to go over to a neighbor and be safe. Don't kid yourself if they assault you that they are done and you don't need to leave immediately. Often they stay in the home or the area and come back and attack you further. Maybe even kill you. Be able to get out of your own home in every room. Do not have windows or doorways blocked. Keep a set of keys hidden if you need to be able to drive to help or hide in an alternate place.

Don't put yourself in a life situation you can't get out of. Make sure you have basic survival skills to live on your own. Have more than one set of employment skills and spend every penny you have. It is a lot easier to leave if you have a driver's license, high school diploma, birth certificate and enough to sustain you for three to five days for you and your kids stashed somewhere only you know where is. At least leave something at a trusted family member or friends house. Even a few things in storage you think you don't need anymore can help you start over.

Don't buy into macho crap talk about kicking someone in the jewels or using a knife or gun. More often than not they are going to be drunk, high, or just not care if you have them or even make the first strike. They are going to take the weapon and beat you with it; or worse. Escape and evade. Self defense can help but it is more about avoiding letting them in your personal space.

Know where/who your local police and emergency services are so you have access and credibility. If you think the molester is part of the good old boys network go further up the food chain and let them clean house from the top down.

Don't be so eager for love and attention that you ignore the Red Flags. Check people out. If you catch them telling the truth , great. If you catch them in a lie even the little piddly ones then cut your losses and don't wait until it is too late and you are really sorry.

Never EVER think that molesters have not plea bargained for a lesser charge or the courts just wouldn't take the easier way out. If someone has a record that says they have been where they shouldn't assume they were doing a lot more than they got caught/convicted of.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 05/22/15 11:45 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Fri 05/22/15 11:59 PM
Sorry double post.

Most of the stuff I suggest can be taught or assisted by a loving friend or parent. No you can not safety proof the world for loved ones but telling them regularly that they always have a place to turn is critical. Reminding them that things happen to the nicest people and you will not be disappointed or ashamed if their choices turn out to be bad or their partners change to something you have a hard time believing they are.

Everything I have said applies to BOTH genders. Do not assume it is not happening because it is a female. Or a senior. Molestation is not about sex but power and pleasure in dominating others.

And believe if someone is abusing and adult they are more than likely abusing the children or even dependent parents.

Never think that someone who is the family never do well is the person to draft into child or elder care. You are just asking for trouble. Even if it is that they bring in abusers. .

no photo
Sat 05/23/15 02:59 AM
Edited by Friendly_Woman on Sat 05/23/15 03:00 AM
OP, if you live by yourself, the risk is bigger. As there's no-one to witness what went on. If anyone even has the SLIGHTEST hint that someone they know, might be a potential molestor, only be around them in public places. Don't continue inviting them into your home. Just make up an excuse if you have to, e.g, "I don't like people visiting my house/apartment anymore", "I prefer going places than staying in". You shouldn't even have to make excuses. If said person has a problem with it, tell them that there's not much you can do about it. Either they will accept your wishes, or they'll just have to walk away. It's that person's problem for themselves to deal with. I can't think of anything worse, than just agreeing to everything a molester wants to do with you, just because it pleases them. Creeps are very clever. I mean much more cleverer than average. Not always, but some may try to reel you in with a tragic story of what happened to them. Look out for that. Be very cautious of who you invite into your home.

Valeris's photo
Wed 05/27/15 12:02 PM

Lorena Bobbitt had a rather unique solution for this problem.

"Lorena Bobbitt
An abused woman who finally snapped. She was verbally, emotionally, and physically abused by her psycho ex-Marine husband; one night after he raped her, she got a carving knife and cut off half of his penis. She was found not guilty due to insanity; her husband spent the rest of his worthless life working mediocre jobs including: wannabe porn star, limo driver, and tow truck operator...oh, yeah and beating his other girlfriends/fiancees.

1) Lorena Bobbitt brought the problem of marital rape to national attention.

2) If you guys abuse your girls, they may pull a "Lorena Bobbitt" on you."

*The Urban Dictionary

no photo
Tue 06/16/15 03:29 PM
I totally know how you feel.. only it was my own father who did it to me. I've avoided being in the same room with him, nor have I looked him (or any other guy) in the eyes for that matter. I failed school because of that incident last year and now im trying to get back on my feet by going to University next month. I have forgiven him but I will never forget. Fortunately, father travels overseas most of the time which is a relief because I'm worried about my little sisters.. Heads up and stay strong is what I keep telling myself in the mornings... cheesy, I know, but it works :)

no photo
Tue 06/16/15 03:54 PM

I totally know how you feel.. only it was my own father who did it to me. I've avoided being in the same room with him, nor have I looked him (or any other guy) in the eyes for that matter. I failed school because of that incident last year and now im trying to get back on my feet by going to University next month. I have forgiven him but I will never forget. Fortunately, father travels overseas most of the time which is a relief because I'm worried about my little sisters.. Heads up and stay strong is what I keep telling myself in the mornings... cheesy, I know, but it works :)

noway You need to safeguard your sisters by reporting your father to the proper authorities...Hard as that will be, it must be done....

no photo
Fri 06/19/15 06:02 AM

I totally know how you feel.. only it was my own father who did it to me. I've avoided being in the same room with him, nor have I looked him (or any other guy) in the eyes for that matter. I failed school because of that incident last year and now im trying to get back on my feet by going to University next month. I have forgiven him but I will never forget. Fortunately, father travels overseas most of the time which is a relief because I'm worried about my little sisters.. Heads up and stay strong is what I keep telling myself in the mornings... cheesy, I know, but it works :)

noway You need to safeguard your sisters by reporting your father to the proper authorities...Hard as that will be, it must be done....

Agreed. Things should be known to others.. at least to someone in whom you can confide.

no photo
Sun 07/19/15 10:33 AM
Some molesters tend to have a certain charm. Not all, but just keep your eye out. And if someone tries to force themselves onto you, don't just go along with it. Defend yourself, and then phone the police. It can leave serious damage.

mysticalview21's photo
Mon 07/27/15 08:05 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Mon 07/27/15 08:07 AM
op I kneed him in the nuts... he rolled I got up and ran to my car ...
much luck for me... not for him ... I counted my blessing ...came real close to rape ... I used this once... told the guy I had a disease and it was not cleared up yet ... he believed me thank goodness ...

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