Topic: Do you believe in destiny?
no photo
Sun 03/06/16 10:37 AM

Jimmy_roy's photo
Sun 03/06/16 10:54 AM

everything is about choices you make... our destiny isn't written in stone, but on many stones, each one depending on what choice you make at any given time..

I agree with what Moe said for the most part. It really seems that generally, for every action there is a reaction.

But I also see life from an alternative angle.

There are innocent people that die from diseases whose causes can not be medically explained, from freak accidents that have nothing to do with human error, and from natural disasters which could not have been predicted.

By the same token there are people who have survived all of the above-mentioned scenarios AGAINST all the odds narrated to us by all the medical and scientific professionals.

This indicates to me that there are some aspects of life that are totally outside of our realm of control . I don't want to get caught up in the semantics of calling that destiny, but there are some phenomena in life that are outside the realm of choices in my opinion

I agree with you..I feel destiny is not always good sometimes it is bad too.

Jimmy_roy's photo
Sun 03/06/16 10:59 AM

I wish someone thought I was a perfect stranger.

Anyway, destiny. As a magic force, nope, I'm not in.

I also disagree sharply with the people who aggressively declare that we all make our own destiny. That thought gets used too often, to excuse refusing to care for the old, the frail, the handicapped, and so on.

One of my favorite old movie quotes: Bogart as Philip Marlowe in The Big Sleep:

"Carmen Sternwood: You're not very tall are you?

Philip Marlowe: Well, I, uh, I tried to be."

We're all born with limitations and opportunities, spelled out in a complicated intersection of our DNA, our time, and our place. We can try to be the best us that we can be, and we might get lucky and fool enough people or simply luck into circumstances where we get far more than we "should" have, given our inborn skills and talents. Or, we might try just as hard as everyone else, but suffer timing errors, or something I think of as "life lesson sequencing errors," and therefore not do near as well as we might have otherwise done.

So I'm opposed to attributing too MUCH to destiny, but I'm also opposed to discounting it entirely.

I agree, inspite of losing so many times I keep trying to win in life with positive attitude and don't keep everything on luck. My destiny is mystery for me so I am waiting to see that opportunity to know my goal

Jimmy_roy's photo
Sun 03/06/16 11:05 AM

i remember someone saying "the destinies are already written, but how you get to the destination may alter depending on your preferences. you may get it from the easier or harder way"

That is why I like you so much. Those lines have so much inside and knowledge, it just blows your mind.

Jimmy_roy's photo
Sun 03/06/16 11:06 AM

Russian roulette is the best method to tell about the reality of destiny , you just need guts more than brains to try it .

I think you are mixing luck and destiny. When there is a fine line between guts and being crazy, then it is pure luck you are trying.

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 03/07/16 06:27 PM
So if your destiny is disrupted by a time traveler...would your destiny be altered or would it be destined...geez..I am bored...whatflowerforyou

NOBootyHunter's photo
Mon 03/07/16 06:39 PM
Edited by NOBootyHunter on Mon 03/07/16 06:40 PM
Since Beyonce left the group.. Destiny's Child has yet to produce another Album.. so in this case NO! Destiny NO More

PS.. Fat Fingers

no photo
Mon 03/07/16 06:42 PM

i remember someone saying "the destinies are already written, but how you get to the destination may alter depending on your preferences. you may get it from the easier or harder way"

That is why I like you so much. Those lines have so much inside and knowledge, it just blows your mind.


Jimmy_roy's photo
Mon 03/07/16 07:30 PM

So if your destiny is disrupted by a time traveler...would your destiny be altered or would it be destined...geez..I am bored...whatflowerforyou

Well I feel that time traveler can only alter a event in someones life but not their destiny...or it could be written that a time traveler will come and change the path

NOBootyHunter's photo
Mon 03/07/16 07:38 PM

So if your destiny is disrupted by a time traveler...would your destiny be altered or would it be destined...geez..I am bored...whatflowerforyou

Well I feel that time traveler can only alter a event in someones life but not their destiny...or it could be written that a time traveler will come and change the path

I take it you have never seen the movie "The Fly?"

Jimmy_roy's photo
Mon 03/07/16 07:44 PM

So if your destiny is disrupted by a time traveler...would your destiny be altered or would it be destined...geez..I am bored...whatflowerforyou

Well I feel that time traveler can only alter a event in someones life but not their destiny...or it could be written that a time traveler will come and change the path

I take it you have never seen the movie "The Fly?"

Well i have seen "Time machine" or "Terminator"

Frankk1950's photo
Mon 03/07/16 09:56 PM
It appears to me this topic is just a disguised version of "God is the answer".Who or what is going to predetermine your destiny ? We all have the same destiny.We are all destined to die.Whether that is our ultimate destiny or not is a different matter.What you do between the cradle and the grave is determined by circumstances some of which you can control some of which are beyond your control.We all have potential,whether we achieve that potential or not again depends on circumstances.We have all seen people with great potential waste the abilities they possess.Your destiny is not predetermined not even for the next five minutes.Not everybody has the potential to become an Einstein,a captain of industry,or the person who will change the way the world thinks but we don't know who has or lacks that potential.Many of the world beaters were failures in the eyes of their peers and teachers.Circumstances,application,perseverance made them winners.

Jimmy_roy's photo
Tue 03/08/16 08:14 AM

It appears to me this topic is just a disguised version of "God is the answer".Who or what is going to predetermine your destiny ? We all have the same destiny.We are all destined to die.Whether that is our ultimate destiny or not is a different matter.What you do between the cradle and the grave is determined by circumstances some of which you can control some of which are beyond your control.We all have potential,whether we achieve that potential or not again depends on circumstances.We have all seen people with great potential waste the abilities they possess.Your destiny is not predetermined not even for the next five minutes.Not everybody has the potential to become an Einstein,a captain of industry,or the person who will change the way the world thinks but we don't know who has or lacks that potential.Many of the world beaters were failures in the eyes of their peers and teachers.Circumstances,application,perseverance made them winners.

Death is not a destiny, it is the destination. Destiny is something you were born for, it may be negative or positive an achievement which makes or gives your life a meaning.

no1phD's photo
Tue 03/08/16 10:42 AM
You overslept ..your 10 min late for work because you watched a rerun of The Walking you jump in your car and speed towards work.. your boss calls you.. says he won't be in has food poisoning.. you slow your speed.. go through a green light..
And get hit by somebody running the red light.. sooo.. fate,? destiny ?coincidence ?or just sometimes s*** happens?

Annierooroo's photo
Tue 03/08/16 10:56 AM

You overslept ..your 10 min late for work because you watched a rerun of The Walking you jump in your car and speed towards work.. your boss calls you.. says he won't be in has food poisoning.. you slow your speed.. go through a green light..
And get hit by somebody running the red light.. sooo.. fate,? destiny ?coincidence ?or just sometimes s*** happens?

So that explains why you are late on Mondays.

Sometimes destiny and yes sometimes sxxx happens

no1phD's photo
Tue 03/08/16 11:04 AM
Edited by no1phD on Tue 03/08/16 11:05 AM

You overslept ..your 10 min late for work because you watched a rerun of The Walking you jump in your car and speed towards work.. your boss calls you.. says he won't be in has food poisoning.. you slow your speed.. go through a green light..
And get hit by somebody running the red light.. sooo.. fate,? destiny ?coincidence ?or just sometimes s*** happens?

So that explains why you are late on Mondays.

Sometimes destiny and yes sometimes sxxx happens

.. here is the scary part about destiny.. the driver that hit you dies..
His wife gets the sad news..
She then throws out the roast she was cooking him. it Was riddled with arsenic.. yes she was planning on killing her husband that evening..
So you might say all of our destinies have saved her from becoming a murderer.. now she takes the insurance money.. and moves to the Bahamas with her

mightymoe's photo
Tue 03/08/16 11:09 AM

You overslept ..your 10 min late for work because you watched a rerun of The Walking you jump in your car and speed towards work.. your boss calls you.. says he won't be in has food poisoning.. you slow your speed.. go through a green light..
And get hit by somebody running the red light.. sooo.. fate,? destiny ?coincidence ?or just sometimes s*** happens?

thats the choices thing i was talking about... "destiny" is decided by everyones choices... you choose the watch a rerun, and whatever choice the other person made that made him run a red light, like looking at a text or something...

no1phD's photo
Tue 03/08/16 11:41 AM
Well it's all relative I guess lol and object in motion stays in motion..
A person never leaves their house..
Their destiny is stagnant.. but then one day they receive a phone call ..they leave their house.. their choice..
They get distracted while driving..
Run a red ..

Annierooroo's photo
Tue 03/08/16 11:45 AM
I agree it has a lot to do with choices you make.

You make those choices how you life is going to be.

Kaustuv1's photo
Tue 03/08/16 11:59 AM

My dad always said that every person's destiny is already written and events happen around to reach that goal. But I feel it is more of our choices which lead us to our destiny. What do you think?

Bingo! I too believe in:

(a) Destiny
(b) Everything in life is pre-written
(c) Everything in life, happens for a 'reason'

Albeit I 'believe' in the above issues, I admit my 'consummate' acceptance of the fact that 'one should give in one's best efforts in any endeavor.'

If 'we' left everything to 'destiny', without making an 'honest' effort on our own part, perhaps, it wouldn't have been so 'beautiful' a world.

On 'second' thoughts, it occurs to me, that 'giving in one's best' OR 'abstinence from making an effort', is perhaps, one's 'destiny'.

I dunno.. Jimmy, you 'stumped' me.:smile: :tongue: